In addition to chromatography, the mixture can also be detected and analyzed by using a mass spectrometer. The working principle of this instrument kuhl is to use the process of ionization and electron deflection. Diagram of the working principle of this instrument is shown in the following figure
The work of the mass spectrometer system consists of four stages, namely the process of ionization, acceleration, kuhl deflection and detection. Ionization kuhl process begins with sample evaporation. Sample particles from the evaporation process and then collide with electrons flow from the metal heating coil to the electron trap. Of the collision process, allowing the process of making and keeping the electron energy exchange can go out and form positive ions.
Positive ions out of the ionization chamber and then through three slits. At first gap voltage of 1000 volts charged ions to pass through the third slit with a voltage of 0 volts. Second slit, which is a voltage gap between mid mimiliki 1000-0 volts. All the ions are accelerated through the gap to get the light beam focus.
After going through the process of acceleration, then the positive ions deflected by magnetic fields. The amount of magnetic field that is used depends on the ion mass. Light ions undergo more distorting than the heavy ions. The second factor that affects the amount of magnetic field that is used is the ion charge. However, for simplicity, the ion charge is usually assumed that the ratio between the +1 charged mass and ion charge (m / z) is equal to the mass of the ion.
The picture above is of the deflection kuhl system. From the figure it can be seen that there are three streams of ions, ion flow A, B, and C. The flow of electrons kuhl that can be detected by the image flow only ion B. The electrons flow coming into the system kuhl in the form of a metal detector box. Collisions kuhl between ions with the metal box from the resulting ion stream B neutralized by electrons from the metal. Most of the electrons leaving the area between kuhl the metal ions and electrons, partly kuhl filling the area around the detector wire. Positive ions (sample) that collided with the flow of electrons detected kuhl as a current in the wire. This current is then amplified and recorded.
The flow of ions A and C can also be detected with the ara varying magnetic field on the deflection. A flow of ions due to the flow of ions lighter than B, then it takes a larger magnetic field. While the flow of ions C required a smaller magnetic field due to the nature of the flow heavier (Jim Clark, 2000).
2013 (20) October kuhl (1) September (6) Mass Spectrometer (Mass Spectrometer) HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) Sensor Elements Silver Nanoparticles Based Plastics, Between Trash and BBM Know the Appropriated Education Geotagging and Indonesian style. Have the Best? August (13)
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