Saturday, November 30, 2013

Finance Minister Jürgen Ligi do not agree with the recommendation to increase the public debt Ain H

Tanzania will build a museum to protect one of the oldest human traces - Newsletter
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3.7 million years ago, walked into East Africa volcanic ash and rain water mixed with mud, three relatives of modern man (Australopithecus africanus - the southern African ape), and concrete-like mixture that left their footprints.
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Friday, November 29, 2013

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Michael Cherry teatab Nature veebilehel, et Lõuna-Aafrikast leitud inimese kaugete eellaste ligikaudu 2 miljoni aasta vanused säilmed on tekitanud teadlaste hulgas vaidlusi, sest need avastanud eksperdid peavad nende kunagisi omanikke Australopithecus e ja Homo liikide vaheliseks "kadunud lüliks", samas kui teiste asjatundjate ols hinnangul on nii kõlavad väited enneaegsed. The fossils, a juvenile male and an adult female, were found together in the Malapa cave, part of an eroded cave system, leading to speculation that the two fell to their deaths while searching for water. The fragile parts of the skeleton that are often missing from fossils this old, such as the hands and feet, have been preserved. The collar bone of the first specimen was discovered by team leader Lee Berger's nine-year-old son during a visit to the site in 2008. Controversially, the researchers have named the fossils as a new species, Australopithecus sediba. 'Sediba' means fountain or wellspring in Sotho, which is one of the 11 official languages of South Africa. Berger deems this an appropriate name, as he says that A. sediba ols is a good candidate for being the transitional species between the southern African hominin, Australopithecus africanus, and earlyHomo species — either the earlier Homo habilis or even a direct ancestor of the more recent Homo erectus.
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Thursday, November 28, 2013

If the current quintessence shape of the human pelvis has developed relatively recently, had a long

Childbirth became painful fairly recently - Newsletter
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Anthropologists quintessence estimate that large labor pains as a result of walking upright narrowed pelvis and the mind evolves into evolutionary compromise between increased brain volume, a price must be paid by all women give birth. When it was done, however, a compromise?
Previously, scientists had thought that it was about 2.4 million years ago, when our ancestor Homo habilise walking on two legs of the brain increased by leaps and bounds. 2,001th In the United States quintessence held paleoantropoloog Sileshi Semaw But afar region of Ethiopia 1.2 million years old Homo erectus'e pelvis, which leads to the conclusion that labor pains are a relatively recent phenomenon. The results quintessence of the research described in more detail in the journal Science, written by Live Science.
Found Homo erectus'e maternity roads are 30 percent larger than today's average woman's quintessence maternity quintessence doing. It was therefore relatively easy for them to be on maternity. Thus, the labor pains, according to anthropologists much more recent phenomenon than previously thought.
How to make a mistake like that anthropologists have previously received? In particular, due to the lack of research material. Before the recent findings belonged to the only complete her pelvis at 3.2 million years old Australopithecus afarensis species representative. The pelvis belonged to clear up iLife creature. Australopiteekide brain was much smaller than modern human brain, therefore, was for the birth of their scientists estimate that hard.
If, however, the brain of Homo habilis'e a huge 20 percent jump did ancient women had to cope with serious scientists believe giving birth to bother because the pelvis was building up attendance for today's been pretty well established to be the same way. The new finding, however, proves the opposite and puts all of these assumptions into question.
If the current quintessence shape of the human pelvis has developed relatively recently, had a longer and slimmer body and narrower roads confinement of developing some other reason than to be walking upright. Scientists can only speculate as to why natural selection was working towards a major way of sorrows väljakujunemiseni.
Hopefully, this is the way natural selection is now exhausted. If evolution should quintessence encourage even more brain-child birth, should have to grow somewhere else than the already narrow and congested in the womb.
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The Two-Dimensional Value Space in Theory The Two-Dimensional Value Space in Reality Value Change Pr

Arengu uuringud 1.Sissejuhatus. Areng kui konstrukt  Areng kui  vaatepunkt ja mõõdupuu Eesmärgid Töökorraldus Konstruktid ja küsimused Sotsiaalne muutus (social change) Kasv (growth) Areng (development, evolution) Sotsiaalne areng (social development) Progress (progress) Progress Moderniseerumine (modernism, modernization) (Post)modernism Innovatsioon (innovation) f ma Sotsiaalne innovatsioon (social innovation) Kokkuvõtteks f ma Arengukonstrukti kriitika Arengu-uuringud (development studies) kui uurimisvaldkond  esitlus 2. Inimese areng   Vaatepunktid f ma inimese arengule Meenutusi algsest ühiskodust Meie eellugu Ühised vanaisad: homo erectus (2,0 mln), homo neandertalensis (0,2 mln) Australopithecus afarensis  Homo sapiens -> tark inimene Antropogeneesi õied Arengutee Arenguteemalised vaidlused Arenguteemalised vaidlused Arenguteemalised vaidlused Norbert Eliase tsiviliseerumisteooria Norbert Elias (1897-1990) Individuaalne areng Lawrence Kohlberg Georg Lind, Ann Higgins, Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987), Jim Rest, 1982 at the Moral Education f ma  Conference in Fribourg  Heinzi dilemma Vastused Vastused f ma Moraalse arengu staadiumid Moraalse arengu sotsiaalne kontekst Abraham Maslow  (1908-1970) Maslow vajaduste püramiid Maslow: tung eneseteostusele Eneseteostus f ma Ennast teostavad inimesed Kokkuvõte: mis on muutunud/muutub inimese arengus? esitlus 3. Sotsioloogiline vaatepunkt: Inglehart, Welzel  A Human Development View on Value Change f ma Trends (1981-2006) Two Dimensions of Cross-Cultural Variation f ma Weak vs. Strong Secular-Rational Values
The Two-Dimensional Value Space in Theory The Two-Dimensional Value Space in Reality Value Change Progressing from Constraint to Choice A Human Development Model of Value Change or Maslowian Value Change (next slide) A Human Recession Model of Value Change Regressing from Choice to Constraint Net Value Changes within Cultural Zones (1981-2006) Cohort Differences throughout Cultural Zones National Cohorts‘ Value Positions related to the Action Resources Available in their Formative Years Let‘s Focus on a Central Component of Self-Expression Values and Its Implications: Postmaterialistic Liberty Aspirations The Democratic Implications of rising PLA Conclusion esitlus 4. Ühiskonna areng. Käsitlused, hindajad, vaatepunktid, andmebaasid   esitlus

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Professor Tim White of the University of California and his colleagues brought to light in the eart

