I found a new study published index journal in the journal Science (journal Science) index journal that climate change strongly linked human violence all over the world. Based on the data that has been studied more than ever - and in view of all the major regions of the world, from the United States all the way to Somalia index journal - study revealed a pattern of linked conflict even climate change edits, including increased drought or higher index journal rates in temperatures .
The study covered all types of major conflicts, ranging from standard "of violence between groups and political instability, such as civil wars, riots and ethnic violence, and the invasion of land" down to less study categories such as "personal violence and crime, such as murder, assault, rape, and domestic violence" index journal - even The study covered the "institutional failures, such as a sudden and significant changes in the governing institutions or the collapse of entire civilizations."
All three types of conflict suffered "a large and systematic responses to changes in climate, with the impact on the conflict between the most obvious groups." As the study found, index journal in particular, a positive correlation between higher temperatures and more violence.
With business as usual scenario on CO2 emissions, which is heading the minimum to rise 3-4 degrees Celsius (C) to the average global temperature early in the middle of the century, the study findings indicate index journal that violent conflict will become more apparent in the foreseeable future if we do not do something to alleviate from climate change - and the words contained in the study: "... can be attributed to inflation human conflict that represents a major and decisive impact of climate change."
"We could show that climatic events caused the conflict, but we can not yet say exactly why," according to author Dr Sulaiman Hsyanj President said, an assistant professor of public policy at the Goldman School of the University of California at Berkeley.
"At the moment, there are several hypotheses to explain why the climate may affect the conflict. For example, we know that changes in climate constitute the prevailing economic conditions., Especially in the agricultural economies, studies show that people are more likely to take up arms when the economy is deteriorating, and maybe that is partly due to maintain their livelihoods. "
However, to what extent is the study's conclusions fixed? A 2010 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), for example, contrary to previous studies claiming that the conflict index journal in Africa was motivated by climate change. index journal But the engine was President of the conflict is poverty and economic inequality and social and political tensions, and "identity politics" tactical about race.
"Even if you find that the conflict, which is defined in a certain way, it seems coupled with climate, you if you apply a number of complementary measures - which you must do in order to determine the strength of the relationship Allowadhh- then you will find, in almost all cases, that does not relationship of the two to each other in reality. "
"I do not agree with the overall conclusion is overwhelming that came out by the authors of the study, and I think that a strong statement about the existence of a causal index journal relationship between the general climate and conflict in the empirical index journal analysis they provide unwarranted. Was surprised not to see a single reference to the real world that would not have happened, apparently, in the absence of climatic pressures notable conflict. If those wishing to claim the authors of a strong causal relationship, the provision of some form of health this topic is crucial. "
In fact, both approaches Choppema defects. While the new study for the journal Science focusing on the interrelationships index journal between climate change and various forms of violence without exploring the role of other social factors, PNAS study rejected in 2010, and very easily, the role of climate index journal change like a microphone potential of these factors.
By showing strong links between climate change index journal and violent incidents, the study of the journal Science convincing argument of a link between the two offers. But difficult dilemma lies in the "inability to interpret index journal the necessity for a coherent link Monday in everything, index journal beyond the vague to the" economy "or" physiology signals ".
What is missing from the analysis is the fact that climate change is reflected through complex social, political, economic and cultural relations of the different communities. This is exactly the way in which climate change may affect these relations, though the way they choose out of those communities choose to respond to those effects are determined by the path toward violence.
PNAS study on the progress of conflict in Africa is an important treatment for the hypothesis, which says that climate change itself ensures a surge in violence, by shedding light on the political, economic and ideological complexities of African societies.
The key issue is the new war economy that the neo-liberal capitalism and the impact of structural modifications to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank which has led to the destruction of communities, intensify and infant mortality rates, widening inequality, and surround indebted countries in the region that can not be tolerated.
In many cases, the result was a rise in the "identity politics" - where the exploitation of the disintegration of societies in the face of mounting by the political groups that reviewed the cause of this disintegration and attributing more accessible and visible to the order of crises - the "other", either select this the other by race, tribe or political affiliation, or simply the site. In this way, it can be reflected in the economic and social disintegration in a war. Thus, it is only through a focus on climate change, the study of obscure journal Ala
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