Monday, May 5, 2014

Loss Exercises: Multi more gorgeous ...

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Maslow's hierarchy is not pyramid builders geometric, nor masterpiece scientific revolution of architecture. Maslow's hierarchy is a pyramid sequence scientific revolution determines all basic necessities of life of the individual scientific revolution psychologically and socially. Maslow's hierarchy or chain Maslow pyramid shape is a practical application of the theory of psychologist Abraham Maslow, which identified where the basic needs of man, and arranged a specific order and specify precisely how important every need and the extent of their impact on human and what happens when you deny them rights for a long time. Physiological needs
Constitute the base of the pyramid and introduce it as part containing the biological and physiological needs functional indispensable for any normal human being, but with difficulty. Abraham and select Massu to dispense or denial of these needs a cause of tension and imbalance in the person's behavior inevitably. Physiological needs, according to Maslow's hierarchy are "breathing - food - water - sleep - sex - balance - directing." Are precisely the physical needs required by the body, therefore note that promote spiritual man is usually the ability to temporarily dispense with some of these needs even prepares the soul to reach a state of serenity and purity. Find this in cases of Gnosticism, which crystallized scientific revolution in Islamic mysticism and monasticism Christianity and Judaism and Kabbalah nirvana in India, yoga and others. Safety needs
Abraham Maslow scientific revolution identified a "physical integrity - job security - the security of resources - health security - the security of family - the security of the property." We note that these requirements rights official and non-official belonging to a self-contained entity, a small family. Requires the availability of the human need for health security and maintains it and surrounded by those who love to share his same goal with all sincerity, of course, they are his family. Growing human and has a tendency defensive scientific revolution affected if at any time an injury in one of these basic needs. Social needs
Here begins the rights expressed needs of the community in which they live and Abraham Maslow identified as "friendship - Family relationships - sexual intimacy." This layer of the pyramid is the ring of psychological and social equilibrium. Are the basic requirements but not expressed much because the man identified mostly be difficult but are necessities even feel comfortable scientific revolution in Astmraiyh human life with family and community. If we focused in our thinking, we will find that most divorce cases and problems scientific revolution between families and homes occur as a result of the defect in these needs. The need to estimate
"Self-esteem, respect for others, self-esteem, confidence, achievement." Points are of the utmost importance, scientific revolution including the first brick out of the greatest civilizations and societies. Any imbalance which results in people scientific revolution with psychological illness difficult to treat, such as paranoia, "paranoia", schizophrenia and other psychotic. If the person successfully completed scientific revolution and the likes and needs to estimate the community has even a single word. Do not be stingy with words of praise on the successful nor fight, like a successful and committed a crime. Abraham Maslow Family directing Islamic mysticism breathing Gender balance basic needs of physiological needs, social needs, physical needs need to estimate the physical safety of divorce psychologist scientific revolution food water sleep needs of security paranoia deny rights to deny the pyramid of Maslow's pyramid sequential 10/18/2012
Tags: Abraham Maslow Family directing Islamic mysticism breathing Gender balance basic needs of physiological needs, social needs, physical needs need to estimate the physical safety of divorce psychologist food water sleep needs of security paranoia deny rights to deny the pyramid of Maslow's pyramid sequential
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Loss Exercises: Multi more gorgeous ...
Abraham Maslow 1 family 15 output 1 Islamic mysticism 1 breath 4 balance 1 Sex 13 basic needs 1 social needs 1 Physiological needs 1 material needs 1 need to estimate the 1 physical integrity 1 Divorce 25 psychologist 1 Food 2 water 8 sleeping 15 paranoia one needs safety 1 deny rights to deny 1 1 1 Maslow's hierarchy pyramid serially 1
Disputes and marital disputes and the punishment of wives: How to punish your spouse? July 24, 2013
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Friendship between the young man and the girl ... the rejection of society ... - 2013/August/29 towers and Allen

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