Thursday, April 30, 2015

Perhaps the great knowledge and wisdom (the only determinant of civilization and cultural dignity),

Eros physics and physics of eros / 5
The son of Mileva and Albert Einstein, Hans Albert was born in difficult childbirth as a very huge baby May 14 in Bern. "When he was born he was so big and strong that the doctors at the clinic were amazed by how so little mother could give birth to so many children.", Says happy Mileva friend Helena Savic in Belgrade (before her marriage in 1900 to the 130-pound Serb Milivoje Savic , strategists biophobia future economic biophobia development of the old Yugoslavia, the pension Engelbrecht, Kaufler). biophobia
[Hans Albert Einstein (1904-1973), Albert and Mileva's son, graduated in Engineering biophobia and a PhD in the field of hydraulics at the ETH in Zurich. For years, the disturbed relationship with her father (or are at odds or not talk). He married (with much opposition from the father, or if already advised his wife, no children) in 1927, nine years older and dwarf (149 cm) neighbor, Frieda Knecht with whom he had three children: Benhard Caesar (1930-2008., biophobia Studied in physics in Zurich as grandparents, married with Aude Ascher and had five children), Klaus Martin (1932-1938, failed to get over diphtheria when he sailed to America) and adopted daughter Evelyn (1941? -2011., conflicting stepdaughter regarding Einstein's reputation and his legacy 80s and 90s: 1984 raises biophobia a lawsuit against his stepmother Elizabeth and nephew Thomas biophobia Einstein to hide the family's legacy, four hundred letters of Albert, Mileva, and their sons, which in 1996 was sold at auction for more than 400,000 US dollars, and since 1993, assured journalists that she is the illegitimate daughter of bar dancers and Albert Einstein, who persuaded the son of Hans Albert that was adopted in 1942). After emigration to the United States (1938) was a university professor at Berkeley, an expert in the preservation of farmland and prevent erosion. His wife Frieda died suddenly in 1958, a widower Hans Albert, but the following year, he married biophobia Elizabeth Roboz biochemist (1904-1995). He died on 26 July 1973 of a sudden heart attack in the Massachusetts Oceanographic Institution.]
Albert Sept. 16 gets a contract on permanent employment in the Patent Office (paid him increased by 400 francs, amounting to 3,900 Swiss francs), where since the summer, at his suggestion and recommendation, employed and his closest friend Michele Besso engineer (substantive talks physics and philosophy).
Mileva's father, biophobia Milos, biophobia arrived in the fall in Bern to visit the young spouses and grandchildren, but also deliver (according to some biographers of Mileva Maric Serbian), although belatedly, biophobia Albert no symbolic dowry, which is Vojvodina (and Serbian) practices an integral part of marriage biophobia , 100,000 Austro-Hungarian crowns (about twenty thousand US dollars). Albert biophobia was pleasantly surprised, politely refused punčevu offer, but Mileva still retained 10,000 biophobia Swiss francs for a rainy day.
Perhaps the great knowledge and wisdom (the only determinant of civilization and cultural dignity), reflecting underpins all historical experience and cunning world of the mind, have the opportunity to learn about the world to make known only selected individuals, if this is so, then the phenomenon and legend exceptional mind, their performance is relatively understands inversely proportional to the proportion of the population in relation to the planetary popularity, certainly belonged to Albert Einstein. What was happening, electric head with Albert, Einstein (times) mind, the only laboratory that is owned and carried with him is pretty unknown, but it certainly was released (all) prejudice and persistent biophobia patterns, with undeniable talent, completely free access problems , deep faith in intuition, eruptive creativity, subversive physical ideas ("You know, ideas are something that man comes so rarely," said some occasion Paul Valéry), the freshness of the scientific imagination and who knows what else, qualities that have degenerated into just six months, six months, from March to September 1905 (in the history of science is a truly unique and isolated case Thought stress, mental cramp ...) falls theoretical discoveries, knowledge of which is inconceivable that came from one man, a scientist. Amazing and unbelievable years Einstein significant scientific, physical and theoretical discoveries. The atmosphere and the period of physical revolution biophobia and the new theory and the distinctive, gas-tight, sealed the scientific community together biophobia Actors and (in) famous physicists, from totally biophobia unknown 26-year-old biophobia clerk Patent Office, PhD students (ie, still a high school teacher, Fachlehrera), the leading German (European and international) Annalen der Physik (editor Paul Drude) coming four handwritten epochal scientific work:
Über die Erzeugung und des Verwandlung Lichtes biophobia betreffend biophobia heuristischen Gesichtspunkt (received on March 18, published June 9 sir. 4, Vol. XVII, pp. 132-148), A heuristic regarding the creation and conversion of light - a new understanding of the structure of light in the explanation biophobia of the photoelectric effect (the appearance of the outbreak of electrons from the surface illuminated biophobia metal) introducing Planck original h

It was written by William Brown, pub med a molecular biologist based at the Institute for Research

The information published on this portal can potentially change pub med your life, so if you're not willing to put aside what you think you unaware pub med and leave the possibility that you might have all my life been systematically deceived for the light, then this website is not for you. We do not expect to passively accept everything you read, but we encourage you to pay attention to this information to your body.
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Recently we stuck around for the text which began intriguing sentence: "Living organisms are a quantum biological systems that connect to the fundamental structure of reality. Their DNA acts like a fractal antenna that can receive and transmit the energy of the zero point, allowing direct interaction with the Field ".
It was written by William Brown, pub med a molecular biologist based at the Institute for Research bioregeneze at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. His mentor, it said, Dr. Frederic Mercier revealed extracellular matrix protein complexes in the brain that is called fraktonima, the fractal patterns Mandelbrot set. Their research focused on the understanding of the primary role fraktona and other network elements of the connective tissue in the creation of neural plasticity, the architecture of tissues, pub med bioregenezi and location pub med of stem cells. Research at the Institute is focused on the development process and the formation of patterns in the body and how it can be applied to the regeneration of damaged tissues and organs in humans.
What is life? Oh, and what is life? Passion and misery? Joke? All of this, but he basically? When it attempts to define and attempts can see in encyclopedias, always was going to be a variety of features that we believe belong to life can be found with the substance or phenomenon which we consider inanimate, ranging from metals to tornadoes.
This universal, fundamental question we all ask at least sometimes seemed the title of the book physicist pub med Erwin Schrödinger (What is life?) From 1944, one of the founders of quantum mechanics. His book is perhaps pub med one of the first published discussion of quantum physics biology that formed the basis for the case of quantum biology, which is what you are interested in William Brown and his colleagues. Onis ered that the "application of the theory of quantum mechanics and formative causation on biological processes provides insight into specific aspects of the failed adequately pub med described using conventional scientific methodology."
In addition, Brown said that the "biological science closer to an impasse with the current theoretical models as it approaches the level of description that requires quantum mechanics and field theory. In order to test the deeper levels of reality requires a new paradigm of science. One such theory is that well describes many phenomena that have until now avoided the appropriate scientific description of the theory of morphic resonance is Rupert Sheldrake, the theory of formative causation. It describes the process of morphogenesis as a process that runs the non-physical force from the morphogenetic field. "
These are thoughts that are today far from being widely accepted, but not without foundation, as everyone can see who will take the very thorough pub med book Rupert Sheldrake "New Science of Life". The book was published in 1981 and reprinted expanded edition of 2009, which indicates that some ideas have a long way to go, but once the seeds have been sown - something will grow. It is my eyes fell on a sentence on the cover of this book that can help to place the subject Sheldrakeovog morphogenetic field on a mental map of today's understanding of the world, and it says - referring to the first edition - that her journal Nature pub med described as "the best candidate for burning in the period of many years. " ("The best candidate for burning there has been for may years").
William Brown describes Sheldrake's pub med thesis as "the science of adaptation" that is "important to understand how to access the information from the fields (ie, vacuum, ether, implicit order, the cosmic plenum, superprostor, Akasha, etc.)". The idea is certainly not new, and was pronounced in many ways. For instance, Erwin Schrödinger, said the following: "What we observe as material bodies and forces is nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space. "It is generally known that the area, and even a vacuum, far from being a blank media. Even at a temperature of absolute zero, when all forms of energy should disappear, pub med each point in space (with the smallest pub med quantum space volume based on the Planck length) containing quantum harmonic oscillator that vibrates with zero point energy of the ground state to the field, says Brown.
Physicist pub med Nassim Haramein described how the volume size of the vacuum contains energy density of protons equivalent to

