Sunday, November 3, 2013

Photos plastic packages in various forms of Engineer forgotten Packaging talk (343) 1 - packaging m

Hello to you in one of sites Engineer regression Co. forgotten packaging modern and industries Hinsé - or Tupac Address: regression - Engineer Co. Manasseh Packaging speak in front of School door poetic regression Secondary School For Girls - Al Mansi behind District Presidency door poetic - Cairo - Egypt Emile company: - info @ m2pack. com - INFO@M2PACK.COM Enterprises phone: 002 02 25,880,056 Sales: 01,211,136,335 01211136336-01211136337
Methods of chromatography High efficiency regression (high speed) for liquids: High Performance Liquid_Chromatography (HPLC) This method is the most important development in the methods of separation chromatography of liquids and which will be the center dwells in the form of fine particles size and pay in rural mobile (liquid) through the column filled in rural resident using a pump when the pressure up to 8000 psi (Psi) pump is used to facilitate the entry into force of the middle through the column moving regression at speeds ranging from 50.0 to 5 mL / min although the center-static particles with a diameter of several microseconds kilometers only. Has already been possible to obtain on validity speeds ranging between 14 ml / min using columns filled with particles up to a radius 5 microseconds meters. In this way, can be separated vehicles difficult volatilization or those affected by the heat. And in this way can the use of fine particles of solid material has adsorption property as its inhabitants Ooumouad medium ion replacement property as well as gels with specific pores. The media can also be used mounted on fine particles of solid material. There are three general methods for the preparation of circles consonants that fit work in this way has been to discover these roads thanks to the rapid spread use this method and these methods are: 1 - Linking liquid used as a medium inhabitant Association chemical with particles of the solid inert such as the Association C-Si that are resistant to hydration (hydrolysis). This method is used to load the saturated hydrocarbons long-chain fluorinated regression ethers regression on silica gel. 2 - Download center-static layer of very thin (stationary phase (Pellicular on the surface of the particles of the solid so as to minimize corridors spread and move through the middle static, and this of course increases the speed of the separation process. Has been made possible using this method load among dormant in the form of a thin layer of material gel silica or exchanger ionic or liquids associated with chemically with the layer porous Foreign Affairs., but from defects in this way lack of capacity center-static (Capacity), which requires the use of very low concentrations of the sample regression to ensure that the load column Chapter overworked (Overloading). regression 3 - use the center dwells on the form of regular porous spherical particles with small radii such as 20,15,10,5 micrometers, very, and in this case can the use of short columns (1025 cm) has been proven that higher efficiency and capacity of greater than static circles corticosteroids. pump used to pay for moving the center is designed to give pressure constant Osrah force fixed and is used at the end of the column headlamp high sensitivity. ranges along the columns chapter usually from 25 cm to 2 meters, the radius of 15 mm, which is made either of glass or of steel resistor (colorless rust) (Stainless steel) . reveals usually components separated from the column on an ongoing basis and that by observing absorption regression spectroscopy regression for solutions المذابات separated or follow-up coefficient إنكسارها. can also use the Finder depends on the property regression ionization المذابات in the flame (Flame ionization detector) after evaporating the solvent ones. Despite the novelty of this method Ways chapter but its use is spreading very quickly due to the efficiency of excellence and speed high. example, can be separated five vehicles aromatic Hedroksilah in less than 60 seconds. The temperature of variables that can be controlled regression in such a way to get a higher efficiency for the season. has succeeded this way separation regression of several mixtures that was not an easy separated by normal methods. Here are some illustrations of the components of HPLC system and the way it works:
Device the HPLC is a device used in pharmaceutical factories in the department laboratory is used for the separation of the active substance of the components of the drug and determine the focus and relies on the separation physicist of the active ingredient through two phases, one fixed and one movable and represents the emergence of the top where the calculated space inside and compares the area of the summit of the solution Ayari known concentration The concentration of the sample to be equal focus account ..... -
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