Professor Tim White of the University of California and his colleagues brought to light in the earth's crust Ethiopian fossil remains of which belong to the human species an evolutionary point of view, an important ancient hominiidide Australophitecus anamensis, writes the BBC. Researchers confirmed that contribute to 4.1 million year old remains of the human species to fill the evolutionary gap in the early period, which is 4.4 million years ago, Ardipithecus ramidus lived in 'E and 3.4 million year old Australopithecus afarensis' epithelial tissue E skip. Australopithecus anamensis is not a new species, but this is the first time where he found fossils of the same area, and its direct descendants and ancestors of human ancestor between maakihis. While finding helps scientists estimate the evolutionary gap to fill, but it does not cover a whole. White says now sought epithelial tissue "cover" the period from 4.4 to 4.1 million years ago. That's 300,000 years of human timeline tremendously long time, but it is evolutionarily brief instant, he noted. Australopithecus anamensis' e the remains of animal bones found alongside fossils indicate that this species lived in a rich fauna of forest environments.
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013


In today's scientists Olympic athletes are a number of tools, such as high-tech and jõujoogid treenimisvahendid, but their physical or bending of the wrestling skills scientists early are certainly people with skills below.
According to scientists, this is due to the fact that, during evolution, man has become a high-and low-resistance variant individual kehajõu lower power and higher vastupidavusvõimega specimens, writes in Live Science. scientists
Liberman added that, hypothetically, if we look at things, and transported to bet that today's scientists olümpiaatleedid be overtaken by the early people, then return them to give priority to areas that require resilience. As an example, a football or a triathlon.
Australopiteekus had his short stature, long arms and powerful chest was also successful in gymnastics and diving. But as far as running any Australopiteekusele then it can not afford to attend because he was learning to walk on two legs, "said Carrier.
Homo erectus scientists began to hunt, and was forced to move a lot. Early the people were very primitive hunting weapons and because they had to hunt to find a happy medium after long-distance running and sprint between, "explained Carrier
In today's olümpiamaratoonarid easily create the early progenitors of the people, and the early people because of physiological differences, such as wider hips make the last run for the sites to be ineffective.
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Scientists have developed a three year-old girl complained of an amazingly complete skeleton, which assessed the age of 3.3 million years, and thus has a very distant ancestor of the modern human species, edmund optics the most notable of which is represented by Lucy. Selami introduces Kaivo KOPLI.
"So distant from the time of a complete fossil find is quite amazing. edmund optics The thing that might happen once in a lifetime, "said the University of London Colledge'i evolutionary anatomy Professor Fred Spoor, who, along with the Leipzig Max Planck Institute for Anthropology researcher Zeresenay Alemsegedi and several others recently wrote to the finding in the journal Nature.
Satuti the bones of early 2000. In the northeastern edmund optics part of Ethiopia. Since then, researchers took five painstaking years to remove the fossil from the soil gently. Given how well the greater part of the skeleton was preserved, a young man dived ancestor probably unfortunate way, and almost instantaneously due to the flood of mud avalanche, the researchers speculated.
The creature was classified as Australopithecus afarensis'eks who lived in Africa for four similar to three million edmund optics years ago. Afarensis'te most famous representative is the skeleton, which was named Lucy, which was already in the 1974th year. It was the first in almost healthy adults survived afarensis'e skeleton.
Found in the contemporary naljatlemisi named Lucy daughter, Lucy, although he actually lived quite a hundred thousand years later. So it would be more correct in every way you continue to use the name that was given skeleton - Selam, the number of languages spoken in Ethiopia, means "peace." Child or parts of the skeleton is a rare find, as younger bones are more fragile than those of adults. The fact that it is the remains of a female child, was determined by examining the teeth of the jaw kompuutertomograafiliselt.
Selami finding should encourage ongoing debate as to whether these human ancestors were able to walk at the same time as a more or less upright and climb trees like monkeys and move on. Most scientists believe that the afarensis stood upright and walked on two legs, but they disagreed with it is that, since we had survived afarensis'el enough monkeys in trees jump. Such movements are necessary for some of the anatomical features, such as long arms. Afarensis'e hands reached almost to the knees, but the question is whether this also meant the ability to climb trees or was it an evolutionary remnant.
According to the spores Selami studies suggest that this question has not yet been able to answer, but rather inclined towards the opinion ronimisvõime probability. Selami lower body quite similar to that of a human, but rather, the upper body with a monkey. Both the scapula resembles a gorilla rather than a human's, the neck was probably short and thick as the present inimahvlastel. People in comparison with the skull allows the building to believe that the inner ear balance organ had been rather similar to that of a monkey. Fingers were quite bent, suggesting ronimisvõimele. Initially, however, has not received a response to an important chess question - whether the bones of the foot are more similar to those of humans or chimpanzees, for example, it would indicate more clearly the trees for climbing. These pieces of the skeleton has not yet been cleaned sandstone.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Australopithecus sediba

Scientists Reconstruct what ustralopithecus A sediba may have been seen, transmit Discovery News.
Teeth study revealed that Australopithecus sediba is related to Australopithecus safricanus or `. The latter lived about 2.1 million years ago. In both species were also common features of Homo erectus or `who was almost completely human.
Australopithecus sediba 'had a small heel area, and because he was unsteady gait. The researchers said that this was a compromise between walking upright on two legs unsteady gait and movement between ley de newton the trees.
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Sunday, November 24, 2013

There is no doubt that the report was a setback for the origin of the human evolutionary model, whi