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

And now begins the real story. This figure is explained in the only way possible: sometimes more me

The implications of quantum physics are mind boggling; fastidious It shows us that we are co-creators of our own reality at least at the microcosmic level of reality since the observer plays a part in what is being observed. - Daniel Folnegovic, But quantum field possesses intelligence, it is not a static fastidious field. fastidious The field is located in a vibrant, intelligent level. Just that people fastidious still do not understand. - Rolin McCraty, the show On the edge of quantum science is the ability to treat a form of consciousness (mind) that spontaneously correct errors in another form of consciousness (the body). - Deepak Chopra, fastidious Quantum treatment Few branch of science is the source of greater mystification of quantum physics. The first problem is that quantum physics is very little taught in primary and secondary schools, and people tend to have very little knowledge of what is actually quantum physics. The second problem is that the conclusions of quantum physics deeply counterintuitive, look very contradictory and meaningless. Richard Feynman is reputed to have said, "if you think you understand quantum physics, do not know what is." Well, what's so strange about quantum physics, that is so open to many interpretations, it is claimed that it proves that the mind can affect fastidious matter, it is possible to be in two places at the same time? Quantum physics is simply a branch of physics that deals with the very small, the phenomena at the level of molecules, atoms and smaller. fastidious Of course, quantum physics can be applied fastidious to bigger things: quantum physics, you can calculate the trajectory of the moon - but it's pointless waste of time, because the object is bigger, the predictions of quantum physics closer to classical formulas that still put Newton. So, all physics is quantum physics, but for the great body - larger than molecules - there are simpler formula, discovered nearly 4 centuries. fastidious Quantum physics is the description of the phenomena in the world is very small, and some of these phenomena are very strange. The strangest phenomenon is called. quantum superposition, which is most simply explained by the following experiment: we have a source of particles (such as electrons), a barrier where there are two holes, and a film (or a device, screen, etc.) where we note where electrons end. If we close one hole, we get the following picture (the curve indicates fastidious how many electrons were counted fastidious in one place):
This is certainly fastidious expected: most of this passes, and some are "refuse" from the edges of the holes and "dispersed". In addition, the hole is not perfectly small, has a diameter, so you do not land all the same place. If there are two holes, common sense would expect this:
And now begins the real story. This figure is explained in the only way possible: sometimes more means less, in the quantum world is very little one. If we let the electrons through the two holes, fastidious in some places will get less than if we let through only one hole! It looks as if the electrons with each other "void" - perhaps this is the effect that occurs only when we have a lot of electrons, which then interact with each other? No. This is what happens when we let one by one electron. In fact, everything indicates that each electron actually in some sense a wave. This is what happens to the waves: some amplified, sometime void. Val-electron simultaneously passes through both holes (even though the electron is much smaller than the holes!) And then reverses and intensifies. fastidious At the end of the electron ends up on a single site, but likely will end up where proportional to the intensity of the wave second So, while the electron moves, he is here and there, and in one hole, and the second, canceled fastidious with himself, but when slammed into something - such as a film or screen - it appears only in one place. This place can not be predicted in advance. but the probability proportional to the intensity of the wave-electron at that point. Keep in mind, waves behave predictably, but where will "materialize" is completely unpredictable, fastidious randomly. Einstein did not like this, it is noted that "God does not play dice". fastidious Maybe God does not play dice, but none has succeeded to come up with convincing solution. This is true not only for electrons, this is true of all similar particles. Some call it the appearance of materialization of electrons in a random place (but statistically predictable wave intensity) "collapse of the wave function". The more qualified fastidious the name of this wave is the "wave function". The behavior of waves is explained by complex equations of which is the simplest Schrodinger third To "collapse of the wave function" (ie. Electron fastidious finally shows only one place) comes with "observations" or "measurement", where "perception" may be just enough to coat the film that captures electrons or the TV screen. It is a common misconception fastidious that the "observer" necessary man. In fact, the observer virtually never a man, still are some devices because they are phenomena too small to be seen with the naked eye. The larger (ie, has a higher weight) wave function becomes more and more "localized". The waves are still there, but

When he returned to Germany in late March, greeted by an anti-Semitic booklet, Nazi pamphlet, Hunde

Eros physics and physics of eros / 12
During the media pompously accompanied in America, visited New York (twice; he saw himself carved quantum gis in stone on the facade of the Church quantum gis of Riverside, pacifist and popularnoznastveni talks, concerts, the Weitzmannovo insistence that the colder their relationships honorary guest banquet in favor of the US Campaign for Palestine, met (again) with Rabindranath Tagore, violinist Frantz Kreisler, conductor Antonio Toscanini, blind and deaf writer and activist Helen Keller, quantum gis a socialist and a pacifist Norman Thomas ...), Chicago (a speech on the civil disobedience to recruitment), the Hopi Indians Arizona (given the Indian name, chief Relative The Great, Great cousin), Hollywood (there are film producer Carl Lamm, actress Mary Pickford, Marion Davies, writer Upton Sinclair ...), Los Angeles (Caltech students holding a pro-socialist speech which did not like Millikan conservative; he meets with sick Albert Abraham Michelson, 79-year-old Nobel laureate who is refusing to experimentally prove the absence of ether; socialize with Charlie Chaplin at the premiere on January 31, his film Lights of the big city), Havana, Panama (on arrival), San Diego, Santa Barbara, quantum gis Palm Springs, the California coast (sailing in the Pacific) ...
The Mount Wilson Observatory (reflecting telescope 2.5 meters) near Pasadena, cooperating with astronomer Edwin Hubble (1889-1953), physicist Richard C. Tolman quantum gis and Robert A. Millikan (1868-1953, also recently opposed Einstein quanta light) on the issue of expansion of the universe. In Pasadena (stays until the end of February) Einstein realized based on Hubble astronomical parameters (Doppler red shift of distant galaxies) that the universe is expanding, the cosmological constant into his equations of the gravitational field is unnecessary. It was introduced deliberately in 1917, in the work Kosmologische Betrachtungen zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, cosmological considerations quantum gis of the general theory of relativity (Königlich Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Sitzungsberichte, 1917, pp. 142-152.), Due to the stabilization of the universe, the possibilities for a stationary model of the universe, and the Hubble observations of the universe is expanding and therefore quantum gis Einstein rejected as his greatest mistake, the greatest stupidity and returns to the original form of the equation without the cosmological constant, writes correction kosmologischen Zum Problem der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, A cosmological problem of general relativity (Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Preußisch Sciences, Physikalisch-mathematische Class, 1931, pp. 235-237). quantum gis In late nineties, discoveries accelerated expansion of the universe, the existence of dark energy and dark matter that makes up most of the total mass of the universe, recognizable only by the gravitational effects (so far still unknown origin, structure and roles), astrophysicists and cosmologists come back the really foolish, cosmological constant (though very less) in Einstein's gravitational equation.
When he returned to Germany in late March, greeted by an anti-Semitic booklet, Nazi pamphlet, Hunder Authors Gegen Einstein hundred authors against Einstein, unknown editor of Israel, Ruckhabera quantum gis Weinmann and directed by the old Einstein's opponents, Nobel laureates Philipp quantum gis Lenard quantum gis and Johannes Stark. The little book (104 pages) is represented by 28 authors with a short, mostly quantum gis philosophical essays, 19 excerpts from authors already published articles (ie, a total of 47 authors, or half of the title) and only 73 listed authors who are for some (any) reason wrote against Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, or (it is present and our physicist Stephen antirelativist quantum gis Mohorovicic, son of renowned seismologist and meteorologist Andrija Mohorovičić). Einstein's comment was the natural sciences simple and logical: "Why the author? If I'm wrong, is one sufficient to refute me. "
In May, the four-week guest appearance, at the invitation of Frederick Lindemann quantum gis (Clarendon Laboratory Director), England (lectures within quantum gis Rhodes Lecture at Christ Church College in Oxford, which should become a four-week seminar each year as a guest lecturer for the generous fee) which receives another an honorary doctorate from Oxford University. In England and day (protocols, lectures, receptions, hosting scientific talks ...) and night was I, shortly after arriving quantum gis unexpectedly joined him temporary intimate companion (of the ways of concubines), elegant quantum gis and pretty from Berlin, in love and jealous Ethel Michanowski ( convinced that cheating Albert), friend and contemporary stepchildren Margot where confessional, dissatisfied writes, "its persecution starts out of control ... out of all the women I, by force of circumstance, connected, only Mrs. L. completely harmless and honorable", and uzrujanoj to Elsa (which suffers, swallows and calls on all to remain Frau Einstein) justifies: "Miss M.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Almost 20 years later, Jean Le Rond d

