Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Serstech identify chemicals with the help of the world is probably the smallest and most cost-Raman

In television shows like CSI, we are accustomed to crime fighter uses the great technology in their daily work. Probably we would not have raised an eyebrow if they were equipped each with a handheld device that can instantly tell which chemical substance in front of them. Today, such technology actually real - Swedish Serstech has developed a hand-held spectrometer, the size of a cell phone, that within seconds tells what kind of chemicals you touch. The company is celebrating today that production can start, thanks to gains from an oversubscribed rights issue. Serstech has developed a technology that helps customs, police, rescue and military ssl with quick and easy chemical identification of powders, pills and liquids. The interface is easy: hold the mobile device near the substance in question and press the button, you will know in a few seconds what it is for something you touch. The technique is based on a proprietary spectrometer parts light of different wavelengths and thus can distinguish different substances such as drugs, explosives, industrial chemicals or other substances that need to be identified quickly. Today is a spectrometer typically a large and unwieldy machine standing in a lab; Serstechs spectrometer is the size of a cell phone, energy efficient and cost effective. - The idea behind the development of our spectrometer ssl has always been that it should come down in both size and price so that any customs or quality controller can have a belt, ready to be used. Current solutions is impractical and expensive because of the size and handling. Our spectrometer can be used in many places and really revolutionize our customers' decision-making, explains Peter Höjerback, CEO of Serstech. The company has been financed ssl through a combination of client, project and equity capital. One customer is the Swedish ssl Defence Research Agency, FOI, who closely followed the development of Serstechs technology. - We see great opportunities in the technology and we are working together with Serstech to further refine the technology. We have perhaps ssl Europe's top security labs and much knowledge of advanced mathematical algorithms, which blends well with a Serstechs unique small spectrometers, explains Per Ola Andersson, head of research at FOI in Umeå. Today for Serstech also discussions with the chemical, pharmaceutical and food companies. There is money to be saved by quick check of the ingredients. ssl - Thanks to the confidence of our investors, we can now begin production of our handheld instruments. Together with our current ssl products for laboratories will enable us to help many more customers to save time, money and perhaps even lives, rounds off Peter Höjerback. Serstech AB is a company based at Ideon in Lund.
Serstech identify chemicals with the help of the world is probably the smallest and most cost-Raman spectrometer. It can be built into the process monitoring, or used as a handheld instrument. Since the measurements do not require any preparation and goes through both water and glass and plastic has many uses. Industrial customers save time and money through quick and easy quality control of raw materials, while in the customs, police and environmental safety identifies drugs and dangerous substances.
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