Sunday, May 10, 2015

The researchers Images brain participants using fMRI and found that activity in two areas of the br

The research team says that the equation, published in the journal cientificalab PNAS, can be used to consider the situation and mood disorders happiness on a large scale. It can also help the British government and welfare statistics, collected since 2010 analysis.
He told the BBC: "the brain is trying to find out what you need to do in the world to get bonuses, and therefore all decisions, expectations cientificalab and results cientificalab is the information used to make sure you take the right decisions in the future. It meets the expectations and rewards recent to determine their happiness at the moment."
For example, if the thought of going to a restaurant and you have less this business outlook, and then found a better food than expected, this will make you happier, but if you have a positive outlook, this may increase your happiness even before the start of the meal, because you are looking forward to this event.
The researchers Images brain participants using fMRI and found that activity in two areas of the brain associated with a positive level of happiness; The first is "the ventral scheme", which is a major source of secretion of dopamine, either region second is the "crust isolationism", an area of the brain affect many emotions, including cientificalab happiness.
Said Rutledge said the experience was of course a simple Compared to cause the real world, he said, adding: "We were pleased to see that the equation is well able to clarify the causes of happiness. Even in light of these large participants group, there a connection fixed between rewards and expectations and happiness."
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