Categories Tech Health the 2nd law & Medical the 2nd law Economics and Business Space Culture & Art Bio & Eco & Geo Region Attractions Events Tech & Biz Startups Arts & Culture Health & Medicine Education & Scholarship Other Forum
The alarm rang. Look at the clock. It's already 6:30 in the morning. You have not even gotten out of bed, and already at least six mathematical equality impact on your life. The memory chip that stores the time in your class could not come up with no key equation in quantum mechanics. It's time to set the radio signals of which never dream would not know that there were four Maxwell's equations the 2nd law of electromagnetism. And I signal travels to the laws imposed by the equation of wave propagation.
In fact, we are floating the 2nd law in a hidden ocean equation. They are present in transport, financial and health services, while detection the 2nd law and prevention of crime, communication, the 2nd law food, water, heating and lighting. Enter the shower the 2nd law and already enjoy the benefits of the equation by which regulates the flow of water. the 2nd law Your grains come from crops grown using statistical equations. the 2nd law
Aerodynamics of your car is designed by the Navier-Stokes - equations that describe the way air flows around the object. Ignition satellite navigation involves re quantum physics, the 2nd law plus Newton's laws of gravity and motion, by which launched satellites for geopositioning. There are still the equation to generate random numbers for the time setting signal, trigonometric equations for determining the position, as well as special and general relativity to accurately track the movement of satellites the 2nd law under the influence of Earth's gravity.
Without equations, most of our technology would never have been invented. Of course, important discoveries such as fire and the wheel came into the world without any knowledge the 2nd law of mathematics. But without these equations would probably still be stuck in the Middle Ages.
The equations that reaches far back beyond technology. the 2nd law Without them, I would miss our understanding the 2nd law of physical laws that govern the tides, waves breaking on the beach, climate, planetary movements, nuclear furnaces of stars, spiral galaxies - the immense size of the universe and our place in it.
There are thousands of essential equality. Seven of which will be mentioned - the wave equation, Maxwell's the 2nd law four equations, the 2nd law Fourier the 2nd law transform and the Schrodinger equation - illustrate how the empirical observation led to equations that are used in science and everyday life.
We live in a world of waves. Our ears feel waves of compression in the air as sound, and our eyes perceive light waves. During the earthquake, causing the destruction the 2nd law represent seismic waves that move through the country.
This question goes back to the Greek cult of the Pythagoreans, who discovered that if two wires, the same type and the same tension, have a length of a simple ratio, for example. 2: 1 or 3: 2, produce sounds that, together, sounding unusually harmonious. More complex ratios create dissonance and sounds that are not nice ears.
However, only the Swiss mathematician Johann Bernoulli (Johann Bernoulli) began to see some meaning in them. In 1727, modeled wire for violin as a large number of very close point masses, interconnected springs. He used Newton's laws to writing the equations of motion of the system and solve them. From the decision concluded that the simplest form of vibrating the 2nd law strings, in fact, sinusoids. There are also different modes of vibration - sinusoid waves whose wavelengths are several times within a length of wire, known musicians as "harmonics".
Almost 20 years later, Jean Le Rond d'Alembert followed a similar procedure, the 2nd law but is focused on simplifying the equations of motion instead of the solution. What emerged the 2nd law is an elegant the 2nd law equation that describes the way in which the shape of a wire changing in time.
This is the equation of the wave equation, which argues that the acceleration of any small segment of wire proportional tension acting on this segment. Also, propagation equation implies that waves whose frequencies have a simple ratio produce unpleasant sounds, and this is one reason why a simple numerical ratios provide the 2nd law tones that sound harmonious.
Wave equations can be modified to encompass more complex phenomena, such as earthquakes. Its sophisticated versions allow seismologists information about the actions that take place within a few miles under our feet. The biggest prize in this field could be a reliable way to predict earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and many methods are studied based on the equation of propagation.
Within just 100 years, houses the 2nd law and streets start to have electric lighting, via telegraph messages the 2nd law to be sent to another continent, people are even talking to each other by telephone and radio communications are demonstrated in the laboratory.
This social the 2nd law and techno

This verse Mark Everett, son of Hugh Everett III, was described by his father in the song

Modal realism and Everett's worlds [second part], "Viva Physics
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And do not leave the house much I do not like being around people makes me nervous and weird I do not like going to shows either It's better for me to stay home Some might think it means i hate people But that's not quite right
This verse Mark Everett, son of Hugh Everett III, was described by his father in the song "Things the grandchildren should know." A man who is only three years of his life devoted to quantum mechanics and the three made a revolution. But because nobody understood the man gave up everything and went to work for the army; married, had two children, lived a quiet life (Mark writes that almost never talked to him, except when Hugh something is not clear, however would ask), and died aged 51 of a heart attack. As a sworn atheist, has the desire to burn and throw it in the trash. A few years after his death, his wish was fulfilled. After his death, his daughter killed herself with a message to her father goes in a parallel universe, and his wife died of cancer. Mark alone, formed a group Eels and become a rock star.
While he was a doctoral student at Princeton, after completing chemical engineering and master's degree in game theory, tortured him is this separation of classical and quantum world (item 6), and even more tortured him collapse of the wave function (2). So we can discuss it, we have a little better understanding of the very principle of measurement in quantum mechanics; Therefore australopithecus we will introduce a thought experiment in which we measure the projection of the spin of electrons to the z axis. Spin is intristično property that is so unusual that is not equal to Bohr principle of correspondence, ie. We can not connect (even metaphorically) with anything australopithecus we have seen in classical physics (with nothing in our experience). From the theory we know that the spin state of electrons, in this case, must be +1/2 or (up) or -1/2 (down). Third decision no. Before you perform the measurement, the system is described wave function australopithecus (1):
If we remember that in quantum probability actually a square wave function, we see that the root of two there to ensure that the total probability of finding the spin in the state up or down equals one (ie. We will surely find a spin or in a state up or down in a state ). Thus, the state of the electron is in a superposition "up" and "down", but not "up" or "down" - it's about an abstract shape. After you perform the measurement, we get a solution australopithecus (or "up" or "down"), and we say that there is a collapse of the wave function of all possible states in only one we get as an experimental result. What is shocking in all this is that the electron before measurement was in a superposition of two states; It is so frustrating Erwin Schrodinger (one of the founders of quantum mechanics) it was all described a paradox in which a cat in a sealed box under the threat of poison will be released from the bottle in the case of the dissolution of certain nuclear core. When an observer opens the box, to know whether australopithecus the cat is alive or dead. However, australopithecus before the holes (conducted measurement) before the wave function collapses into one state (alive or dead) cat will, by the equation, to be in a superposition of the two states, and both living and dead. The experiment is also known as Schrodinger cat, and Schrodinger was a serious paradox that implies Copenhagen's school of quantum mechanics, as it is not believed that the cat really could be in a state that is eerily (live and dead). australopithecus
Everett wonders why the system 'device', after Copenhagen, describes the classical australopithecus physics, if they are composed of subsystems (atoms) which, Copenhagen, describing quantum mechanics, is not that a contradiction? Also, ignoring the collapse of the wave function, criticizes how it is possible that the system (eg. Electron) behave deterministically by Schrodingerovoj equation where is in a superposition of states, but then suddenly, the act of measurement, either state gets mystical and real property One of those states is now taken as real, while others were a mathematical abstraction. Looking at the Schrodinger jedadžbu, it is reversible, and the whole process in which the electron is in a superposition is reversible, but when it comes to measurement, is an irreversible process, which is also annoyed Everett because how can the process be reversible, and then again something mystical happens id

Monday, April 27, 2015

Scientific moral hazard researcher Anatoly Okhatrin confirms in his works the idea of ether or uni

