The next story is about measuring biolab the Optical Density (OD) of a liquid using a spectrometer. The spectrometer is an apparatus that applied the theory of spectroscopy or Electromagnetic wave interaction process (EM), in this case is light, the material.
In the spectrometer, the light from the source is determined in advance the appropriate wavelength for the sample, then the sample can be detected turbidity and its output biolab can be directly viewed on the screen.
Spectrometers biolab that I use in research is Spektormeter type UV-1800. I use the spectrometer to determine the bacterial culture OD which I have planted in liquid media BHIb. My goal is to use a spectrometer to determine the viscosity of a bacterial culture that I have gained after the lawyer's incubation of bacteria for 24 hours.
As for the operation of the spectrometer is the way the sample is introduced into the cuvettes that have been designed so that a given light source can be absorbed or reflected by the sample perfectly.
In my research, I use liquid because liquid water is not regular but BHIb media, then before I had to calibrate the spectrometer prior to BHIb pure, then OD sample is cultured bacteria S. mutans can be read.
Oh yes do not forget, before inserting the sample, the first set of wavelengths. In my research, I selected wavelength is λ = 660 then samples can dimasukkkan into the spectrometer and detected its OD. After knowing the OD obtained, I can make it as a benchmark for the next stage of research.
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