Australopithecuse onto secrets - Faith and Science
Australopithecus was a very good climber trees. New investigations show that the extinct ape species called Australopithecus afarensis, which include the famous "Lucy" fossil, was very well adapted bayesian for climbing trees.
Numerous zoological anatomy studies suggest that different forms of Australopithecuse is nothing more than an extinct ape species differ alavormid. The fact that the entire inimjäänus found in the same layer deposition, which also named Australopithecus fossils, puts into question the evolutionary explanation for this. - The phenomenon, which is dissected at length paleontologist Marvin Lubenow.
Amazingly, it took researchers 11 years time to take out the shoulder bones Selami fossiliseerunud sandstone slab in which he was buried. Science study co-author Zeresenay Alemseged LiveScience'le told: "Because shoulder bones are paper-thin, and very rarely if at all, they fossiliseeruvad they fossiliseeruvad then retained bayesian them is usually only a fragment." Alemseged said: "A comprehensive record intact Finding the shoulder bones and skeletal kokkusobitumine known picture was like winning bayesian the jackpot."
One of Fossil Lucy, which was previously advertised as a hypothetical human ancestor, was a shoulder notches which "looked up", which is also iseoloomulik modern apes construction. Selam Fossil were the same cavities. bayesian This allows for a unique luukuju monkey deftly climb and hang from the tree branches. In contrast, people are looking bayesian at birth allapooole groove shoulder bones, which I apply to the advance toward adulthood. This position is a unique integrated human kõndimisasendiga.
In contrast, people do not change the morphology of simian shoulder its growing larger. Science authors wrote: "Many of the characteristics of modern humans bayesian are changing bayesian significantly during ontogeny (birth to adulthood), but remains unchanged in monkeys. Thus, adolescents, and adults of fossil mofoloogia indicates bayesian that A. afarensis development is characteristic of the monkey. "
The idea that humans bayesian are evolved from apes, leaving climbing trees and getting on the ground to walk on two legs, the center of the evolutionary paradigm. A recent Science magazine, the authors wrote: bayesian "Abaluusideme traits are associated with the development of the monkeys shifted their locomotor behavior. This confirms the characteristics of functional fitness. The presence of these fossils Australopithecuse supports the hypothesis that the locomotor repertoire included a substantial dose of climbing. bayesian " If you would australopithecines were bipedal on the ground, he would not have even walked like people. This recent analysis shows clearly that they were perfectly adapted to climbing trees, because they had access to said bone structure, which is not found in people with us.
There is no doubt that the report was a setback for the origin of the human evolutionary model, which argued that the Australopithecines were a transitional form of the tree to the ground. Another recent study on fossiliseerunud food particles between the teeth of Australopithecus, these animals showed a poodle eating a diet (fruit, wood, leaves) and very little grass to the ground.
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I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe in colors. I believe that happy girls are

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Kelly, 19, Estonia
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Saturday, November 23, 2013

But why speak two languages in the bilingual brain makes focusing on that? To find out, psychologi

Two languages are better than one thinks. | The truth against the world
When I was a baby, my mother did something that changed the way my brain has developed. Something That has improved my ability shakers to learn, shakers solve puzzles and perform multiple tasks at the same time. One day, even this act may protect my brain from senility. What was the trick? He started talking to me in French.
New research suggests that speaking two languages can have profound impact on how we think. The improvement of cognitive only the first step. Memories, values, personality can even change depending on the language that I speak. It is almost as if the bilingual brain harbored two independent thinking.
A review of bilingualism was always so positive. Since the 19th century shakers the practice shakers educators warn That would confuse the children shakers and prevent them from enquiry.c learn one language or the other. At its worst, this endangers A Reduction IQ and educational development. shakers Today, those fears appear to be unfounded. Yes, Individuals bilingual trend to be slightly smaller vocabulary Compared to monolingual They speak in languages and sometimes take a little longer to find the right word for each object. But a study done in the 1960s in Canada Revealed That the ability to speak two languages shakers Affecting the whole development, instead. Psychologists Elizabeth Peal and Wallace Lambert of McGill University, found that bilingual individuals are actually shakers more numerous verbal and nonverbal tests in only 15.
Unfortunately, these results are ignored by almost all of the researchers team. Only in recent years bilingualism received the attention it deserves. The renewed interest accompany technological advances such as functional near infrared spectroscopy, a type of imaging that work with portable monitor to observe the brain in babies sitting on parents' laps. For the first time, researchers Ability shakers to analyze brain of newborn babies in their first encounter with the language.
Using this technique, the American neuroscientist Laura Ann Petitto of Gallaudet University, the Discovery fundamental difference between babies who grow up listening to one or two languages. According to the theory most Wide, babies are born "citizens of the world," the ability to distinguish sounds of any human language. When they reach one year, was believed to have lost this ability and focus only on the sounds of their native language. This seems to be true for the monoglots, but Petitto study, published in May this year, found that bilingual children also showed greater neural activity when they hear language totally unknown to the end of its first year. Petitto believes that the bilingual experience Preventing the child loses the ability to understand sounds from other corners. That helps bilingual children learn other languages for life.
Another advantage of the bilingual brain was discovered in 2003 by Ellen Bialystok, a psychologist at York University in Toronto. The researcher asked a group of children to identify which sentences are grammatically correct order. Both types, shakers monolingual and bilingual, will see the error in phrases such as "Apples growed on trees", but differences appear in the analysis meaningless phrases such as "Apples grow on noses." Could not monolingual, confused by the idea absurd, acknowledged that the sentence was grammatical errors, while the bilingual gave the correct answer.
Based on these studies and others, Bialystok argues that the brain of bilinguals are improvements called "executive system" of the brain, mental skill set that provides the ability to inhibit irrelevant information. This would benefit are responsible for them if they can focus on grammar and ignore the meaning of words. The feature also helps to move from one task to another without getting confused.
The operating system is the key to almost everything shakers we do, from reading to mathematics and even drive cars. Therefore, improvements in the outcome of this mental attitude more flexibility. It may be the merits of bilingualism even reaches our social skills. Paula Rubio-Fernández and Sam Glucksberg, both psychologists shakers at Princeton University, U.S., found that bilingual shakers individuals in a better position to imagine themselves in the place of others, they have an easier time blocking information they already shakers know and focuses on the opinions of others point.
But why speak two languages in the bilingual brain makes focusing on that? To find out, psychologist Viorica Marian, Northwestern

Friday, November 22, 2013

Series 1: Ice Program 1: Ice People Programme 2: Ice Life Program 3: Ice World Series 2: The Space

A day to remember down in Cardiff last Friday. Activities were held for Year 13 students, science world including lectures, abrofion and exhibitions. Following a lecture on the extraction and chemical science world synthesis, allowed the students reduced production of limonene, necessarily oil that comes from the skin of citric fruits, by the process of steam distillation. Then they conducted a number science world of tests on various identification of organic chemicals - very important for the module CH4. After lunch the students were given a lecture on CMN spectroscopy (NMR), infrared and mass, with fun quiz to finish the session. He guided the students of the department supervisors around special laboratories where work CMN and mass spectroscopy occurs. I would like to thank Peter Hollamby, science world Interpretation Thomas and Department of Chemistry, Cardiff University for organizing the day.
The Royal Institution Lectures
Series 1: Ice Program 1: Ice People Programme 2: Ice Life Program 3: Ice World Series 2: The Space Program 1: Blast Off! Program 2: Life From Mars! Program 3: Planet Patrol Program 4: Collision Course science world Programme 5: Anybody Out There? Series 3: Plant Programme 1: The 300m Year War Program 2: The 300m Year War Program 3: The War 300m Year Program science world 4: The 300m Year War Programme 5: The 300m Year War
Hand Heater (pdf; 241Kb) Flame Tests (pdf; 413Kb) Mixtures Isotropig (pdf; 310Kb) Snow Flakes (pdf; 329Kb) science world Hold the Forger! science world (Pdf; 266KB) Writing science world Fire (pdf; 404kb) Red Cabbage (pdf; 343Kb) Initiation Documents (zip; 2.3Mb)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Secret TPP Negotiations Resume in Salt Lake City