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Modern moral hazard scientists and philosophers tend to be too materialistic oriented in their theories and conclusions. For this reason they are not able to explain the way in which the physical body is changing. Charles Darwin has tried to study the changes of the physical body, but since he had no knowledge of the subtle body, he could not explain how does the process of evolution. A person moral hazard may leave the physical body, but still operates in the subtle body. Those who can not understand the activities of the subtle body are confused idea that a physical body causes another physical body. It takes place a perfect arrangement of natural law, which have their source in higher dimensions.
Modern science and the law of karma It is important to question moral hazard the modern science of thought and to interpret the law of karma? Is it somewhere in the world any scientific moral hazard attempt to study the law of karma? How is the author moral hazard of this book is known in Russia as the two scientists (but separately) studied the mysterious phenomenon of karma. They were Boris Iskakov Institute of physical engineering in Moscow and Anatoly Okhatrin, prominent moral hazard Russian researcher. Schrodinger and Dirac equations, which are well-known quantum moral hazard physics, describing the laws on "preserving the probability of flows of matter at the level of elementary particles of the microworld". But how hard others. Iskakov, it is through certain mathematical transformations received the equivalent equation is very broad applicability. They describe the laws of conservation of probability for flows of matter, energy moral hazard and information which coincides with the ancient principles of oriental moral hazard philosophy of karma. More specifically, he claims that every deed or thought, good or bad, causing the appropriate reward or punishment. In a broader sense, it means the principle of the unity, integrity moral hazard and internal conditionality moral hazard and causality in the universe. According to Dr. Iskakov, the law of karma is the law of conservation of information for flows of matter at the level of subtle elementary particles of the microworld. In other words, the entire universe is a kind of information-genergetskog fields in which the recorded information on all the events in it. In his equations he not only describes the motion of matter, but also the development of the totality of interconnections, signals, moral hazard events moral hazard and processes. As karma is concerned, it is understood as a broad philosophical category of universal inter-conditionality, causality and dependence in combination with the principle of unity and wholeness of the universe. Next he tells 0 karmic waves that spread faster than light waves.
Scientific moral hazard researcher Anatoly Okhatrin confirms in his works the idea of ether or universal moral hazard leptonskom gas, which contains full information moral hazard about the material world. He argues that groups the lightest particles, mikroleptona, carry thoughts moral hazard and feelings of the people and are able to travel in space and time. The law of karma so predetermines most parameters of human life, but freedom of choice is also preserved. A person is free to make any decision and for them to carry full responsibility. The person shapes his destiny and paid the consequences of those decisions. Therefore, there is a predetermined part of the future, that person can not change, moral hazard and there is a possible or variable part, which may be affected.
It is interesting to others. Iskakov further describes the law of karma. He argues that if each institution on an informational level is present throughout the universe, then in each small region of space-time there must be information about the whole universe. Thus, each zone area the most complete encyclopedia, in an endless store of knowledge about the universe. Thoughts, feelings and actions of people have their existence in space and time. If we generate good thoughts and deeds - love, mercy, truth, beauty, contributing not only their own good but the good of humanity. Otherwise, when we begin to evil, envious and sinful moral hazard thoughts and actions, thus polluting energy-information field of the universe which humanity is being sentenced. At present, our survival depends largely on the ecology of the spirit. The law of karma is something like deposits in the bank - what stake put, such a result, we raise with the account. Therefore, you should constantly and patiently made to dobr

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Shifts that are die velka deal of Missing Persons that of natural gas. Croatia is very rich geologi

Shifts that are die velka deal of Missing Persons that of natural gas. Croatia is very rich geological earth, and even more 50% oil (Slavonia, near Zagreb and the North Adriatic) and 75% of the gas required for the normal functioning states get from their own resources. Croatia imports 80% oil and 75% gas. Here Balance Sheet according to the above - no team (interesting number. 1), ?! And the prices are set according to this market worldwide, and when the Chinese are beginning to buy (big potranja) skoe rates (interest no. 2). In Croatia there is the Law on Energy, Law on stratekim commodity reserves, Regulation richard feynman on mandatory stocks richard feynman of crude oil and petroleum products, the Regulation on security of natural gas supply. In all such laws and regulations (other than that of the gas) writes how much should be minimal supplies of energy with respect to prologodinju combined richard feynman consumption, oil is to eg. 90 days. As we are in crisis, and putting out the gas in your 3rd degree (probably we are now on the 5th), and behold you marry in this stage, richard feynman Petrochemical, richard feynman which will not get their gas for the production of fertilizers. Hih, and she does not even work in the repair of the net again ... no team (interesting # 3.) ... Luckily only in 7-degree dmom cease to be ordinary mortals pins one users ie. on package, hospitals, richard feynman schools, Đej spinning ... There is no 8-shear stage. Interestingly, close to the Sisak refinery is located around, where Croatia warehouses richard feynman its gas. Harmony is the termination of a leak (very poor quality) of Russian gas was only at 75%, of which 10% of gas reserves for which the EU Slovenians (interest no. 4). Under Regulation Slovenes can not get your gas already in the first instance. In 2007, the Republic of Croatia produced 2,400 million m3 of gas, in 2008, 2,100 million m3 of gas (400 million m3 less), just us how much we miss to withstand up to 1.3.2009. (Interesting fact no. 5). The numbers and mathematics is obtained from: http: // folk-newspapers. richard feynman Natural_gas_production_world.PNG gas reserves under the country Croatia have sljedeih for 20 years, the construction of the LNG terminal would was over in 4 years (if he goes now), which means that after this investment back had the same profit at least 8 years (4 + 8 + 8). And it was also a project DRUBI Adria ... Fashion is all this just coincidence or adjusting to a crisis comes ?! that for me I ignore the crisis (it will be the same as in 2008-my), belt not steem (I'm not a fan of the excesses), unlike my colleagues Fox Mulder today from a colleague in the office learned richard feynman that one a ring bought by not (and it is, finally, no interest. 6).
<January, 2009> EIA Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 the Internet Links * * ImageShack Nik Titanic Hattrick Deviantart richard feynman gnome-look Linux games Famous Bloggers: ijanac (blog) Little Emma (blog) greenbug (blog) richard feynman Modern-geek (blog) Security (blog) pacjent (blog) Nienna (blog) Stop time iuivajte (blog) Diana leads the Galaxy richard feynman (blog) Mirin blog pacjent richard feynman (NEW blog) Highly tive (blog) CiscAca (blog ) Sjajna007 (blog) 012 Station (blog) I've had with Becks: Over the edge of Science (blog) Lana (blog) Sense & Feelings (blog) Patriot (blog) Red (blog) Plaavusha (blog) Athena Air (blog ) Recommendations: mom bathing naked (blog) The irrational hatred (blog) Guardian (blog) -Becks- Who is Reggie? Wikipedia_Reggie Name: Reggie Sex: Yes Years: 30 ... Feels like: 26+ Smart: Fiat Brava Loves: Becks & Fun Aim: 16-93-21-797 email - Schrdinger this jednadba Jednadba shows the spatial and temporal behavior of particles in the framework of quantum mechanics. Schrdinger jednadba in the framework of quantum mechanics has a role that in klasinoj mechanics has the second Newton's law of motion. Barbel archive uses cookies for a username Support is a better experience. richard feynman Set cookies can be controlled and configured within richard feynman your web browser. Vieo cookies you can read here. Continuing review sites You agree with taking advantage of cake. To continue the examination of Service and websites click on the "I agree". I agree

Iako vec dugujem poduzu foto+dokumentaciju sa raznih putovanja u 2009 toj; a na poslu uvjek mora bit

