International Cuisine | cattle in poor countries produce more greenhouse gases | Democratic Republic of Congo | Ethiopia | Haiti | Kenya | Sri Lanka | Madagascar | Niger | Uganda | Vietnam | South Africa | environment deal
The food crisis in East Africa's economy crisis Ebola food security early warning security influenza water and sanitation AIDS gender education environment human rights Urban Risk Governance Aid Policy Children's Health and Nutrition Natural Disasters Refugees and Displaced conflict migration
Johannesburg, December 18, 2013 (IRIN) A new study says that the amount of carbon aether 2 dioxide that causes global warming emitted from cattle that are raised for the production of meat and milk in some poor countries, can be up to 100 times more than those in rich countries per kilogram produced of protein (milk and meat). The study, published today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), is the latest comprehensive assessment of the food that you eat cows, sheep, pigs, poultry and other farm animals in different parts of the world, and the amount of conversion efficiency of this food to milk, eggs and meat, and the amount of greenhouse gas emissions they produce. It should be noted that livestock in developing countries produce 75 percent of global emissions from those animals specifically, and 56 percent of global emissions produced by poultry and swine. The reason for the increase in greenhouse gas emissions of developing countries to feed animals for consumption of poor quality, and quantity of the food consumed, and the poor health status of the animals. This study scientists has been prepared at the International Institute for Livestock Research (ILRI), and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research ((CSIRO and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). At the global level, the scientists found that the cattle, which are bred to produce beef or dairy products , is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from cattle, which is responsible for 77 percent of the total of those emissions, while pigs and poultry is responsible for 10 percent considered only. The terms of the most important to study the amount of feed consumed by livestock to produce one kilogram of protein, known as side " feed efficiency ", and the amount of greenhouse gases produced for every kilogram of protein, known as the" emission intensity ". It is worth mentioning that it has been selected sub-Saharan Africa as a spot hot globally in terms of greenhouse gases emissions. She Chronicle newspaper provided research institutions that livestock grazing in arid land in Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan, for example, can release the equivalent of 1,000 kg of carbon dioxide per one kilogram of protein, which is produced. By way of comparison, does not exceed emission intensity in many parts of the United States aether 2 and Europe aether 2 10 kilograms per one kilogram of protein. Feed poor releases more gas this new data provides a more detailed aether 2 way to help countries to establish baselines for their own emissions aether 2 in relation to the livestock sector, compared with other studies and data that have been released in the past.
Livestock grazing in arid land in Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan, for example, can release the equivalent of 1,000 kg of carbon dioxide per one kilogram of protein, which is produced Among the greenhouse aether 2 main greenhouse gas, is methane gas (44 percent) is responsible for the largest livestock emissions, according to a report issued by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) earlier this year, followed by nitrous oxide gas (29 percent) and carbon dioxide (27 percent). Can be used for meals and feed and methods to reduce methane gas emitted during the digestion process better nutrition, as well as the amount of methane and nitrous oxide from manure dissolved, the scientists said. They can also balance the nutrients in the feed that affects the amount of gas produced by the animal. Rich countries aether 2 and progress Olafa more balanced in terms of the combination of nutrients in a time where scientists are working to provide various types of herbs to help poor countries reduce their own emissions aether 2 livestock sector. In a related context, to provide more information about how the livestock sector we have is crucial, especially considered aether 2 and it is expected that the demand for animal products will increase by 70 percent by 2050. The new study found that the grass is the main feed consumed by cattle in developing countries (73 percent) - and cattle eat up the bulk of it far ahead of other animals. In a statement to IRIN (IRIN), Mario Herrero, main author of the study, and who left the International Institute for Livestock Research earlier this year to take up a senior fellow scientists at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research office in Australia that livestock in the developing world launches said more emissions of methane because "the largest number of animals in the developing world," aether 2 because "the quality of what you eat less, and therefore it releases more methane per unit of feed consumed." It is likely to consume cow in North America or Europe between 75 and 300 kilograms of dry matter, at most, to produce one kilogram of meat protein, while it may eat up the cow in sub-Saharan Africa between 500 and 2000 kg of dry material to produce one kilogram of meat, according to the fact sheet, which also noted that "the differences in feed efficiency is due mainly to the high quality nutrition