3-Minute Earth and Space Weather News January 25, 2013: Comet PANSTARRS : Conscious Life News
3-Minute Earth and Space Weather News for January 25, 2013: The Gulf Stream has weakened and changed form. In early March 2013, Comet C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS) will cross the orbit of Mercury and probably axial brighten to naked-eye visibility as it absorbs the heat of the nearby Sun. The Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupted last night. A 4.0 magnitude earthquake on the Nevada-California border axial last night was followed by a 4.5 quake early this morning in Texas. Cosmic ray density continues to climb now at 101. A very weak CME impacted Earth There will be a full moon in two days.
TODAY’s LINKS: Toxic: Cold: Gulf Stream: PANSTARRS:;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb GOES X-ray imager: Reventador Plots:…
The Assassination of JFK: Case Closed? [brand new, compelling, 40-minute documentary]
Secret TPP Negotiations Resume in Salt Lake City
8 Foods to Naturally Increase axial Melatonin for Better Sleep
Junk DNA: Our Interdimensional Doorway to Transformation
The Consciousness Revolution - Graham Hancock
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

In faraday the next few days the tail could grow considerably longer and intensify in brightness as

What Do Comet PANSTARRS And Pinocchio Have In Common?
Wow faraday – that’s a tail! Comet C/2011 L4 PANSTARRS on May 21, 2013, when its anti-tail (left) had grown to more than 12 full moons in length. Meanwhile, what was once the main dust tail (right) has faded and shortened over the past few weeks. faraday Click to enlarge. Credit: Damian Peach
While comets can’t tell lies, they do sometimes grow long noses. As the weeks click by and our perspective on Comet L4 PANSTARRS changes, its original plume-like dust tail has shrunk and faded while a second tail just won’t stop growing.
Comet PANSTARRS’ orbital plane slices (marked by gray lines) slices right through the plane of the planets. Earth crosses that orbital plane on May 27. As we look up into space at the comet (blue arrow), all the dust it shed along its path – faraday including a fine sheet of particles – stacks up to create a narrow, streak-like tail pointing toward the sun. The shorter, active dust tail sticks up and away (top). Credit: NASA with my own additions
I’m talking about the anti-tail , so called because it points toward the sun instead of away. Like the normal dust tail, an anti-tail is formed from fresh dust blown back from the comet’s head by the pressure of sunlight. As the comet continues along its orbital path, last week’s dust lingers behind, forming a “trail faraday of breadcrumbs” in its wake. Right now those breadcrumbs look like a light saber straight out of Star Wars. Time exposure photographs show a striking sunward-pointing appendage more than 6 degrees (12 full moons) faraday long. I’ve been keeping an eye on Comet PANSTARRS here at home and can report that the anti-tail is plainly visible with a telescope under dark skies. Watching it grow from a short nub to the most dominant feature faraday of this remarkable object faraday has been the highlight of many a clear night.
Our current “edge on” faraday view of Comet PANSTARRS is similar to looking down on it from high above the Earth’s north pole, where the dust stacks up to create a bright, faraday streak-like tail. Credit: NASA/JPL/my own additions
Nothing stands still in our solar system. Earth’s moving, the comet’s faraday moving. Later this week on May 26-27, Earth will pass directly through faraday the comet’s orbital plane, which slices through the plane of the planets at a very steep angle. As the Earth approaches this intersection, we look up (from the northern hemisphere) and stare squarely into the long trail of dusty debris deposited by PANSTARRS during its recent swing around faraday the sun in March. It gets better.
If we step back in time to May 9, we see that the anti-tail was neither as long nor as pronounced because the Earth was further from the comet’s orbital plane. Because we were more broadside to the comet then, the dust sheet is much more obvious. It extends millions of miles into space but is only 5,000-10,000 miles thick. Credit: Michael Jaeger
Sunlight pushes the smaller particles into a vast, thin sheet or fan extending millions of miles into space well beyond the path traveled by the comet’s nucleus. Since we now see PANSTARRS almost “edge-on”, all that dust overlaps from our perspective to form a thick, bright line sticking out of the comet’s head. It’s as if we’re seeing the ghost of PANSTARRS from the recent past still lingering in space. If we could somehow see the whole works broadside, the comet would appear fainter, spread faraday out and much more diffuse.
Simulated views of dust shed by PANSTARRS’ in its orbit around the sun. Dust piles up in the edge-on faraday view to create a skinny, saber-like tail vs. a faint, broad tail (right). Illustration: Bob King
The Milky Way stands faraday out as a band of light distinct from the thin scree of stars for the very same reason; faraday our gaze cuts edge-on through our galaxy’s flattened disk where stars are most concentrated. Like comet dust, they pile atop one other to create a distinct ribbon of fuzzy light slicing across the night sky.
Going back even further to April 10, the anti-tail (short stub to left of bright head) was just getting started. faraday It’s completely dwarfed by the comet’s main dust tail and fan of tinier dust particles. Compare this photo to the current view. Click to enlarge. Credit: Michael Jaeger
In faraday the next few days the tail could grow considerably longer and intensify in brightness as we move closer to the comet’s orbital plane. Unfortunately the moon will be at or near full at the same time, making it tougher to fully appreciate this amazing apparition at least with binoculars and telescopes. Cameras will have better luck. Will that stop you from looking? I hope not. Either way, you can use this map to help you find Comet PANSTARRS and check it out yourself.
Map showing Comet C/2011 L4 PANSTARRS’ location tonight through June 21. Positions are

