Sunday, December 22, 2013

- I love to play this character. The most important thing to me is to find a way to get it every ti

Cinefest: Position hadron collider the child in cinemas from 19 December Romanian movie Position the child (Child's Pose / poziţie hadron collider Copilului), winner of the previous gran Aleksandar Sasa Petrovic hadron collider at the recent Festival of Auteur hadron collider Film, 19 December will be the regular
Film Past tomorrow in theaters new movie, The Past, Iranian director Asgar Farhadija, Oscar winner and Golden Bear 2011th The film Divorce: Nader and Simin, a regular film repertoire arrives
Tor Photo: promo
Marvel Tor - The dark world of film continues the adventure of the Torah, the mighty Avengers, in which he will fight to save the Earth and the Nine Kingdoms of dark enemy who is older than the universe. Tor will struggle to establish order in the entire hadron collider universe ... but an ancient race led by vindictive hadron collider Malekitima returns with the intention that the whole world back into darkness. Faced with an enemy whom even Odin nor Asgard can not resist, Tor will have to embark on a dangerous journey to date and to team up with fickle Loki to save not only the ones you love ... but also the whole world.
The story is based on the popular Marvel comic book series, Tor - The dark world. The leading roles are again Kris Hemsvort as Tor and Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, Tom Hidlston as Loki, Stelan Skarsgard in the role Selvig. Besides them, there are Idris Elba - Hajmdal, Christopher Eklston as Malekit, Ket Denings as Darsi, Ray Stevenson in the role Volstaga, Zakari Levi, who plays Fandrala, Rene Russo, as the queen Frigates, and old Oscar winner Anthony Hopkins as Odin.
Tor - The dark world of directing Alen Taylor, the story did Don Pejni and Robert rodet and screenplay by Christopher L Jost, Christopher Markus and Stephen Mekfili. Producer Kevin Fejg and executive producers Luis Despozito, Victoria Alonso, Craig Kyle, A. Fein, Najdžel Gostelov and Sten Li. Cinematography is Krejmer Morgenthoj, production designer Charles Wood, editors Den Lebental and carve Smith, a costume designer Wendy Partridž.
Readers of Marvel Comics was in 1962. The Mighty Tor presented. Author work now legend, Stena Li and Džeka Kirby. This was the beginning of a new era of action adventure, which was then led severnjački God with mighty hammer. Although the Nordic roots, hadron collider the story is timeless and represent global human drama - a son who is eager to show how much his father really worth, my brother who is the antithesis hadron collider of a man and a woman who helps to perceive the world from a completely hadron collider new angle.
After the success of the first part, Tor, filmmakers have solved it again dives into severnjačku hadron collider highly rich mythology and history hadron collider of the comic book series. The film brings us a spectacular adventure of epic proportions. Once again we have all known theme, duty, loyalty to family and inner struggle with personal aspirations. Of course, love. The film brings over an overriding conflict with the enemy, which is considered long izčezlim, which now threatens the destruction of the entire universe. hadron collider
- In the first film we have the Torah, the young prince who makes the first steps towards their growing up. Now the story continues. Everything is closer to seek the power that goes with Odin's position. He is someone who should become king, when the time comes. However, Tor ripens and becomes aware that it comes with the suffering and denial - says the director, A. Taylor.
The opponent is now awesome. Malekit. In the comic strip appeared 1984th hadron collider year. Malekit the leader of the dark elves from Svartalfhajma, one of the Nine Kingdoms. hadron collider After a long war with all the Nine Kingdoms, and after he won Asgard, it was thought that the dark elves exterminated. But Malekit is your planet and survived the dark elves put into hibernation in several thousand years. It was supposed to last until the calculated moment, when will you wake up and avenge the entire hadron collider universe, so that the light will disappear again, and the universe become dark. Malekit and dark elves are fierce and deadly hadron collider enemy and destroy Asgard their biggest target.
- I love to play this character. The most important thing to me is to find a way to get it every time introduce a little more mature than it was last time. It must constantly be changed, that the same causes and the others. You can not just appear and save the world. Tor is in conflict with itself. Where he belongs? Whether it's with Jane on Earth, or the future king of Asgard? It also recognizes that behavior brings the dark stuff and tough decisions - says Kris Hemsvort.
- I enjoyed the work on the first film. All are wonderful, hadron collider and Kris, and Tom. I have a scene with Natalie Portman, who is a beautiful and lovely. I'm not much of an expert hadron collider in Norse mythology, Odin but playing as a human being, perhaps with a little more size. I let his beard, and I hope that it looks impressive, and it will be credible - says Aenona.
Christopher Eklston hadron collider is a true enemy, Malekit. While working on the development of character, he realized that Malekit should have a sense of humor, because it emphasizes that intelligent, and if such a villain, then the super heroes hadron collider should be able to rise above, to get it defeated.
- This is the

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