Friday, November 22, 2013

Series 1: Ice Program 1: Ice People Programme 2: Ice Life Program 3: Ice World Series 2: The Space

A day to remember down in Cardiff last Friday. Activities were held for Year 13 students, science world including lectures, abrofion and exhibitions. Following a lecture on the extraction and chemical science world synthesis, allowed the students reduced production of limonene, necessarily oil that comes from the skin of citric fruits, by the process of steam distillation. Then they conducted a number science world of tests on various identification of organic chemicals - very important for the module CH4. After lunch the students were given a lecture on CMN spectroscopy (NMR), infrared and mass, with fun quiz to finish the session. He guided the students of the department supervisors around special laboratories where work CMN and mass spectroscopy occurs. I would like to thank Peter Hollamby, science world Interpretation Thomas and Department of Chemistry, Cardiff University for organizing the day.
The Royal Institution Lectures
Series 1: Ice Program 1: Ice People Programme 2: Ice Life Program 3: Ice World Series 2: The Space Program 1: Blast Off! Program 2: Life From Mars! Program 3: Planet Patrol Program 4: Collision Course science world Programme 5: Anybody Out There? Series 3: Plant Programme 1: The 300m Year War Program 2: The 300m Year War Program 3: The War 300m Year Program science world 4: The 300m Year War Programme 5: The 300m Year War
Hand Heater (pdf; 241Kb) Flame Tests (pdf; 413Kb) Mixtures Isotropig (pdf; 310Kb) Snow Flakes (pdf; 329Kb) science world Hold the Forger! science world (Pdf; 266KB) Writing science world Fire (pdf; 404kb) Red Cabbage (pdf; 343Kb) Initiation Documents (zip; 2.3Mb)

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