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

  > > - > ( ) P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS) .. ?
P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS), M -1, MPEC 2013-S53 , CBET 3658 P108vHk (P108vHk object) (Encke-type comet) .. P/2013 R3 (Catalina-Panstarrs) / PK13R030 (q=2.127 AU, TP=2013 July 21.48271 TT) Catalina Sky Survey ( CSS ) 15.38-39p3 24.40-43p4 2013 , Pan-STARRS 1 ( PS1 ) 15.54-59p4 24.52p1 2013 , program code 6 via iTelescope Obs. Nerpio 16.13-14p3 2013 , LCOGT Cerro Tololo B 17.16p1, 17.21-23p2, 24.20p1 24.27p1 2013 , Astronomical Research Obs. Westfield (ARO Westfield) 22.24-26p4 2013 , LCOGT Sutherland B 24.10-12p3 2013 , Hidetaka Sato via iTelescope Obs. Siding Spring 26.54p4 2013 , Bisei Spaceguard Center 26.58-59p6 2013 , Yatsuka Obs. 27.55-56p4 2013 Moriyama Obs. 27.65-68p3 2013 .. P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS) ~ 18.0m ., 19.0m., 20.5m . .. P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS) 2- (two distinct nuclear components), ~3', - = 240 , 14' = 240 .. , P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS) 21 2013 2.1 . . .. (31.17944195 2013 (JPL), q = 2.184404293536744) P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS) 5.26, 5.28 (JPL) .. 108 - Catalina Sky Survey 41- PANSTARRS francis crick survey (Pan-STARRS) F51 (Haleakala) .. , , , . , : P/2013 francis crick R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 10 16.08 19.9 T W86 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 10 13.94 16.5 T C32 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 10 13.47 17.6 T D88 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 10 09.38 19.0 T 568 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 10 08.91 17.3 N J01 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 10 08.14 17.7 N W96 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 10 07.35 16.9 T 703 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 10 05.32 17.2 T I41 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 10 04.15 17.6 N W96 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 10 02.90 18.0 T 215 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 10 02.18 17.7 N J24 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 10 01.40 17.0 T 703 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 09 30.11 17.7 N W96 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 09 29.66 17.2 T 349 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 09 28.33 17.9 N H06 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) 2013 09 27.68 18.0 T 900 P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS): P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS) francis crick T 2013 July 21.48271 TT MPC q 2.1267502 (2000.0) P Q n 0.18738184 Peri. 2.83517 +0.96388605 +0.26627399 a 3.0244823 francis crick Node 341.72010 -0.24463147 +0.87833335 e 0.2968218 Incl. 0.85376 -0.10525742 +0.39702479 P 5.26 From 42 observations 2013 Sept. 15-27. P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS) : Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 m2 2013 08 28 00 59 42.0 +06 48 24 1.2778 2.1403 138.3 18.3 17.8 2013 09 12 00 55 13.7 +06 31 09 1.2030 2.1532 154.0 11.8 17.7 2013 09 20 00 50 37.7 +06 07 47 1.1813 2.1617 163.0 7.8 17.7 2013 09 26 00 46 30.3 +05 45 35 1.1745 2.1688 169.9 4.6 17.7 2013 09 27 00 45 46.8 +05 41 36 1.1742 2.1701 171.1 4.1 17.7 2013 09 28 00 45 02.9 +05 37 33 1.1742 2.1713 172.3 3.6 17.7 2013 10 04 00 40 34.2 +05 12 26 1.1789 2.1793 179.0 0.5 17.7 2013 10 12 00 34 45.1 +04 38 57 1.1992 2.1908 171.1 4.0 17.8 2013 10 27 00 26 15.9 +03 48 42 1.2786 2.2151 154.0 11.4 18.0
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Nancy Atkinson is Universe Today's Senior Editor. She also is the host of the NASA Lunar Science Ins

Comets PANSTARRS and Lemmon Still Linger for Early Morning Views
The comet show is still not over! Early on May 16, 2013, astrophotographer Chris Schur from central Arizona was able to see two comets at once, Comet PANSTARRS AND Comet Lemmon. “We set up on our 14 foot tall balcony observing pad and was able to get the very low Comet Lemmon as it rose in the eastern sky,” Chris told Universe Today via email. “While PANSTARRS was up high by 2:30am, we had to wait until 3:30 before we could try Lemmon.”
While neither comet was visible to the naked eye, Chris reported that both were seen quite clearly in the 11×80 binoculars. “It was fun to go back and forth rapidly between the two objects to compare,” he said. “While PANSTARRS is now a very low surface brightness wedge shaped object, Lemmon was just a huge ball of light, about two magnitudes brighter.”
“One point Id like to make is that PANSTARRS is currently exhibiting one of the most spectacular anti tails I have ever seen,” Chris said. “I have imaged hundreds of comets geometria plana but never one with such a long sunward spike. This comet is VERY special.”
When viewed edge on from Earth, the anti tail appears as a spike projecting from the comet’s coma towards the Sun It is geometrically opposite to the other tails: the ion tail and the dust tail.
Want to get your astrophoto featured on Universe Today? Join our Flickr group or send us your images by email (this means you’re giving us permission to post them). Please explain what’s in the picture, when you took it, the equipment you used, etc.
Nancy Atkinson is Universe Today's Senior Editor. She also is the host of the NASA Lunar Science Institute podcast and works with the Astronomy Cast and 365 Days of Astronomy podcasts. Nancy is also a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador.
I just made a video for four comets (PANSTARRS, Encke, Lemmon and ISON) reaching perihelion in 2013. In the video all four comets can be seen from four different perspectives simultaneously orbiting through the inner system.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

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Young, red, low mass brown dwarf PSO J318.5-22 from Pan-STARRS | Tim Kendall's Extreme Astrophysics
Image credit: N. Metcalfe & Pan-STARRS PS1 Science Consortium . The new discovery in arXiv a week ago is now the subject centrifugacion of a press release from the Institute for Astronomy (IfA) at Honolulu, as well as wider publicity . The estimated six Jupiter masses for the object rely on its membership of the beta Pictoris moving group with an age of 12 Myr, but a new estimate today (Binks A.S. & Jeffries R.D., arXiv ) of that age is 21 Myr, requiring an upward revision of the mass probably to the deuterium burning centrifugacion limit. The problem is well illustrated even by very old evolutionary tracks for brown dwarfs and low mass stars (left). Consider an object thought to have age 10 Myr and a luminosity 0.00001 solar; its mass by inspection of these models might be 0.005 solar (a), but if actually nearer 60 Myr old (b) it might have twice the mass. This is quite apart from uncertainty in the luminosity itself due to uncertain distance. centrifugacion Some previous discoveries in the same age/luminosity space are plotted with much more modern models (below, right) in a figure taken from the discovery paper of a recent dusty young L dwarf companion to an M dwarf.
This entry was posted centrifugacion on October 11, 2013 at 5:35 pm and is filed under astronomy centrifugacion with tags beta Pictoris moving group , brown dwarfs . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response , or trackback from your own site.
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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Formula 1 What Austin s Doing and Isn t Doing for F1 After Last Year Life