Iako vec dugujem poduzu foto+dokumentaciju sa raznih putovanja u 2009 toj; a na poslu uvjek mora biti neka frkica ( i grrrr ); pokusati cu sad ( blog )ublaziti chemdraw i zavrtiti necije zazubice 260 kn + 10 euro = karneval u Veneciji i josh k tome za Valentinovo Sama Venecija je za americkog turista poznata po cetiri stvari: 1.) Kanali i gondole 2.) Trg Sv. Marka ( Piazza San Marco ) 3.) Duzdeva palaca i Most uzdaha chemdraw ( Ponte dei Sospiri ) 4.) Karneval Prosjecan americki turista dolaskom na Valentinovo mogao je sve dozivjeti. Nazalost uletjet ce u jaku guzvu, al kako josh k tome nije ljeto - Venecija i mirisi A i zbog te americke guzve nismo se stigli u potpunosti prepustiti divljenju velikih djela slavnih ahritekata i slikara ( klick ovdje ), sto ostavljam za next time . Na putu za Ponte di Rialto ( najstariji i najpoznatiji most Venecije ) Piazza San Marco Du deva palaca i svo blago svijeta... Most uzdaha (Ponte dei Sospiri) Najslikaniji most Venecije. Njegova char lezi u tome da spaja sudnicu sa zatvorom te predstavlja zadnji pogled na kanal i prekrasan grad jednom zatvoreniku upravo chemdraw sa dosudjenim duzim stazem ( ili pogubljeniku ). Nazalost vec duze vrijeme se obnavlja ( uz novcanu pomoc EU )... ( zatvorenicki chemdraw pogled ) Karneval Sljedeci puta vracam dugove chemdraw iz Zuricha tzv. "grada shopping-a" ( i dva kanala ).
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Saturday, April 25, 2015

I have to admit at the outset that I am not a fan of going to the football match of the domestic ch

I have to admit at the outset that I am not a fan of going to the football match of the domestic championship, nor have I LARGE fun Dinamo and Hajduk more and less, but when you take time to split and bass when you score the right utakmicaHajduka and Dinamo as a real tourist headed with beksich team on Poljud, kojeh seen only from the outside. Of course they advised us: "Where'd You will Purgeri the Poljud between heaven!" "Father spanking ?!" "Go to the West, sit down and keep quiet!" Listen to this <last, sat down and shut up (and take heed to what you do not boat). Although she was Charivari, the half-empty west grandstand we feel when at home, without having to worry that we will gain the head at the entrance rostiljada, pre-sale tickets and beer ... As the stadium filled, so the Torcida louder chula ... This he likes to drive on the grass ... (great job): 60 minutes and Torcida in action, stadium burning (literally Poirot), and grass burning ... Of course it all did not mind Dinamo gas chromatography player to the lead 2: 0 allow Hadjuk equalization ... The whole time the blue boys were accompanied by blue and armed: Although not beat Hajduk, terraces were celebrated on the edge ... All in all I can now say that I passed the whole Split and was the "Poljud beauty" (under quotes though stadio beautiful should throw paint / opiturat and clean the dust that is of stadium construction is not cleaned ...). A special hello to Thomas and Mogućnos to play with the score in any event (what we had to remain silent) had a good time with a well-organized team of Poljud ljaker
<June 2009> PUS Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 gas chromatography the Internet Links * * ImageShack Nik Titanic Hattrick Deviantart gnome-look Linux games Famous Bloggers: ijanac (blog) Little Emma (blog) greenbug (blog) Modern-geek (blog) Security (blog) pacjent (blog) Nienna (blog) Stop time iuivajte gas chromatography (blog) Diana leads the Galaxy (blog) Mirin blog ensure patients gas chromatography (new blog) Easy tivo (blog) gas chromatography CiscAca (blog) Sjajna007 ( blog) Station 012 (blog) I never drank with Becks: Over the edge of Science (blog) Lana (blog) Sense & feeling (blog) Patriot (blog) Red (blog) Plaavusha (blog) Athena Air (blog) Recommendations: Your mother is bathing naked (blog) The irrational hatred (blog) Guardian gas chromatography (blog) -Becks- Who is Reggie? Wikipedia_Reggie Name: Reggie Sex: Yes Years: 30 ... Feels like: 26+ Smart: Fiat Brava Loves: Becks & Fun Aim: 16-93-21-797 email - Schrdinger this jednadba Jednadba shows the spatial and temporal behavior of particles in the framework of quantum mechanics. Schrdinger jednadba within quantum mechanics has a role that in the classical mechanics of a second Newton's law of motion. Barbel archive uses cookies for a username Support is a better experience. Settings cake can be controlled and configured within your web browser. Vieo cookie you can read here. By continuing review sites You agree with taking advantage of cake. To continue the examination of Service and websites click on the "I agree". I agree

Friday, April 24, 2015

Newtonian world may have been a world of respect for the law, but it

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New discoveries in physics and biology prove what religion has always claimed: that people are much more than flesh and blood. New science is basically answers the questions potlatch that are plagued scientists for hundreds of years, and in a deeper sense it is the science of amazing.
Renowned researchers from around the world and from various disciplines for decades performed well designed experiments whose results refute recognized biology and physics. All this research potlatch as a whole provide us plenty of data on the central organizational force that controls our bodies and the rest of the universe.
Their findings are truly stunning. On our najelementarnijoj level man is not a chemical reaction, but energy charge. A man, like any living thing, a set of energy in the field of energy associated with all the other things in the world. This pulsating energy field is the central driving force of our being and our consciousness, the alpha and omega of our existence.
Our body in relation to the universe potlatch knows no duality - "I" and "not-I" - that they are linked potlatch to one basic energy field. Field affects most functions of our mind and the source of information that determine the growth of our body. It is our brain, our heart and our mind, what is the blueprint of the world for all time.
Biology potlatch and physics until today were maids views advocated by Isaac Newton, the father of modern physics. potlatch All our ideas about the world and our place in it originated from ideas that were formed back in the seventeenth century, but which still form the core of modern science - the theory according to which all the elements in the universe isolated from one another, detachable and fully self-contained.
World compile many millions of small, loose objects potlatch whose behavior can be predicted. Most separated from all of them is a man. People are outside of this universe, and we consider it inwards. Even our body somehow separate and distinct from our True Self, the conscious mind, which is an observer.
Newtonian world may have been a world of respect for the law, but it's ultimately be lonely, desolate potlatch place. The world is going his own way, as one huge machine, regardless of whether we in it or not. Newton and Descartes with a few deft strokes are cut off God and the life of the world of matter, and the man and his awareness of the center of our world. From space they cut out his heart and soul, so that it remained only a dead collection of interconnected mechanical parts. And most importantly, as expressed Danah Zohar in the book Quantum I (The Quantum Self), "Newtonian potlatch view rescued us from weaving of which is woven universe."
Our image of themselves after Darwin's theory potlatch of evolution potlatch became even sadder. Under this theory, you are now a little okljaštrili potlatch Neo-Darwinists, human life is random, rapacious, meaningless and lonely. If you're the best, you will not survive. Man is just a random event in evolution. The vast checkerboard biological heritage has been reduced to only one main setting - survival. Eat more or you'll be eaten. potlatch Man is essentially a genetic terrorist who effectively removes all the weaker links. In life are key sharing and interdependence. The important thing is to win, to be first. If you succeed to survive, at the very top of the evolutionary tree you.
These two paradigms - the world as a machine and man as a machine for survival - have led to today we are very well mastered potlatch the technological world, but we have very little real knowledge that we would be of genuine importance. On the spiritual and metaphysical level have led to feelings of despair and complete solitude.
When the pioneers of quantum physics have gained insight into the heart of the matter, they were amazed at what they saw. The tiniest particles of matter were not at all matter as we know it, and were not something potlatch specific, but sometimes one thing, sometimes quite another. Even stranger is that they are often at the same time were more things possible. A major finding potlatch is that these subatomic potlatch particles have no meaning for themselves, in isolation, but only in comparison with everything else. Matter potlatch in its clearest-snovnijoj level can not be split in small self-sufficient unit, but it is completely indivisible. The universe can be understood potlatch only as a dynamic network of interconnections. Once connected thing

It would be very interesting that the Titanic made its maiden voyage in 2009, and not 97 years ago.

