Monday, May 4, 2015

Latest articles doctors do not care interventions warfarin propranolol as an option for the treatme

The risk of disinfectant българия triclosan common use in detergents | News Medical Sciences
News WHO World Health Organization issued an assessment of health quickly on the impact of Nepal earthquake WHO and health partners are struggling to treat survivors of the earthquake in the regions of Nepal remote WHO is coordinating the health response to the earthquake Nepal; work to prevent the spread of the World Health Organization diseases send More medical supplies and help to support the arrival of foreign medical teams to quake-ravaged Nepal, which the World Health Organization Nepal groups provide health supplies and finance emergency after the quake-hit health news BBC C-word drama is 'lasting legacy'
The brother of author Lisa Lynch, who wrote a candid book and blog about her battle with breast cancer, says a BBC drama on her life will be "a lasting legacy". Gene therapy retina disease potential
Triclosan additive antimicrobial found in many detergents as soap liquid and other products hand, Kalshambo and many other household items, and is used as anti-bacterial in the treatment of acne and deodorants, and there are, for example, in the teeth Colgate Totally and Ssanzodan Total Care and other paste of toothpastes, and the occurrence mechanism of the potential damage to edit chloroform and dioxin
Although its use on a large scale, the researchers българия at the University of California found in the San Diego School of Medicine potentially serious consequences of long-term exposure to this chemical, the study shows, which was published on November 17 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, that triclosan cause cirrhosis of the liver and cancer in lab rats through relevant mechanisms exist in humans molecular mechanisms.
Eating fish rich in fatty acids enhances the response to antidepressants intestinal flora (healthy bacteria) protect against metabolic syndrome.
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