Saturday, March 8, 2014

There are theories that you should only be a few tenths of a degree Celsius higher average temperat

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About human pollution and global climate change has been written already a lot, some a little more eco 'conscious' world's governments have also committed to reducing emissions. But according to some changes we will not be able to stop.
Climate change in the language of many critics greed of capitalism, ecology advocates, politicians, and also has direct harm people who are growing water or other unusual natural phenomenon caused irreparable damage. There are also skeptics who argue different theories of climatic cycles to baziranja results by defenders because of the large money in the business.
Anyway, the denial of human impact on the earth is like denying the Holocaust and does not hold water. In fact, there is a lot of chemicals in the atmosphere, which bind to the atmospheric gases or which themselves compacted soil and climate change impact of the solar rays on the surface of the earth.
The most recent study results suggest that there are proven 'air critical points "- physical review letters small changes that can lead to radical climate change. With sophisticated warning systems could somehow predict the where and approximately when it will happen the worst weather disasters.
Monsoon not only caresses the northern shores of the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia, but also occurs seasonally in the Sahel obatlantskem work. Formed as a constant wind from the passing tropical convergence zones (these zones are joining trade winds) as well as large seasonal differences between the humidity of the equatorial Atlantic and the dry Sahara and South Sahelom. physical review letters Of the West African monsoon depends what little rain they get the Sahelian countries (Sudan, Mali, Niger, Central African physical review letters Republic and others). The increase in wind strength as a result of increased temperature differences that could lead to higher average temperature in the area reduced the relative humidity of the air masses and hence rainfall in the Sahel zone, thereby jeopardizing the lives of millions of already malnourished people. Collapse of Antarctic ice sheets and melting physical review letters Arctic ice.
Melting ice caps north and south poles is probably the most well-known consequence of the increase in average temperatures. Melting ice means rising sea levels. According to the forecasts of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change United Nations should be the average sea level over the next 90 years has risen by 18 to 59 cm. Flooded to the whole area in the low-lying countries in the delta of the Ganges (Bangladesh) should be displaced to 150 million people. More water also means more severe impact marine disasters such as tsunamis due to sea level rise and extreme cyclone events.
El Niño and La Niña - temperature fluctuations in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean increase in atmospheric physical review letters temperature would increase the temperature oscillation in the eastern Pacific (wider area around the Galapagos physical review letters Islands). Oscillation, which they named El Niño and La Niña (boy and girl) - 'boy' growth, 'girl', the drop in temperature, bringing extreme weather events (storms), such as drought, hurricane winds and flooding. Since the El Niño and La Niña kvaziciklična event, as are repeated about 5 years, the global temperature change will bring more frequent local temperature fluctuations and the El Niño and La Niña could become constants.
It is well known that Northern Europe is not green and framed in ice because it heats the warm Gulf Stream from the Caribbean area. The Gulf Stream is a part of the global physical review letters marine circulation of ocean currents called 'thermohaline circulation'. This is explained by the different temperature and salt content in the sea. Flow circulates through all the world's seas and 'driven' the most important physical review letters stream in the world. Stopping the Gulf Stream would be a real disaster for the east coast of North America and Europe. Fictitious illustrate the problem we have seen in the Hollywood film The Day After Tomorrow, but the events in the film associated with stopping the flow, according to scientists grossly inflated. Yet, the British finally able to feel what a real winter on their latitude and could you say goodbye to their traditional agriculture.
There are theories that you should only be a few tenths of a degree Celsius higher average temperature there was a lot more opportunities for self and wild fires, in addition to logging the most threatened rainforest. The latter in addition to animal and plant biodiversity represents the lungs of our planet as 'stored' large amounts of CO2 and produces oxygen. With the destruction of the forest would be the effect of atmospheric greenhouse grow even faster.
According to some projections physical review letters on

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