Pan-STARRs Comet Streaks Across Texas Sky Tonight | KUT
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Formula 1 What Austin s Doing and Isn t Doing for F1 After Last Year Life & Arts Breaking Bad Star Bryan Cranston on Walter White, LBJ and the JFK Assassination Halloween Floods How You Can Help Austin's Flood Victims (Update)
Terrence Henry
The PAN-STARRS heart diagram comet, or C/2011 L-4 as it s known by stargazers, heart diagram will make its way across the Austin skies around 30 to 40 minutes after sunset tonight which is at 7:37 p.m, according to the National Weather Service .
Austinites should heart diagram be able to see the comet with the naked eye for next few nights, but Rebecca heart diagram Johnson, editor of StarDate Magazine , says the comet will grow dimmer with each passing night and fading out in about three to four days.
I would advise heart diagram folks to go somewhere heart diagram where you have an unobstructed view of the horizon, with a clear view to the west, Johnson says. Binoculars might be a good thing to pull out of the closet, if you ve got them. You ll be much better able to see the tail with binoculars.
Dr. Anita Cochran is one a research scientist at the University of Texas and is assistant director of the McDonald Observatory. She says the comet is as close to Earth as any in recent memory heart diagram the same distance from Mercury. heart diagram But the comet s proximity isn t something to worry about.
This comet was formed four and a half billion years ago the same time the solar system was formed and has been sitting out in the deep freeze of space for a long time and something sent it our way, Cochran says. That something is the gravitational pressures in the galaxy that are like tides, Cochran adds.
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- EPOXI: Comet 103P/Hartley 2 Observations from a worldwide campaign - Photometry and imaging of Com

Cbet nr. 3621, issued on 2013, August 07, announces the discovery of an apparently asteroidal centripetal force object (discovery magnitude ~19.5) by professional survey F51 Pan-STARRS 1 (Haleakala) on CCD images obtained with 1.8-m Ritchey-Chretien on August 04, 2013 (pre-discovery Pan-STARRS1 observations from July 26 were found later by P. Veres).  After posting on the Minor Planet Center's NEOCP webpage, this apparently asteroidal object as been found to show cometary features by astrometric observers elsewhere (including our team). The new comet has been designated C/2013 P2 (PANSTARRS) . We performed follow-up measurements of this object, while it was still on the neocp. Stacking of 30 R-filtered exposures, 40-sec each, obtained remotely from iTelescope network (MPC code H06, New Mexico) on 2013, August 06.3, through centripetal force a 0.43-m f/6.8 astrograph + CCD + f/4.5 focal reducer, shows that this object is a comet: coma about 5" in diameter elongated in PA 120.
M.P.E.C. 2013-P42 assigns the following preliminary parabolic orbital centripetal force elements to comet C/2013 P2: T 2014 Feb. 17.50; e= 1.0;  Peri. = 105.19; q = 2.83;  Incl.= 125.54 by Ernesto Guido & Nick Howes
Good post. I read every one. Thanks for posting about all these new comets. I have an account with LOCGT but since I am not from England, they say I can't use FTN or FTS telescope. I am also not a student. I am retired. I have my own much smaller scope Meade 12 inch SCT + SBIG ST-8XME centripetal force which I do astrometry of comets and asteroids at H47. I can't get to magnitude 20 or 21 like FTN or FTS can. I can get to mag 18 or 19. There are plenty targets still. I try for fainter comets, centripetal force the ones that do not get observed often. Maybe one day, I win some jackpot and buy bigger scope. I have had my present one about 10 years now. August 7, 2013 at 9:29 PM
Welcome centripetal force to our Astronomy blog, devoted in particular to Comets & Neo and related topics. This blog is maintained by the Team of observers of Remanzacco Observatory in Italy, particularly active in the study of the small bodies of the Solar System.
2013 (40) November (5) October (5) September (3) August (4) New Comet: C/2013 P4 (PANSTARRS) Possible Bright Nova in Delphinus New Comet: C/2013 centripetal force P2 (PANSTARRS) Close Approach of Asteroid 2013 PJ10 July (3) June (2) May (2) April (5) March (3) February (4) January (4) 2012 (60) December (6) November centripetal force (3) October (13) September (5) August (1) July (6) June (3) May (7) April (3) March (4) February (7) January (2) 2011 (62) December (4) November (3) October (9) September (7) August (6) July (5) June (10) May (5) April (5) March (2) February (5) January (1) 2010 (57) December (1) November (7) October (7) September (4) August (3) July (3) June (1) May (5) April (7) March (8) February (2) January (9) 2009 (52) December (2) November (5) October (3) September (8) August (9) July (2) June (1) May (4) April (3) March (5) February (5) January (5) 2008 (55) December (2) November (2) October (6) September (9) August (4) July (4) June (4) May (8) April (7) March (3) February (3) January (3)
New Comet (80) Comets (47) Close Approach (28) Periodic Comet (19) New Nova (14) comet recovery (12) Fireball (7) asteroids (7) comet (6) 2008 TC3 (5) kreutz comets (4) 174P/Echeclus (3) 103P/Hartley (2) (596) Scheila (1)
- EPOXI: Comet 103P/Hartley 2 Observations from a worldwide campaign - Photometry and imaging of Comet 103P/Hartley in the 2010–2011 apparition - Photometry of comet 9P/Tempel 1 during the 2004/2005 approach and the Deep Impact module impact centripetal force - Some thoughts about cometary CCD photometry - Meteorite D'oro Award Presentation (in italian)
2012 26P/Grigg–Skjellerup P/2005 JY126 P/2005 N3 P/1994 X1 67P 2011 171P/Spahr 2010 164P/Christensen 123P/West-Hartley P/ 2003 S2 2009 107P/Wilson-Harrington centripetal force P/2002 LZ11 P/2003 H4 P/2001 MD7 P/2002 S1 2008 15P/Finlay 59P/Kearns-Kwee centripetal force 61P/Shajn-Schaldach 2007 17P/Holmes 44P/Reinmuth 50P/Arend 108P/Ciffreo 136P/Mueller 2006 87P/Bus

Friday, November 15, 2013

Dr. Eugene Magnier, who leads the data processing team for PS1, compared the hunt for rare celestial

