Wednesday, March 19, 2014

All simulations freely available from Phet Phet site and easy to use and incorporate into the class

Phet provides fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena for free. We believe that our research-based approach-incorporating findings from previous research and our own testing allows students to make connections between real life phenomena and the underlying science, deepening their understanding and appreciation of the physical world. To help students understand the concept of visual, Phet simulations animate what is invisible to the eye through the use of graphics and intuitive controls such as click-and-drag the slider manipulation, and radio buttons. In order to further encourage quantitative exploration, the simulations bibliovie also offer measurement instruments including rulers, stop-watches, voltmeters and thermometers. As users manipulate interactive tools, responses immediately animated thus effectively describe the cause-and-effect relationships as well as some related representations (motion of objects, graphs, number readouts, etc.) To ensure the effectiveness and usefulness of education, all the simulations are extensively tested and evaluated . These tests include student interviews in addition to the actual utilization of simulation in a variety of settings, including lectures, group work, homework and lab work. Our scoring system indicates what level of testing has been completed in each simulation.
All simulations freely available from Phet Phet site and easy to use and incorporate into the classroom. They are written bibliovie in Java and Flash, and can be run using a standard web browser as long as Flash and Java installed.
Simulation Modelling Animation DATA LOGGING VIDEO ANALYSIS
2013 (5) January (5) Phet Simulation WHAT IS DATA LOGGING?? Physics Experiments Regarding Expansion Concepts and Tech ... Video Experimental Verification of Law of Conservation of Moment ... Media Learning Physics Using Modellus 2012 (2) October (2)
Modellus is a software package that is freely available that allow students and teachers (school and college) for ...

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