Saturday, February 14, 2015

Avner darling I always really always turn to my colleagues cherished the camp right up at any stage

I lied report of "if you will" against the Academy - Udi Lebel shirking its responsibility saturated | if you like - the whole truth
"Even if the use of our name that allegedly saturated supervised the scientific report does not give us a comfortable feeling (I have never seen the report and beyond the phone call carried with me at the time, in 2008, although not created contact me by the editor), then we have chosen not to out against mixing we publish and which. saturated as the most important in our view about working with report does not "scientific" it said but empathy plight of writers might too quick to give him the image of science. "Udi Lebel writes false report of" if you like "Israeli academia. From an argument of Udi Lebel with Avner De-Shalit found on the social scientists.
Bell, Ph.D. in Political saturated Science at Sapir College and the Ariel University Center, amazed advertising [of if you will]. Academic guidance, told Haaretz, "is one short phone call, held two years ago. In a conversation he was asked to give "tips" for the preparation of such a study. Besides lest unhelpful to the report, had never seen him, although the request of his friends, who wanted to thank him at the end. In a letter sent Dr. Lebel mailing list of researchers in political saturated science, he criticized the methodology of the report: "Of course, that we felt then, and we do not feel now, that this scientific work. "He said the study is problematic because even he himself, whose views are very far from post-Zionism, teaches critical texts." The question saturated is not text, but what do we do with them, "he said. (From The legend of "if you will," and Dr. Bell ", saturated Nir Hasson and light arc, country, 8-6-2010]
From: Udi Lebel <> Date: 2010/5/29 Subject: Re: [Social Science- IL]: [Politics] Fw: Re: and other leftist report - New Edition To: Avner De-Shalit <> Cc:,
Avner darling I always really always turn to my colleagues cherished the camp right up at any stage, column publicity-type and conferences, and easily be able to find it on the Internet and suggests that the answer to the sense of one-dimensional academic, as well as legal or cultural, is Helena the status quo but to appeal to the young not only pre-army toward military service or settlement but academic studies. This is relevant stage of the investigation loneliness "Victimology" saturated of these groups and Helena or attempt to "make to order" at the Academy as it is today. But, let's not deny where these groups are an expression of authentic feelings of distress and who like me getting almost every year kinds of inquiries variety of speakers expressing saturated concern, perhaps subjective, perhaps objective, expressed solidarity with regard saturated to this or that, with the State of Israel and its survival instinct. Regarding the use of my name and my colleagues as someone who allegedly took part in the writing of the report - assure you that this action. Udi on 29 May 2010, 14:22, by Avner De-Shalit <>: Audi expensive
I do not understand your response to it, honestly. The report (allegedly) that was born in sin, and its purpose is to mark us, scholars saturated in the social sciences, and to exclude us (not a group, all of us) from the Academy. After purification the Academy, will put people if you like their people, those who want to justify ideologies (Zionism ) by the research. Those who do not see this danger is blind or disingenuous.
I do not understand what you gave those people consultation, if the research question is to what courses and studies are Zionists and anti-Zionists or post. Surely you understand Sltshaym and something percent of the courses has no relevance to the question of Zionism. So why did you give here advice? Why did not you tell these people that you are not willing to put you at will be transposed their nonsense? I guess you did at the end, but you must renounce the publicity, and not justified.
What's more: you compare saturated here the political exclusion, for example, your research on memorial ceremonies exclusion, and exclusion alleged Zionist ideologies, our research. You see a comparison unhappy are you doing? How do you wrap together in one package of political exclusion (there is, most likely, and there is room to question her) the question of what teaching at a university or what researchers at the university? Or am I naive still believe in academic freedom, or you shield using arguments arguments mistake made in good faith, I'm sure. You have to go out today from every platform and remove the seal and gives legitimacy that your name allegedly provided in the famous "this. You need to sue the journalist and the authors they use your name, and not try to explain why what is happening here is logical.
> Good morning,> I am following my remarks I cut an impressive stage runs her site you agree to accept it, but it seems that the sites do not see public debate taking place here in the public saturated interest, so in the meantime do not want to publish columns that touch him. > So I will note several points:> a. Three years ago (syllabi report is from 2008) I and Dr. Baratz, probably due to our market space including the study of cultural hegemonic cultural and academic saturated arena, we were asked, by telephone, to give you some "tips" the report deals with different ideological characteristics of the study Social Sciences in Israel. Of course not felt then, and we do not feel now, that this is a scientific work, just like every report makes raising the issue on the public agenda, does not claim to be scientific but a kind of markup subject, one that in which to learn about the feelings of the group felt that The "voice" of squeezed and receives an expression. We did so welcome. As partners in the sense that sufficient academic arena in Israel (such as the legal, cultural, and others) homogeneous saturated in terms of how disciplinary her dominance. > B. Even if the use of our name that allegedly supervised the scientific saturated report does not give us a comfortable feeling (I yoke

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