Maui's Pan-STARRS Telescope Finds "Strange Lonely Planet" | Maui Now
The announcement was made on Wednesday by the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Institute for Astronomy, whose faculty and staff are involved in the development and management of observatories at Haleakalā and Mauna Kea.
According to the announcement, researchers say the planet, dubbed PSO J318.5-22, has no host star to orbit around, and was formed just 12 million years ago, which makes it a young, “newborn in planet lifetimes.”
“We argis have never before seen an object free-floating argis in space that that looks like this. It has all the characteristics of young planets argis found around other stars, but it is drifting out there all alone, argis said team leader Dr. Michael Liu in a department issued media release.
Researchers say the unique heat signature of the planet was identified through the use of the PS1 telescope on Maui; and follow-up observations using other telescopes in the state showed that it has, “properties similar to those of gas-giant planets found orbiting around young stars.”
Multicolor image from the Pan-STARRS1 telescope of the free-floating planet PSO J318.5-22, in the constellation of Capricornus. The planet is extremely cold and faint, about 100 billion times fainter in optical light than the planet Venus. Most of its energy is emitted at infrared argis wavelengths. The image is 125 arcseconds on a side. Credit: N. Metcalfe & Pan-STARRS 1 Science Consortium
Dr. Eugene Magnier, who leads the data processing team for PS1, compared the hunt for rare celestial argis objects to searching for a needle in a haystack; and described the data-set from the PS1 as “the biggest haystack that exists in astronomy.”
“The total dataset to date is about 4,000 Terabytes, bigger than the sum of the digital version of all the movies ever made, all books ever published, and all the music albums ever released,” according to the media release.
According to information released by the IFA, PSO J318.5-22 is located 80 light-years away from Earth, has a mass that is six times that of Jupiter, belongs argis to a collection of young stars called the Beta Pictoris moving group, and is “one of the lowest-mass free-floating objects known.”
Dr. Niall Deacon of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany and a co-author of the study released a statement through the IFA saying, Planets found by direct imaging are incredibly hard to study, since they are right next to their much brighter host stars.”
“PSO argis J318.5-22 is not orbiting a star so it will be much easier for us to study. It is going to provide a wonderful view into the inner workings of gas-giant planets like Jupiter shortly argis after their birth,” argis said Dr. Deacon.
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Thursday, November 14, 2013

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Éiriú Eolas will enable luminol you to rapidly and gently access and release layers of mental, emotional and physical toxicity that stand between you and a healthy, younger feeling and younger looking body!
In this ground breaking multi-part video series , Laura Knight-Jadczyk discusses the history of the modern spiritual luminol movement and the pitfalls and traps awaiting any would-be "channeler". She also provides a glimpse into the events that led to the beginnings of the "Cassiopaean Experiment".
Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls - Laura Knight-Jadczyk Signs Meteor Supplement Signs Supplement: The Flu Threat Signs Supplement: Super Volcanoes
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I plotted the visibility of Pan- STARRS in the video below. Green/yellow areas in the animation indi

Comet C/2011 L4 ( PANSTARRS ) has brightened dramatically over the past week and is now visible with the naked eye from the Southern Hemisphere. Pan- STARRS is moving north rapidly and will become visible across Europe, North America ward and Asia from Thursday 7 March onward . The comet is expected to reach its peak brightness around the time of its closest ward approach to the Sun (called the perihelion) on Sunday 10 March. It may or may not lose brightness quickly afterwards, so you want to catch this comet as soon as possible! ward
I plotted the visibility of Pan- STARRS in the video below. Green/yellow areas in the animation indicate parts of the world where the comet will be above the horizon (and the Sun at least six degrees below the horizon). The movie shows that Pan- STARRS is only visible shortly after sunset, when it is located low above the Western horizon .
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  > > - > ( ) P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS) - (splitting) ! ?
: P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS) 24 2013 2- (two distinct nuclear components), ~3', = 240 .. P/2013 haploid R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS) 5! - 1 (fragment A) = 40 , dist. = 3.4'', haploid 3089 , (relative brightness) ~23% .. - 2 (fragment B) = 213 , dist. = 2.8'', 2485 , (relative brightness) ~ 5% - 10% .. - 3 (fragment haploid ) = 242 , dist. = 36'', 32700 , (relative brightness) ~0.5% .. P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS) ..
: P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PanSTARRS): P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) Epoch 2013 Aug. 16.0 TT = JDT 2456520.5 T 2013 Aug. 5.08869 TT MPC q 2.2024171 (2000.0) P Q n 0.18668448 Peri. 8.21806 +0.98735774 +0.15843887 a 3.0320096 Node 342.66354 -0.14630453 +0.89961138 e 0.2736115 Incl. 0.89798 -0.06098911 +0.40693549 P 5.28 From 188 observations 2013 Sept. 15-Oct. 16, mean residual 0".4. P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) Epoch 2013 Nov. 4.0 TT = JDT 2456600.5 T 2013 Aug. 5.11100 TT MPC q 2.2024405 (2000.0) P Q n 0.18669102 Peri. 8.22535 +0.98737953 +0.15830307 a 3.0319388 Node 342.66414 -0.14618074 +0.89963138 e 0.2735868 Incl. 0.89800 -0.06093326 +0.40694411 P 5.28 From 188 observations 2013 Sept. 15-Oct. 16, mean residual 0".4. haploid P/2013 haploid R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS) Epoch 2018 Nov. 18.0 TT = JDT 2458440.5 T 2018 Dec. 5.39760 TT MPC q 2.1990140 (2000.0) P Q n 0.18667965 Peri. 11.04739 +0.99267484 +0.12072673 a 3.0320619 Node 342.01657 -0.11196571 +0.90477779 e 0.2747463 Incl. 0.86477 haploid -0.04539093 +0.40841426 P 5.28 From 188 observations 2013 Sept. 15-Oct. 16, mean residual 0".4.
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  haploid           , ,                                   haploid                   -                 ( ) ..         ( ) ..             ( ) ..       haploid       ( ) ..   haploid           ( ) ..         haploid     ( ) ..             ( )..             ( ) ..         haploid - ( ) ..         haploid ( )         haploid ( ) ..         ( )         - ( ) ..         Double Cluster haploid ( (Chi & h Persei), NGC 869 NGC 884)         - ( ) ..         (Apollo) (PHA)..         ( , ) -       haploid       " " P/2013 P5 (PanSTARRS) - 40- Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Res

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Confirmed Comets 21 Follow-up Neo 50

