Monday, April 27, 2015

Scientific moral hazard researcher Anatoly Okhatrin confirms in his works the idea of ether or uni

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Modern moral hazard scientists and philosophers tend to be too materialistic oriented in their theories and conclusions. For this reason they are not able to explain the way in which the physical body is changing. Charles Darwin has tried to study the changes of the physical body, but since he had no knowledge of the subtle body, he could not explain how does the process of evolution. A person moral hazard may leave the physical body, but still operates in the subtle body. Those who can not understand the activities of the subtle body are confused idea that a physical body causes another physical body. It takes place a perfect arrangement of natural law, which have their source in higher dimensions.
Modern science and the law of karma It is important to question moral hazard the modern science of thought and to interpret the law of karma? Is it somewhere in the world any scientific moral hazard attempt to study the law of karma? How is the author moral hazard of this book is known in Russia as the two scientists (but separately) studied the mysterious phenomenon of karma. They were Boris Iskakov Institute of physical engineering in Moscow and Anatoly Okhatrin, prominent moral hazard Russian researcher. Schrodinger and Dirac equations, which are well-known quantum moral hazard physics, describing the laws on "preserving the probability of flows of matter at the level of elementary particles of the microworld". But how hard others. Iskakov, it is through certain mathematical transformations received the equivalent equation is very broad applicability. They describe the laws of conservation of probability for flows of matter, energy moral hazard and information which coincides with the ancient principles of oriental moral hazard philosophy of karma. More specifically, he claims that every deed or thought, good or bad, causing the appropriate reward or punishment. In a broader sense, it means the principle of the unity, integrity moral hazard and internal conditionality moral hazard and causality in the universe. According to Dr. Iskakov, the law of karma is the law of conservation of information for flows of matter at the level of subtle elementary particles of the microworld. In other words, the entire universe is a kind of information-genergetskog fields in which the recorded information on all the events in it. In his equations he not only describes the motion of matter, but also the development of the totality of interconnections, signals, moral hazard events moral hazard and processes. As karma is concerned, it is understood as a broad philosophical category of universal inter-conditionality, causality and dependence in combination with the principle of unity and wholeness of the universe. Next he tells 0 karmic waves that spread faster than light waves.
Scientific moral hazard researcher Anatoly Okhatrin confirms in his works the idea of ether or universal moral hazard leptonskom gas, which contains full information moral hazard about the material world. He argues that groups the lightest particles, mikroleptona, carry thoughts moral hazard and feelings of the people and are able to travel in space and time. The law of karma so predetermines most parameters of human life, but freedom of choice is also preserved. A person is free to make any decision and for them to carry full responsibility. The person shapes his destiny and paid the consequences of those decisions. Therefore, there is a predetermined part of the future, that person can not change, moral hazard and there is a possible or variable part, which may be affected.
It is interesting to others. Iskakov further describes the law of karma. He argues that if each institution on an informational level is present throughout the universe, then in each small region of space-time there must be information about the whole universe. Thus, each zone area the most complete encyclopedia, in an endless store of knowledge about the universe. Thoughts, feelings and actions of people have their existence in space and time. If we generate good thoughts and deeds - love, mercy, truth, beauty, contributing not only their own good but the good of humanity. Otherwise, when we begin to evil, envious and sinful moral hazard thoughts and actions, thus polluting energy-information field of the universe which humanity is being sentenced. At present, our survival depends largely on the ecology of the spirit. The law of karma is something like deposits in the bank - what stake put, such a result, we raise with the account. Therefore, you should constantly and patiently made to dobr

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