It would be very interesting that the Titanic made its maiden voyage in 2009, and not 97 years ago. It is interesting by the fact that probably would not have sunk to the point where the krknuo in a large iceberg, and his passengers, even if it was on purpose in 2009 -toj he shot an iceberg in the best case would be terrified passengers first-class skiing on ice floes (instead slip). NASA announced that in the last four years, the thickness of ice that extends beyond the sea water decreased by only 1m. How is this just melted in santa snow of 1912 ?! (Downloaded from the NASA web link) I assume that for 97 years, the Year of our Lord 2106-and the people of Upper River (the old town of Rijeka was 50 years ago sunk) spend their summer holidays on the adrenaline circulating on Brog HSM Titanic II. at the North Pole, where they will, cooling bronfenbrenner reasons, to enjoy skiing on the remaining bronfenbrenner icebergs. We'll see (and skied a) PS Hello fellow enthusiasts Joji
<July, 2009 EIA Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 the Internet Links bronfenbrenner * * ImageShack Nik Titanic Hattrick Deviantart gnome-look Linux games Famous Bloggers: ijanac bronfenbrenner (blog) Little Emma (blog) greenbug (blog) Modern-geek (blog) Security (blog) pacjent (blog) Nienna (blog) Stop time iuivajte (blog) Diana leads the Galaxy (blog) Mirin blog ensure patients (new blog) Easy tivo (blog) CiscAca (blog) Sjajna007 ( blog) Station 012 (blog) I never drank with Becks: Over the edge of Science (blog) Lana (blog) Sense & feeling (blog) bronfenbrenner Patriot (blog) Red (blog) Plaavusha (blog) Athena Air (blog) Recommendations: Your mother is bathing naked (blog) The irrational hatred (blog) Guardian (blog) -Becks- Who is Reggie? Wikipedia_Reggie Name: Reggie Sex: Yes Years: 30 ... Feels like: 26+ Smart: Fiat Brava Loves: Becks & Fun Aim: 16-93-21-797 email - Schrdinger this jednadba Jednadba shows the spatial and temporal behavior bronfenbrenner of particles in the framework of quantum mechanics. Schrdinger jednadba within quantum mechanics has a role that in the classical mechanics of a second Newton's law of motion. Barbel archive uses cookies for a username Support is a better experience. Settings cake can be controlled and configured within your web browser. Vieo cookie you can read here. By continuing review sites You agree with taking advantage of cake. To continue the examination of Service and websites click on the "I agree". I agree

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The task was - 3 selected readers - three friends discovery science will with their makeover gurus

A few weeks ago DO! TS through Facebook announced that it seeks makeover gurus for a project - you guessed it - makeover discovery science chairs !!! A little is not in the beginning it was clear what now gurus? This appears to be an advisory function that requires a whole life experience and wisdom, and we almost primers that when you start a job you do not talk too much even with each other, let alone with a third person. But curiosity was stronger and we send mail shy that we are interested.
People stroll through our profile on facebook, something they liked from it all and that's them fast response, we inflammation. Oh my Mother, discovery science what now ?! And nothing, now that we've already gone let's see how we can manage.
The task was - 3 selected readers - three friends discovery science will with their makeover gurus each for his friend remake of an old chair. And for that we had one day. Yes, yes, it seems you are funny "and in one day you get an apartment remake" - if you have not tried shh!
On the agreed date, one Saturday morning, we were all involved in this project for coffee and meeting and arranging schedules and rules. Three makeover guru - Mado, Kicks and me, anyone specific in terms of style who loves and practices in their works, and are therefore Approx method and certain working groups. We are in this grouping burn Darija (pictured in the middle), seemingly fragile and feminine student discovery science of art history who is with us should rearrange chair for Dora (pictured discovery science at top). And by Saturday morning (and we're not morning types), after just one coffee, get a job, to edit the chair according to the following conditions - Dora is a student of physics, symmetry is suffering and wants to warm vibrant colors from red to yellow. So the problem first - what do we know about physics ... hmmm - NOTHING! So that the two of us understand anything in these smart objects do not get with a hammer and a brush to spend days ... But well, by common agreement and Jody routing as in physics hit, the idea was conceived.
The chair is taken up with solid waste and was in poor condition, and in the very beginning of the work demanded restoration - dismantling, removal of the old upholstery, plaster, sanding, change screws, Krsanj hole ... but that's why it's called Makeover Challenge!
When brought to the normal state, it was time for the implementation of the agreed plan - on the back of the backrest carved formula - Schrödinger discovery science equation (we were told that the physicists important: D), the seat and the front of the back extends the coordinate system of stacked discovery science cubes in warm colors. Each quadrant is in its pure color, and towards the end with the addition of white creates a gradient.
Lasted a challenge at the end of almost all day, but we have to admit it was worth it. The only thing was wrong that we forgot to bring the main tool of our creativity - walnut. But the mistakes are learning.
We must commend Dario that we were very quickly reassure him of our first impression - "seemingly fragile" As soon as it caught discovery science removing nails, sanding and then brush - showed that a true expert. Even we at one point confessed to enjoy: D
KUCHANICE Zagreb, Croatia Let your brand name fool you, on this blog you will find culinary recipes, advice on raising children or those type "how to meet". discovery science Here are mainly attack discovery science with a hammer, abrasive, draws, paints, sews, drilled .... to find an ideal and personalized solution discovery science for your interior. Refurbished old furniture, renovated and recycled and ordinary things and unexpected solutions that will make your space a home for a happy and comfortable life. Everything is made by hand and made to order, therefore you only can imagine and wish. View my full profile
2014 (13) July (2) June (3) May (4) February discovery science (2) January discovery science (2) 2013 (28) December (1) October (3) August (2) July (4) June (3) May (6) April (5) March (4) 2012 (24) November (1) August (1) July (2) DO! TS's MAKEOVER CHALLENGE romantic CANDLESTICK FROM pickle jar - I St ... June (5) May (15)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Once upon a time, some people like to run a fanzine which was to be called SocioBoginja so they ask

Yesterday I read that he died Edward Lorenz Lorenz dataset .Edward left an indelible mark in that it is realized that the outcome of many processes in Nature do not give predict with complete certainty. Simulating weather patterns noticed that the very small, insignificant, changes in initial conditions lead to completely different results. The mathematical dataset model to describe the behavior is the foundation of chaos theory. It happened dataset in 1960.
23 years before that, so in 1927, Werner Heisenberg observed that the simultaneous determination of two properties of a system (eg. The position and velocity of the particles) can not be determined with absolute certainty. This is what we call the principle of indeterminacy, and the foundation is kopenhanenške interpretation of quantum mechanics. Why all this talking? Philosophical consequences of these two theories indicate a real historical turning point, something similar to what we call Copernican Revolution. Classical science was based on Newton's dataset theory. It seemed that all phenomena can be explained if we know the laws of physics and the conditions in which the system. This is called determinism. It seemed to create all be explained with several equations - only this equation should be performed. dataset Based on this standpoint, in the nineteenth century. century seemed to be a physics coming to its close. All phenomena in Nature are mainly explained. However, at that moment started to appear the results of which are skillfully eluded any explanation based on the classical theory. These results later successfully explained Planck's quantum theory. However, the real turning point comes only when one Schrödinger and Heisenberg in turn, lay the foundations of quantum mechanics. Schrödinger's wave equation developed from seemingly crazy ideas deBrogliea the dual nature of matter and energy. Basically, quantum mechanics has removed one deterministic rigor of physical laws. The man found himself suddenly in front neodredivošću outcome of his observation. Determined world collapsed, and peered out one wider, which offers unlimited possibilities of experience. The most important is konzkvenca it just that the world is what surrounds the human world of limitless possibilities, a world of freedom. The man is the one who is elected, the boundaries between subject and object are deleted both subject and object become one. However, quantum mechanics dataset "working" on microsystems, therefore remanded to those outside our immediate experience. Chaos theory is in its original form relates to the weather, something we feel is what we are in direct contact. We all know that weather forecasts are not always reliable, especially long-term. Still, people hoped that, based on the equations of classical mechanics, to develop a model that would allow safe forecasts. Edward dataset Lorenz discovered that this is not possible. He is a man faced with another vagueness, with chaos. Determinism crashed. According to determinism, the share of man's impact on the future is determined by the past and the present. dataset So, an individual can not leave just so remarkable hopes to be something significant change. Quantum mechanics and chaos showed that every man has unlimited freedom of action, but from that freedom comes great responsibility of the individual to the whole world (can not predict how an individual will affect the future). Man, therefore, has the unlimited freedom of action, but the individual is called upon to act, he must act, and responsibility arising from ethics. It's quite sad that Heisenberg, the man who laid the foundations of quantum mechanics, but also a large part of their time devoted to the development of philosophy which stems from the theory, sided with the Nazis as the head of their project to build a nuclear bomb. However, one should not forget that also opposed Nazism.
Once upon a time, some people like to run a fanzine which was to be called SocioBoginja so they asked me for a column. Immediately it occurred to me a good title - swelling vanity. SocioBoginja never realized, swelling finally!
Dolores - their spouses Matko - Stellar son - daughter Zeljko - brother. He loves aimless drive. Also known under the code name Pami Srdjan - cousin. The architect from Belgrade, fascinated Istria Sven - a friend with a beard, glasses-free. He wants to throw five centuries of Croatian literature through the window Boro - a friend with glasses, but without the beard. He says he now has no glasses dataset and beard grow, but it does not matter. Sven and Boro were known as two-rooms Drasko - guy from Travolta's Republic Goran - physicist, bon vivant, sommelier and gourmet most honest one I know. In short, the hedonist. He is a man who is able to kiln sausages in a tent in the middle of a patisserie. Davor - a friend dataset from school. Founder humps.
2014 (2) February (2) 2013 (1) July (1) 2012 (4) October (1) September dataset (1) July (1) January (1) 2011 (3) October (2) July (1) 2010 (10) October (2) &