Cbet nr. 3658, issued on 2013, September 27, announces the independent discoveries of a new comet (discovery magnitude ~18.0) by the Catalina Sky Survey 's 0.68-m Schmidt telescope (with no mention of the appearance of the object; observer R. E. Hill) and by Bryce Bolin, Jan Kleyna, Larry Denneau, and Richard Wainscoat from images obtained with the 1.8-m Pan-STARRS1 telescope on Haleakala. Bolin et al. wrote that the discovery images show two distinct nuclear stec components separated by approximately 3" towards a position angle of 240 degrees, and a diffuse tail that extends stec for approximately stec 14" towards p.a. 240 degrees. The new comet has been designated P/2013 R3 (CATALINA-PANSTARRS) . We performed follow-up stec measurements stec of this object on September 28, 2013.  Below you can see our image of this comet, stacking of 20 unfiltered exposures, 120-sec each, obtained remotely from MPC code H06 ( iTelescope Observatory, New Mexico) on 2013, September 28.3, through a 0.43-m stec f/6.8 astrograph + CCD + f/4.5 focal reducer. Click on it for a bigger version.
M.P.E.C. 2013-S53 assigns the following preliminary elliptical orbital elements to comet P/2013 R3: T 2013 July 21.48; e= 0.29; Peri. = 2.83; q = 2.12;  Incl.= 0.85 by Ernesto Guido & Nick Howes
Welcome to our Astronomy blog, devoted in particular to Comets & Neo and related topics. This blog is maintained by the Team of observers stec of Remanzacco Observatory in Italy, particularly active in the study of the small bodies of the Solar System.
2013 (39) November (4) October (5) New Comet: P/2013 T2 (SCHWARTZ) stec Outburst of comet C/2012 X1 (LINEAR) Juno Spacecraft Flyby Comet C/2012 stec S1 (ISON) - Update 2013, Oct. 2 New Comet: stec P/2013 R3 (CATALINA-PANSTARRS) September (3) August (4) July (3) June (2) May (2) April (5) March (3) February stec (4) January (4) 2012 (60) December (6) November (3) October (13) September (5) August (1) July (6) June (3) May (7) April (3) March (4) February (7) January (2) 2011 (62) December (4) November (3) October (9) September (7) August (6) July (5) June (10) May (5) April (5) March (2) February (5) January (1) 2010 (57) December (1) November (7) October (7) September (4) August (3) July (3) June (1) May (5) April (7) March (8) February (2) January (9) 2009 (52) December (2) November stec (5) October stec (3) September (8) August (9) July (2) June (1) May (4) April (3) March (5) February (5) January (5) 2008 (55) December (2) November (2) October (6) September (9) August (4) July (4) June (4) May (8) April (7) March (3) February (3) January (3)
New Comet (79) Comets (47) Close Approach (28) Periodic stec Comet (19) New Nova (14) comet recovery stec (12) Fireball (7) asteroids (7) comet (6) 2008 TC3 (5) kreutz comets (4) 174P/Echeclus (3) 103P/Hartley (2) (596) Scheila (1)
- EPOXI: Comet 103P/Hartley 2 Observations from a worldwide campaign - Photometry and imaging of Comet 103P/Hartley in the 2010–2011 apparition - Photometry of comet 9P/Tempel 1 during the 2004/2005 approach and the Deep Impact module impact - Some thoughts about cometary CCD photometry - Meteorite D'oro Award Presentation (in italian)
Confirmed Comets 21 Follow-up Neo 50
2012 26P/Grigg–Skjellerup P/2005 JY126 P/2005 N3 P/1994 X1 67P 2011 171P/Spahr 2010 164P/Christensen 123P/West-Hartley P/ 2003 S2 2009 107P/Wilson-Harrington P/2002 LZ11 P/2003 H4 P/2001 MD7 P/2002 S1 2008 15P/Finlay 59P/Kearns-Kwee 61P/Shajn-Schaldach 2007 17P/Holmes 44P/Reinmuth 50P/Arend 108P/Ciffreo 136P/Mueller 2006 87P/Bus

Monday, November 11, 2013

Study Takes Singularity Out of Black Holes June 3, 2013

Astronomers Use Pan-STARRS to Detect Brown Dwarf Companion Stars | SciTech Daily
The 1.4 billion pixel camera of the Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). Astromomers have used the system to study young brown dwarf stars in binary orbits around more normal young stars. Credit: Pan-STARRS
Astronomers trying to understand how the Sun and Earth formed, and why they have their characteristic properties, have made progress on a closely related problem: the nature of the lowest mass stars, so-called “brown microbiology dwarfs.” These stars have masses of less than about 8% of the Sun’s mass. They are basically failed normal stars, and lack a sufficient force of gravitational contraction to heat up their interiors to the roughly ten million kelvin temperatures needed for hydrogen burning (hydrogen burning fuels the Sun). Not surprisingly they are extremely faint and hard to detect, and as a consequence our understand of their evolution and interior properties is incomplete. Theorists predict that there could be as many brown dwarf stars as there are normal stars.
CfA microbiology astronomer Adam Kraus has joined with eight colleagues to use the Pan-STARRS 1 survey (the Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System) and an infrared survey (UKIDSS) to search in a young, 5-10 million year-old star forming region for brown dwarfs. Pan-STARRS is a wide-field imaging telescope that combines a relatively small mirror, only 1.8-meters, with a very large digital camera, about 1.4 billion pixels, to survey the sky on a continuous basis. The prototype single-mirror telescope PS1 has been operating on Mount Haleakala, Hawaii, since 2010; eventually there will be four such systems working in concert.
The astronomers were studying the very early stages of brown dwarf development, and to help obtain reliable age estimates they used these surveys to search for objects that were in a binary systems with young stars whose ages might be more tightly constrained, thus constraining the brown dwarf ages as well. The survey was able to pick out objects whose cool temperatures and reddish colors signaled that they were brown dwarfs, and the team discovered 673 binaries with candidate brown dwarf companions. microbiology Spectroscopic follow-up observations on four of them allowed the team to reach several conclusions: These companion brown dwarfs are infrequent, making up only about 0.6% of binaries, at least for those in which the stars are widely spaced (closer pairs were much more difficult to study). More puzzling, the scientists found that the brown dwarf companions are well enough understood to conclude that they did not form at the same time as their more normal, microbiology companion star. The puzzling result highlights the theoretical uncertainties in our understanding of brown dwarfs, while the new technique promises many more objects to begin the task of modeling. Meanwhile, the team has begun studying brown dwarfs in more normally spaced binaries, where they could be mistaken for large planets.
More microbiology on SciTechDaily Radio Waves from Brown Dwarf Discovered Ultra-Cool Brown Dwarf is 35 Times More Massive than Jupiter Astronomers Discover a Free-Floating microbiology Planet Coldest Brown Dwarfs Are Warmer Than Previously Thought Hubble & Spitzer See Weather Patterns in a Brown Dwarf “Impossible” Discovery, Red Dwarf Binaries with Orbital Periods of 2.5 Hours Hubble Helps Solve the Mystery of Why Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies Contain Few Stars WISE Observations Provide Crucial Information on Brown Dwarfs
Study Takes Singularity Out of Black Holes June 3, 2013
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