Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New version of Linux distribution Kali Linux 1.1.0, based on Debian. It represents a sophisticated

and how is it then address? I got it now sent out proxy Straighten .. but it escapes me logging and mainly blocking;-) daky idea?
This can be addressed in two ways: 1) Probably the most common is to use no proxy, but a passive daemon, which controls the opened connection and protocol for each port, wherein upon recognition protocol that is logged and cancel a connection. In the actual transmitted data but it does not interfere. 2) used the proxy rights in the role of man-in-the-middle. The company has been resolved ruhs so that simply to establish communication proxy duties and user-proxy, wherein the proxy certificate also verifies the goals, but the connection user-uz proxy and re-encrypt "underplay" new certificate signed by which all computers in society believe.
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