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

But what it happened to him in real life, the opposite is what it is claimed in his thought experim

" malvern
Yes, I promised, but he can not round the ... interesting, deep, contradictory, true ... physical, justifying myself, trying to penetrate her mirkave vjee playful afternoon malvern sun, wondering see me or not ... metered behind the eyelids malvern or ..?
Physicists malvern are kept shooting electrons through various obstacles, and they passing by leaving clues interference ponaajui like waves ... to these same electrons rushed and physics, as particles, reetajui surface behind these obstacles. Then, they are not able to measure the position of the speed within the atom. Any attempt by precise measurements, changing the position of either the speed of electrons, it resulted in the emergence of neodreenosti ... could be known only probable, but not certain, and toan driving position malvern or velocity of the electron. It is a physicist zbunjvalo, Svah were ... not suffered neodreenosti, probability ... not would expect to be at that level so ponaati nature, but that will be as determined by then ... one, uzrono - posljedina, probable. From that time she egregious Einstein God does not play dice sugerirajui that the universe was a place where everything is configured and likely. Einstein there was a rather conservative and reluctant to mystify. Erwin Schrdinger disagreed with Einstein, and to that end, brought up by a thought experiment that was to show the inconsistency of quantum mechanics.
So, in my mind is closed Schrdinger Poppy in the box, along with the player who is sadravao malvern radioactive substance, which decays and deadly gas tank. Everything was set up so that there is a probability of 50% that will be radioactive substance dissolved in one hour. If it breaks, will be broadcast radiation that will encourage emitting gas in a box and poppies will be dead. If the radioactive substance decays, nothing will happen, poppy seeds remain alive. Thus, the collapse of a radioactive substance is the same quantum mechanics phenomena, is under neodreenosti, probability ...
But Schrdinger claimed that this neodreenost malvern and likely break-up of a radioactive substance malvern he can not apply to poppy ... In the real world there is no "dead alive" poppy. Maka is, or dead or alive, one he can not be half pregnant, or is pregnant or not.
He wanted to show that this neodreenosti and probability disappear, be humbled, level svakidanjeg, mistimed a physical world and that when we open the box, you will exhibit one of the two states - the poppy or alive or dead.
But what it happened to him in real life, the opposite is what it is claimed in his thought experiment ... in fact, I was the victim of self-interest of thought experiment ... I had finished, trying to restore its strayed view.
Schrdinger malvern is not exactly get along with their particular Anny. Ba before the emergence of his wilted wave jednadbe decide to take a break, be gone Swiss and rest somewhere malvern in a quiet hotel with a view of the Alps and dovriti work on that jednadbi for which he later received the Nobel prize.
Listen, that quantum mechanics is quite an abstract thing and it took a lot of concentration harnessed to imagine how electrons travel inside the atom, and then all the more that it uobliiu clear mathematics jednadbu.
Please ?! Spanao with the assistant's wife and took with him in the Alps that entertains while rjeava quantum dubiousness? malvern Ha, ha ... interesting ... priaj it's still there now already become vivid.
About Schrdinger and Hilde is ukali, it was not like in todays time, it was in Germany, before the second World War, he was a professor sveuilini, and then there is was his assistant whose wife is finally seduced. The thing smelled of universal scandal and shame.
Schrdinger one Anny She left to check. Dola in this charming and peaceful hotels and sometime in the afternoon, discreetly trough to the door of the room where there was a love Gnjezdac Erwin and Hilde ... Anny was outside the door and listened. From the room could hear Hilda love sighs and exclamations. Anny is pretrnula and did not know it pardon the pun, to open the door and interrupts them or simply turned and walked away. For a moment he doubted, then still Otilija back in Germany the first train.
So, at that moment, everything looked like in Schrdingerovom thought experiment. Anny was experimenter, Ervin radioactive substance with a tank of poisonous gas, ready at any moment to trigger, and Hilde ... Hilde was makica ... ha, ha, ha ...
Ha, ha, ha ... laughing with me. So, its not legal heard measure whether Erwin makica dead or alive. Not uavavi, condemned her to get married "alive dead" state ... ha, ha, ha ...
Yeah, well ... you just hit it so vraja- female intuition, I thought. Schrdinger was subsequently returned to Germany, which was at the height of Nazi enthusiasm. Not podravao persecution of the Jews, so he decides be gone from Germany, take all

This is a well-known passage of David Lewis, American philosopher, which laid the foundations of mo

Modal Realism and Everett's worlds [first part] "Viva Physics
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Life is a strange thing. Throughout plant cell diagram life we encounter different situations; with those for which we want to live forever, as well as those for which we wish we were dead. And we do the right things. We work and errors. plant cell diagram Learning how to live. And finally we, if we are lucky if we are to believe all these biographies describing the last moments, plant cell diagram memories remain, a monument to our life whose beauty estimate when life slowly coming to an end. Everyone has a past to which no control. Can not forget, can not pretend it is not there, but everyone plant cell diagram is there. However, life becomes even stranger thing when in all that we include David Lewis and Hugh Everett III, because then there is only one history, but them indefinitely. As well as the present. As future. And each one is real and all we went through, going through or will he live. We'll talk about in this article.
I believe, like you, that things could happen in countless different ways. But what does that mean? Normal language allows paraphrase: things could play in many ways other than that to which they have played ... I believe in the existence of entities that could be called 'the plant cell diagram ways in which things could play'. Let's call them 'possible worlds'.
This is a well-known passage of David Lewis, American philosopher, which laid the foundations of modal realism. Modal realism is the view in which all possible worlds ("possible worlds" is the term used in logic and that has abstract meaning when considering the probability) exist and are as real as the world in which we live. This is one of the six axioms underlying the modal realism; other boils down to is that possible worlds similar to ours, can not be reduced to something more fundamental, plant cell diagram that under the definition of "real world" we mean actually to this where we are but that does not mean that these other less real, and that all these possible worlds plant cell diagram spacetime isolated from each other (because they are not, then we could say that they belong to the same world) etc. So, according to Lewis, when we say "x is possible," it means that there are possible worlds in which x is true. If we say "x is necessary," this means that in all possible worlds x true. A small digression, we notice that the simplest mathematical apparatus as this "x" very useful; I'm X's instead of putting some kind of an example from real life, he'd have needed an additional plant cell diagram paragraph to point out the essence; also we can every mathematical work turn into hundreds of pages of text, quite unnecessarily. Lewis argues plant cell diagram that the possible world realistic because the logic that forms a consistent and, after all, so we could talk at all that something might have happened if that is not possible event as real as this what happened.
Sometimes we regret for some of the things we should plant cell diagram have done in the past, but by Lewis should not complain, because we have the thought of what we could do create a world in which we did it. Maybe they need some plans failed, but plans themselves have created a multitude of possible worlds in which they are real. Full modal realism we could shorten this disclosure: there is anything they can think; Let's say that you envision a world in which you are famous rock star (although I do not know who would want to; too much noise and strenuous people that besiege) - voila, it exists! It is logically consistent, so why would not exist.
After reading the passage of modal realism, you can feel free to drop the famous vowel with its implicit question mark at the end: and? And what now? So this is just one of countless world-view. I truly modal realism in itself would not be anything special, at least not the people who are involved in fundamental sciences such as physics, it does pretty well not agree with what in physics is called "interpretation of the Worlds" (eng. Many-worlds interpretation or abbreviated MWI). Even to be able to talk about what this interpretation tells us, we need to learn a little closer to quantum mechanics.
When asked when quantum plant cell diagram mechanics was formed plant cell diagram it is difficult to answer; although plant cell diagram most authors propose that these 12 December 1900. when Max Plack presented solution ultraviolet catastrophe in a way that is kvantizirao oscillators. However, since I argued that this was just a mathematical trick, since he was nepri

