Friday, November 7, 2014

Computer science heraeus engineer student trying to enrich the Arabic content of information, artic

We note that the system has become the standard (meters) because we are working on the system (UTM), which we have chosen a little while ago and his vision to click on (view) then (data frame properties) and then (coordinate system) and can be changed from here using the (preferred)
To draw any point to click on the pen in the tape that has just emerged and to click Ayman in the screen and choose (absolute x, y) and then (enter) to show points and to find out its coordinates are going to (center) and Click right and choose (open attribute file) to show the following window:
And now we go to the table of clicking right on the (center) and then (open attribute table) and we find that it has been added to My Events each point (x, y) to each point of the (Shape file) which previously stored and either of the amendment to the specific point coordinates job by clicking on (start editing) and then go to any point and determine heraeus (x, y own) in the (shape file).
Note: Some may wonder about the usefulness of adding the coordinates of the drawn points already and the answer is that we are in a real scenario does not draw on the vacuum, but rather draw up a real map of the area of land that already exist and once to put the mouse on a certain point, and we want that we identify chart above (point) and then add the coordinates ( Absolute coordinates) As mentioned earlier, heraeus a coordinates that have been previously calculated by devices (GPS) electronic minutes.
Must take into account the trend when the streets and sewers and other fee because the direction from the starting point to the end is to be made automatically as the direction and drawing attention to him so you must paint it, or when we give the inverse (flip) in the meta-line (command line)
Computer science heraeus engineer student trying to enrich the Arabic content of information, articles and explanations in the field of information technology and computer engineering, software and eliminate the idea that the Arabs consumers only produces knowledge and begin preparation for the production heraeus of future software and hardware that God Almighty
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