Thursday, April 30, 2015

It was written by William Brown, pub med a molecular biologist based at the Institute for Research

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Recently we stuck around for the text which began intriguing sentence: "Living organisms are a quantum biological systems that connect to the fundamental structure of reality. Their DNA acts like a fractal antenna that can receive and transmit the energy of the zero point, allowing direct interaction with the Field ".
It was written by William Brown, pub med a molecular biologist based at the Institute for Research bioregeneze at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. His mentor, it said, Dr. Frederic Mercier revealed extracellular matrix protein complexes in the brain that is called fraktonima, the fractal patterns Mandelbrot set. Their research focused on the understanding of the primary role fraktona and other network elements of the connective tissue in the creation of neural plasticity, the architecture of tissues, pub med bioregenezi and location pub med of stem cells. Research at the Institute is focused on the development process and the formation of patterns in the body and how it can be applied to the regeneration of damaged tissues and organs in humans.
What is life? Oh, and what is life? Passion and misery? Joke? All of this, but he basically? When it attempts to define and attempts can see in encyclopedias, always was going to be a variety of features that we believe belong to life can be found with the substance or phenomenon which we consider inanimate, ranging from metals to tornadoes.
This universal, fundamental question we all ask at least sometimes seemed the title of the book physicist pub med Erwin Schrödinger (What is life?) From 1944, one of the founders of quantum mechanics. His book is perhaps pub med one of the first published discussion of quantum physics biology that formed the basis for the case of quantum biology, which is what you are interested in William Brown and his colleagues. Onis ered that the "application of the theory of quantum mechanics and formative causation on biological processes provides insight into specific aspects of the failed adequately pub med described using conventional scientific methodology."
In addition, Brown said that the "biological science closer to an impasse with the current theoretical models as it approaches the level of description that requires quantum mechanics and field theory. In order to test the deeper levels of reality requires a new paradigm of science. One such theory is that well describes many phenomena that have until now avoided the appropriate scientific description of the theory of morphic resonance is Rupert Sheldrake, the theory of formative causation. It describes the process of morphogenesis as a process that runs the non-physical force from the morphogenetic field. "
These are thoughts that are today far from being widely accepted, but not without foundation, as everyone can see who will take the very thorough pub med book Rupert Sheldrake "New Science of Life". The book was published in 1981 and reprinted expanded edition of 2009, which indicates that some ideas have a long way to go, but once the seeds have been sown - something will grow. It is my eyes fell on a sentence on the cover of this book that can help to place the subject Sheldrakeovog morphogenetic field on a mental map of today's understanding of the world, and it says - referring to the first edition - that her journal Nature pub med described as "the best candidate for burning in the period of many years. " ("The best candidate for burning there has been for may years").
William Brown describes Sheldrake's pub med thesis as "the science of adaptation" that is "important to understand how to access the information from the fields (ie, vacuum, ether, implicit order, the cosmic plenum, superprostor, Akasha, etc.)". The idea is certainly not new, and was pronounced in many ways. For instance, Erwin Schrödinger, said the following: "What we observe as material bodies and forces is nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space. "It is generally known that the area, and even a vacuum, far from being a blank media. Even at a temperature of absolute zero, when all forms of energy should disappear, pub med each point in space (with the smallest pub med quantum space volume based on the Planck length) containing quantum harmonic oscillator that vibrates with zero point energy of the ground state to the field, says Brown.
Physicist pub med Nassim Haramein described how the volume size of the vacuum contains energy density of protons equivalent to

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