Monday, September 30, 2013

Even if math was not your favorite subject, it

Even if math was not your favorite subject, it's hard to argue with the fact that it plays a huge role in our lives. Although the numbers are all around us, some of which we attach particular importance. Pi - is the most famous and mysterious mathematical constant that expresses the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of the circle. It is used in the global spoony experiment statistics, weather forecasts and other situations that require a lot of processing power. It is never the same and never ends, if it be written as a decimal fraction. Interestingly, the famous pyramid spoony experiment of Cheops is the epitome of pi as the ratio of its height with the perimeter spoony experiment of the base gives the number Pi. The first 100 decimal places of pi look like this: 0582097494459230781640628620899862803482 3,14159265358979323846264338327950288419 71693993751 53421170679 2. Number 666 Number 666 is most famous for being considered the number of the beast, or the number of the devil in the Bible, where it is mentioned: "Here is wisdom. Anyone has insight, let him calculate spoony experiment the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man: and his number is six hundred sixty-six." Many believe this is the number of bringing misfortune, satanic, a sign of the Antichrist and avoid it. Fear of the number 666 is called гексакосиойгексеконтагексафобия. There are those who believe that in fact the translation was inaccurate and the number spoony experiment of the beast is 616. 3. The number googol and guolpleks number Googol, which is a unit followed by 100 zeros, it became famous through spoony experiment the well-known search engine spoony experiment Google, which slightly distorted the name of the number "googol" (Googol). From there it by "googolplex", which represents 10 raising googol. How big is the number? If the entire universe is filled with pieces of paper and write on each "zero", spoony experiment you will find that we have written only half that number. 4. Zero Zero became the foundation of modern mathematics. Although we start counting from one, mathematicians and programmers believe from scratch. He is known as a neutral element. If you add to or subtract from any number of zero, the number will not change. If you multiply spoony experiment any number by zero, you get zero. Any number raised to a power level of 0 to 1, e.g. 2 to the zero power level 1. But you can not divide the number by zero. There is no year zero in the number system. So, there is a 3 BC and 2 BC, 1 BC, and then 1 AD, 2 AD and so on. 5. Number 7 Number 7 is considered the luckiest number. There are 7 days a week, 7 deadly sins and the seven virtues, 7 continents, 7 colors of the rainbow, seven musical notes, seven days of Creation, and much more. In Europe, there is a belief according to which the 7th son of the 7th son has magical powers. Also, the number 7 is often a favorite spoony experiment number of people around the world. 6. Golden Section Golden Mean or Golden Section - a value that is equal to approximately 1.6180339887, which describes the universal perfect proportions in science and art. Two quantities are golden ratio, if the ratio of these quantities is much the same as the ratio between spoony experiment the greater and smaller size. Many artists and architects have used the golden ratio in his works, as it is these proportions are considered aesthetically spoony experiment pleasing. 7. According to Pythagoras Number 5, Number 5 - is the perfect number of human microcosm. Aristotle also added a 5th element to the 4 elements (fire, water, air, earth), and called it the ether, which was the basis of most of the spiritual practices of the ancient spoony experiment alchemists. Also, the number 5 has a spiritual meaning and symbolism in other cultures. Interestingly, it was the basis of pseudo-religion - diskordianizma, according to which everything that happens in the universe is related to the number five. 8. Number 8 Number spoony experiment 8 is the number of perfection. It is associated with the infinite, and the ancient Egyptians believed spoony experiment the number of balance and cosmic order. It is considered a lucky number in Japanese and Chinese culture. The Pythagoreans believed that the number 8 is a symbol of love and friendship. 9. Number 13, Number spoony experiment 13 became a symbol of evil omens, along with the popularity of Friday the 13th. Even in these times, you may notice that many buildings there is no 13th floor. Number 13 has a religious origin of the Christians, as at the Last Supper, the 13th apostle betrayed Jesus. 10. These Fibonacci numbers are named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci, who introduced Europe to the decimal number system and Arabic numerals. Fibonacci numbers represent sequence numbers in the following strands: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, ... In this case each include an amount of power by the previous spoony experiment two properties. The Fibonacci sequence occurs naturally in plants and animals in the pattern of sunflower seeds, pineapple, pine cones and even the human body (one nose, two eyes, three segments of the limbs, the five fingers on your hand). spoony experiment </ Span>
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