Light is the most important element in life. Light energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. There is some spread of the light wave, the other is between diffraction. Diffraction is the spread of symptoms experienced by the beam direction of light waves through a narrow gap when compared to the size of the wavelength. The smaller the size of the gap, the greater the spread of the wave. In accordance with the principle of Huygens, arcgis online when a wave passes through a gap then came around the point on the slit will serve as a source of secondary waves will emit a new light.
Various aspects arcgis online of this radiation can be observed can be explained on the basis of the quantum theory of light does not depend on the details prosesradiasi itself or from the material properties. At the other extreme, the atoms or molecules in a low-pressure gas is on average far enough so that the interaction occurs only at the time of the collision which sometimes happens. In these circumstances we can expect that the radiation emitted is characteristic of individual atoms or molecules contained therein; these expectations proved experimentally.
For the experimental spectrum of this lattice arcgis online will undergo diffraction of light waves to pass through a narrow slit. Spectrometer can help us to observe the line - the line of the color spectrum from mercury light source with each - each different wavelength for each - each good color spectrum on first order, arcgis online second order and the order of three. It can also determine the distance between a gap in a lattice.
Spectrum of molecular gas or vapor containing molecular ribbons composed of a lot of lines that lie very close together. Ribbon arising from rotation arcgis online and vibration (vibration) atoms in electronically excited molecules. It has been found that the incompressible substances (liquids and solids) at any temperature emits radiation wavelength which each contained, albeit with different intensities. arcgis online
Various aspects of this radiation can be observed can be explained on the basis of the quantum theory of light does not depend on the details prosesradiasi itself or from the material properties. At the other extreme, the atoms or molecules in a low-pressure gas is on average far enough so that the interaction occurs only at the time of the collision which sometimes happens. In these circumstances we can expect that the radiation emitted is characteristic of individual atoms or molecules contained therein; these expectations proved experimentally. If the atomic gas or vapor atomic pressure slightly below atmospheric pressure "diekstasikan", usually with an electric current, emitted radiation has a spectrum that contains only certain wavelengths. Actually wear diffraction grating spectrometer. Each element shows a unique line spectrum when the sample in the vapor phase diekstansikan, so spectroscopy is a useful tool for analyzing the composition of unknown substances.
When white light is passed arcgis online through the gas, it turns out that the gas will absorb light of a particular wavelength from the wavelength of spektrun emissions contained. The spectrum of absorption lines that occur consist of a bright background boarded by the dark line of the corresponding wavelength is absorbed. Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum arises because part bersemeri (radiant light) from the sun is radiating with theoretical predictions body temperature 5800 K, surrounded arcgis online by a sheath gas cooler which absorb light at specific wavelengths.
At the end of the nineteenth century found that the wavelengths arcgis online contained in the atomic spectrum falls on a certain set of so-called spectral series. Wavelength arcgis online in each series can be specified with a simple formula empirisyang with astonishing similarity between the formulation of the various series that expressed the full spectrum of an element. The first series of similar spectral was obtained by JJ Balmer in 1885 when he was studying the hydrogen spectrum looks. arcgis online When small wavelength increases, arcgis online increasing the line obtained adjacent and weaker intensity so that the series limit at 3643 Å is reached, beyond that limit there is no longer a separate line, there are only malar spectrum (continuous) weak. Balmer formula for wavelengths in this series meet:
The presence of this surprising arcgis online regularity in the spectrum of hydrogen, along with such regularity that the more complex elements, opening the decisive test for the theory of atomic structure.
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