The food crisis in East Africa's economy crisis Ebola food security early warning security influenza water and sanitation AIDS gender education environment human rights Urban Risk Governance Aid Policy Children's Health and Nutrition Natural Disasters Refugees and Displaced conflict migration
Johannesburg, December 18, 2013 (IRIN) A new study says that the amount of carbon aether 2 dioxide that causes global warming emitted from cattle that are raised for the production of meat and milk in some poor countries, can be up to 100 times more than those in rich countries per kilogram produced of protein (milk and meat). The study, published today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), is the latest comprehensive assessment of the food that you eat cows, sheep, pigs, poultry and other farm animals in different parts of the world, and the amount of conversion efficiency of this food to milk, eggs and meat, and the amount of greenhouse gas emissions they produce. It should be noted that livestock in developing countries produce 75 percent of global emissions from those animals specifically, and 56 percent of global emissions produced by poultry and swine. The reason for the increase in greenhouse gas emissions of developing countries to feed animals for consumption of poor quality, and quantity of the food consumed, and the poor health status of the animals. This study scientists has been prepared at the International Institute for Livestock Research (ILRI), and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research ((CSIRO and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). At the global level, the scientists found that the cattle, which are bred to produce beef or dairy products , is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from cattle, which is responsible for 77 percent of the total of those emissions, while pigs and poultry is responsible for 10 percent considered only. The terms of the most important to study the amount of feed consumed by livestock to produce one kilogram of protein, known as side " feed efficiency ", and the amount of greenhouse gases produced for every kilogram of protein, known as the" emission intensity ". It is worth mentioning that it has been selected sub-Saharan Africa as a spot hot globally in terms of greenhouse gases emissions. She Chronicle newspaper provided research institutions that livestock grazing in arid land in Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan, for example, can release the equivalent of 1,000 kg of carbon dioxide per one kilogram of protein, which is produced. By way of comparison, does not exceed emission intensity in many parts of the United States aether 2 and Europe aether 2 10 kilograms per one kilogram of protein. Feed poor releases more gas this new data provides a more detailed aether 2 way to help countries to establish baselines for their own emissions aether 2 in relation to the livestock sector, compared with other studies and data that have been released in the past.
Livestock grazing in arid land in Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan, for example, can release the equivalent of 1,000 kg of carbon dioxide per one kilogram of protein, which is produced Among the greenhouse aether 2 main greenhouse gas, is methane gas (44 percent) is responsible for the largest livestock emissions, according to a report issued by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) earlier this year, followed by nitrous oxide gas (29 percent) and carbon dioxide (27 percent). Can be used for meals and feed and methods to reduce methane gas emitted during the digestion process better nutrition, as well as the amount of methane and nitrous oxide from manure dissolved, the scientists said. They can also balance the nutrients in the feed that affects the amount of gas produced by the animal. Rich countries aether 2 and progress Olafa more balanced in terms of the combination of nutrients in a time where scientists are working to provide various types of herbs to help poor countries reduce their own emissions aether 2 livestock sector. In a related context, to provide more information about how the livestock sector we have is crucial, especially considered aether 2 and it is expected that the demand for animal products will increase by 70 percent by 2050. The new study found that the grass is the main feed consumed by cattle in developing countries (73 percent) - and cattle eat up the bulk of it far ahead of other animals. In a statement to IRIN (IRIN), Mario Herrero, main author of the study, and who left the International Institute for Livestock Research earlier this year to take up a senior fellow scientists at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research office in Australia that livestock in the developing world launches said more emissions of methane because "the largest number of animals in the developing world," aether 2 because "the quality of what you eat less, and therefore it releases more methane per unit of feed consumed." It is likely to consume cow in North America or Europe between 75 and 300 kilograms of dry matter, at most, to produce one kilogram of meat protein, while it may eat up the cow in sub-Saharan Africa between 500 and 2000 kg of dry material to produce one kilogram of meat, according to the fact sheet, which also noted that "the differences in feed efficiency is due mainly to the high quality nutrition
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