Saturday, February 28, 2015

in my life I

people who mean more particular IP address, DNS server, Proxy, VPN, cookies Súúrne need help with something, thank you? I would especially poręba know this. I need to change the IP address respectively something like that example, I could work from Slovakia to nap. English IP address I found respect that and I poobjavoval concepts such as the respect that all involved anaphase could you help me? I have internet from T-Com router anaphase Digor,
so the VPN tunnel to UK server, just not free Another possibility is TOR with a defined end-node machine on the basis of territory, but speed Can not wait depends what you need. whether only access to low-bandwidth sites but nekake interkativne multimedialne sites INAC the Vigor router will probably
noo little laickejšie would like to explain or detail than I could do. It may not be English, but also other states. and more than I should, for example, in Slovakia Slovakia might have an IP address anaphase but at the outlet would not my IP address but some other btw. internet from T-com sites on forex and stavkoveé company
the Tor bundle now exists with browsers. daju there specifically configured so. "Exit nodes" from specific countries. nepamatam already like, pls google bundle is here: and DPC now citam of totaluser's already written, Neva, at least I added a link
in my life I'm betting forex or not practice, so I have no idea what are the requirements for bandwidth and delay if you want one particular country, you probably can find in the country of the provider VPN and it can if you want to order services flexibly change the country through which thou shalt speak to Internet, I'd vote for free The Onion Routing (TOR) minimum to test whether this is sufficient or must we go to commercial aa better solution I'm using TOR for listening to online radio, anaphase which aired only country where it is located and the SVK IP addresses receiving the blocks odskusane the combination TOR + Privoxy as on the Linux router (DD-WRT) and on the phone (android) I suppose anaphase there is something simple and the windows in the form of preconfigured installer
Reply # 7 on: 04.08.2012, 21:03:33
and even this. I have already managed to read about the discovery can be of the man who uses TOR if you check the output node. you know I still have some of the advice? on this page, I read about Daco takeho
that the traffic flowing out of the end node may also be recorded is a known fact in the case of cleartexte and man on the other end sees your whole data traffic be it known to mask your identity or not I have not been studied, since I care for my use, but probably It is possible (question how easy it is and whether it's worth temporally?) Anyway, at least clientless SSL VPN or HTTPS considered as a minimum, if you prefer to use to browse on the web

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