Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Like hair, nails are also shaping the epidermis. This is reflected index journal in the fingers and

The integumentary system include skin and accessory structures such as hair, nails, glands (sweat and sebaceous), and specialized nerve receptors for stimuli such as touch, index journal cold, heat, pain, and pressure. Its purpose is to provide protection of the internal structures, preventing the entry of disease-causing microorganisms, regulating temperature, release of sweat, pigmentary protection against ultraviolet sunrays, and the production of vitamin D.
Contents Part 1 1.1 1.2 Hair and nails Skin 2 Skin Diseases Acne 2.1 2.2 Athletes foot Paso 2.4 2.3 2.5 Psoriasis Dermatitis Skin cancer 2.7 2.6 2.8 Warts Vitiligo Alopecia areata 2.9 2.10 2.11 Seborrheic dermatitis Paronychia 3 References 4 Citation [edit] Part [edit] Skin
The skin is the widest part of the human body. It has a size of 18 square feet. There are two main parts Integumentary and is outside the epidermis and dermis layers within layers. The epidermis consists of several strata also contains four types of cells. These are the keratinocytes which produce keratin, the melanocytes nagpoprodus of melanin, which gives color, Merkel's cells responsible in touch reception index journal and Langerhan's cell that helps the immune system index journal in the processing of antigens (foreign bodies). On the other hand, the dermal index journal layer called 'true skin' is the layer under the epidermis. The main part of it is the collagen or protein that provides strength, the reticular fibers or thin protein fibers that added support, and the elastic fibers or the protein that flexibility. The dermis has two layers called the papillary layer with connective tissue, and the reticular layer with dense connective tissue. The hypodermis index journal (subcutaneous layer) is under the dermis. The loose connective tissue such as adipose tissue (fat) in the body, conserving heat. The hypodermis also contains blood vessels, lymph vessels and hair follicles bes and sweat glands.
The skin structure nagpoprodyus sudoriferous index journal (sweat glands) and sebaceous (oil) glands. index journal It also produces nails, hair and sensory receptors that gives people the ability to feel the pressure, temperature and pain. The group sudoriferous gland is much in the body: the eccrine glands are responsible for meeting the heat while the apocrine glands also respond to stress and sexual activity of people in the way of release of vapor with extraordinary bass. The ceruminous gland is an apocrine index journal glands on the outside of the ears. This nagalabas of cerumen (earwax) sticking believed conducive to the avoidance of foreign material. The mammary glands in females are modified apocrine glands. The mammary gland is responsible for the release of milk. The sebaceous glands are found in all parts of the body except the palms and soles of the feet. The sebaceous gland releases sebum which gives hair moisture and prevent skin from dehydration. [Edit] Nails and hair
The hair is composed index journal of cornified threads of cells from the epidermis and most of the body. Each hair has a medulla, cortex and cuticle. The medulla is in the center with soft keratin and air. The cortex is the most under layer with pigment that gives hair color. The cuticle is the outermost layer with cells that overlap like scales. There yoke of hard keratin cuticle and cortex.
The root of the hair follicle is hair beneath the skin. Has a protective function hair like eyebrows avoidance of sweat into the eyes; The hair on the ears and nose also prevents dust from entering; and the hair on the head gives protection to the wound and excess spending some days. The elite arrector muscles are smooth muscle cells of the hair follicles obscure. If arrector elite is to contract, it is the hair into skin dimples or goose bumps. The emission or hair growth begins in the 3rd fetal month. In the fifth month, the lanugo (thin hair), will cover the fetus.
Like hair, nails are also shaping the epidermis. This is reflected index journal in the fingers and toes. The nails binunubuo the lunula, index journal body, root and free edge. The lunula is the white half-moon shape at the nail. The nails lying on the thick epithelial layer of skin called the nail bed. Also under the matrix (thick layer of skin). The eponychium (thin layer of epthelium) will cover the nail every time it grows. The hyponychium is the epithelium of the nail bed. [Edit] Skin Diseases [edit] Acne
This is a class of diseases that mak

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