Tuesday, November 26, 2013


In today's scientists Olympic athletes are a number of tools, such as high-tech and jõujoogid treenimisvahendid, but their physical or bending of the wrestling skills scientists early are certainly people with skills below.
According to scientists, this is due to the fact that, during evolution, man has become a high-and low-resistance variant individual kehajõu lower power and higher vastupidavusvõimega specimens, writes in Live Science. scientists
Liberman added that, hypothetically, if we look at things, and transported to bet that today's scientists olümpiaatleedid be overtaken by the early people, then return them to give priority to areas that require resilience. As an example, a football or a triathlon.
Australopiteekus had his short stature, long arms and powerful chest was also successful in gymnastics and diving. But as far as running any Australopiteekusele then it can not afford to attend because he was learning to walk on two legs, "said Carrier.
Homo erectus scientists began to hunt, and was forced to move a lot. Early the people were very primitive hunting weapons and because they had to hunt to find a happy medium after long-distance running and sprint between, "explained Carrier
In today's olümpiamaratoonarid easily create the early progenitors of the people, and the early people because of physiological differences, such as wider hips make the last run for the sites to be ineffective.
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