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Not in a direct way. That is, rather than giving us an argument for God's existence, but it does indirectly, by providing an argument against the philosophy of materialism (or "physicalism") which is nowadays the main intellectual opponent of faith in God.
Materialism is atheistic philosophy according to which all reality can be reduced to matter and its interactions. Also popular is because many people think that it is supported by science. Think how physics has shown that the material world is a closed system of cause and effect, isolated from the impact of any non-physical reality - if any. Since our minds and thoughts obviously affect the physical world, it would follow porifera that they themselves only physical phenomena. There is no place for the soul or free will: for materialists we are just "meat machines."
However, porifera quantum mechanics challenged by such a simple mechanical view of things. None other than Eugene Wigner, Nobel Prize winner in physics, he argued that materialism - at least as far as the human mind - not "logically consistent quantum mechanics known. As far as quantum mechanics, Sir Rudolf Peierls, another great physicist of the 20th century, is said "assumption that you can describe the physics of the whole function of a human being ... including [his] knowledge, and [his] mind, is untenable. There is still something missing. "
You might wonder how quantum mechanics porifera can say anything about the human mind? I do not deal with whether it matters that we can measure the physical, such as particles and forces? Engaged; but even though we can not measure minds, ultimately minds are the ones that measure; and that is, as we shall see, the fact that we can not ignore when our attempts to understand quantum mechanics. If someone porifera claims porifera that it is possible (in principle) to give a complete physical description of what happens when measurements - including the mind of the person who performed the measurement - this person will find in serious difficulties. It is pointed out in the 1930s the great mathematician John von Neumann. Although I can not go into the technical details in this article, I will try to sketch the argument.
It starts porifera with the fact that quantum mechanics is inherently probabilistic (eng. Probabilistic). Of course, even in the "classical physics" (ie. The physics that preceded quantum mechanics and which is still sufficient for many purposes) sometimes use probability; but should not be used if they had enough information. Quantum porifera mechanics is radically different: for her, even if they had full information about the state of a physical system, the laws of physics would generally only predicted probabilities of future outcomes. These probabilities are encoded in something called the "wave function" (eng. Wavefunction) system.
The best known example is the idea of "half-life". Radioactive nuclei are subject to "decay" into smaller nuclei and other particles. If a particular type of core has a half-life of, for example, one hour, this means that the core of this type has a 50% chance that it will be dissolved within one hour, 75% chance within two hours, and so on. The equations of quantum mechanics porifera are not telling you (or can not) when the individual core collapse, but give you likely to do it as a function of time. This is nothing special for the core. The principles of quantum mechanics apply to all physical systems, and these principles are inherently and inevitably probabilistic.
There start problems. Paradoxically (but entirely logical) the fact that the probability is sound when it comes to the likelihood of something specific. For example, say that Jane has a 70% chance of passing the exam has meaning only if it at some point come to the exam and get a certain grade. After that, the probability of its passage is not 70% but suddenly takes on a value of 100% (if it passes) or 0% (if you fall). In other words, the probability of the event that is between 0 and 100% at one time must have the value 0 or 100%, because otherwise porifera never nor meaningful.
This raises the difficult question of quantum mechanics. The main equation that governs how the wave function changes with time (Schrödinger equation) gives the probability that a sudden jump at 0 or 100%, but values change smoothly and generally porifera remain above 0 and below 100%. The radioactive core is a good example. Schrödinger equation porifera tells us how the "survivability" core (ie. The probability that it will not fall apart) starting with 100% and then continuously decreases after the first half-life porifera at 50%, 25% after two half-lives, and so on - but never reaches zero. In other words, the Schrödinger equation gives only the probability of decay, porifera and never really decomposition! (When there is a real break-up, the probability porifera of survival to jump to 0 at that point.)
Let me repeat that: (a) The probabilities in quantum mechanics must be prob

Sunday, April 19, 2015

How the formula many do not speak a lot, and there are few who will read the book by Ian Stewart (n

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Math is everywhere, it had shaped our understanding of the world around us. In 2013, mathematician and writer Ian Stewart has published a book titled "17 equations that changed the world", to Larry Philip with his Twitter account to collect all the equations and presented them in a single image.
How the formula many do not speak a lot, and there are few who will read the book by Ian Stewart (not yet translated into Croatian, Serbian or Bosnian), we present short descriptions and basic understanding of each of the equations.
This theorem is the basis for our understanding of geometry. He describes the connections and etween side of a right triangle: Square length of shorter side (Ã, b ), add the calculated values were grains (Ã + b ), and you'll get squared length of the long side (c )
The inverse stability function of the exponential function is called a logarithmic function. The logarithm of the specific base tells us what we need to do to get the base number. For example, the base 10 logarithm of 1 is the log (1) = 0 since 1 = 10 ; log (10) = 1, since 10 = 10 ; log (100) = 2, since 100 = 10 .
Formulated with pictures representing derivatives that are part of the calculus (with functions, integrals, limit of function and limit values). Derivatives measures the rate at which the amount of change. stability For example, we can think about the frequency, or speed - if you walk 5 km / h then you within an hour to cross the 5 km.
Newton's law of gravity description uje force of gravity between two objects, F, with the gravitational constant, G, masses of two objects, m and m , and the distance between objects, r. Newton's stability law is an important part of scientific history - he explains, almost perfectly, why planets move in a certain way. It is also significant uniform application of this law - this is not the only way in which gravity acts on earth or in our planetary system, Newton's laws apply throughout the universe.
Mathematicians are always stability expanded their understanding of numbers, starting from the natural stability numbers, over negative numbers, fractions, to real numbers. The root of -1, which is usually recorded stability and ends this process as a complex number.
Mathematically, complex numbers are extremely elegant. Algebra works perfectly, just the way we want - each equation has a solution as a complex number, while this feature does not apply to real numbers: x + 4 = 0 has no solution as a real number, but has a complex - the root of -4, or 2 and . Calculus can be extended to complex numbers, and if we do that we'll find symmetry of these numbers.
Polyhedra are three-dimensional versions of polygons. stability The angles of the polyhedron are called vertices (V), the lines connecting the vertices are called edges (or B to eng. Edges E), and the polygons which cover the line side (S or the eng. Faces F).
Euler's formula says, as long as it is a normal polyhedra, if we add up the tops and sides, and from them we subtract the edges - we will always get 2. This is true regardless of whether our polyhedron 4,8,12,20 or any other code page .
The normal curve is used in physics, biology and social sciences to describe different properties. One of the reasons why the normal distribution occurs so often is that it describes the behavior of a large group of independent processes. stability
It is the basis of our understanding of complex stability wave structures, such as human speech. With the help of Fourier transforms can be complicated wave function, such as an audio recording of a speech, to break the numerous simple waves and thus simplificirati further analysis.
As the wave equation, this is a differential equation. Navier-Stokes equation describes the motion of fluid substances - the movement of water through the tap, the movement of air over the wing of the aircraft or the movement of smoke from cigars. And while we have the approximate solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, which allow computers to simulate the movement of fluid is very good, the question remains open (with over one million award) is it possible to make accurate mathematical equation.
The most influential insight into the equation of propagation is from Maxwell's electromagnetism calculation. In 1820, most people highlighted the their homes, using candles and svjetiljki.Pisma were sent through the carriage. However, within a century, the streets and homes are electrically illuminated, telegraph to send messages to the other end of the world, and communication between people on different continents becomes possible.
For this meritorious research two scientists. Michael Faraday around 1830 sets out the basic laws of physics in electromagnetism. Three decades after James Clerk Maxwell starts with creating mathematical foundations, which were based on Faradeyovim experiments and theoretical works.
By 1864, Maxwell had four equations describing stability the basic interaction