Some Web sites and others the opportunity to measure the IQ (Intelligence Quotient (IQ, a figure that represents an individual's ability to logical trial, is measured through a solution based on logic and common sense and attention compared with the statistical average for those in the same age issues tests. There is no doubt that this the figure varies according to many influences ... But is excessive ingestion of cannabis One of these effects ?! scientists from Duke University in the United States reported in a study published in the PNAS journal in 2012, that of cannabis toxic effect nervous on the brains of teenagers, causing according to the study loss eight points of the sum total of intelligence (IQ), where they found that the IQ, learning, memory and executive functions have all declined in those who started smoking cannabis (Marijuana) constantly and Oazbwa it before the age of eighteen. It was this research part of the study included 1037 children NZ born between 1972 and 1973. This study adopted several measures of health-related intelligence and behavior applied to all the participants at age 38, on average. This Scientists have pointed to the possible existence what is biology of other explanations for their findings, and they could not conclusively "prove whether the link between ingestion Hemp and continuous decline in IQ is accidental, "but the study did not overlook some factors such as years of education, schizophrenia, alcohol intake, some psychiatric medications, but neglected in return other relevant factors such as trauma in childhood. After six months of publication of the first search, another study published in the PNAS journal questioned the methodologies used in this research, explained that wrong and Causal Inference Abstract of the results to be premature, as the study discussed that if we take into account the impact of social and economic what is biology situation on the IQ has the This latter level fell due to the use of cannabis is exaggerated by previous searches, and can in fact be non-existent. A new study has shed in the (University College London (UCL further light on the results what is biology of Duke University, but it included the largest of teenagers sample (2612 children Britain who were born between 1991 and 1992), where I found that continued use of cannabis is not linked at all, down IQ has , despite the existence of a close association between alcohol intake and the decline in IQ when participants between eighteen and fifteen years. On the other hand there is evidence meets that the use of cannabis may impact on the results of school exams when its users, where the collection of those who consume cannabis sharply by 3 dropped %, reflecting the search link between heavy use of cannabis and between poor academic performance and low completion rates in adolescents. In California, the results were hemp legislation recently, a new study published show that made this a legal property is not cause increased disruptive behavior in adolescents such as crime or overdoses of drugs or driving under the influence of drugs or underachievement. This probably indicates that despite the negative health effects of smoking cannabis, the ban may not be the perfect solution. Source: here
It is smoking cannabis on human intelligence IQ rate affects?
With this huge number of articles and books scattered everywhere it's time to invent new methods for increasing the speed of reading, what is biology especially in recently, but ...
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