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Scientists have developed a three year-old girl complained of an amazingly complete skeleton, which assessed the age of 3.3 million years, and thus has a very distant ancestor of the modern human species, edmund optics the most notable of which is represented by Lucy. Selami introduces Kaivo KOPLI.
"So distant from the time of a complete fossil find is quite amazing. edmund optics The thing that might happen once in a lifetime, "said the University of London Colledge'i evolutionary anatomy Professor Fred Spoor, who, along with the Leipzig Max Planck Institute for Anthropology researcher Zeresenay Alemsegedi and several others recently wrote to the finding in the journal Nature.
Satuti the bones of early 2000. In the northeastern edmund optics part of Ethiopia. Since then, researchers took five painstaking years to remove the fossil from the soil gently. Given how well the greater part of the skeleton was preserved, a young man dived ancestor probably unfortunate way, and almost instantaneously due to the flood of mud avalanche, the researchers speculated.
The creature was classified as Australopithecus afarensis'eks who lived in Africa for four similar to three million edmund optics years ago. Afarensis'te most famous representative is the skeleton, which was named Lucy, which was already in the 1974th year. It was the first in almost healthy adults survived afarensis'e skeleton.
Found in the contemporary naljatlemisi named Lucy daughter, Lucy, although he actually lived quite a hundred thousand years later. So it would be more correct in every way you continue to use the name that was given skeleton - Selam, the number of languages spoken in Ethiopia, means "peace." Child or parts of the skeleton is a rare find, as younger bones are more fragile than those of adults. The fact that it is the remains of a female child, was determined by examining the teeth of the jaw kompuutertomograafiliselt.
Selami finding should encourage ongoing debate as to whether these human ancestors were able to walk at the same time as a more or less upright and climb trees like monkeys and move on. Most scientists believe that the afarensis stood upright and walked on two legs, but they disagreed with it is that, since we had survived afarensis'el enough monkeys in trees jump. Such movements are necessary for some of the anatomical features, such as long arms. Afarensis'e hands reached almost to the knees, but the question is whether this also meant the ability to climb trees or was it an evolutionary remnant.
According to the spores Selami studies suggest that this question has not yet been able to answer, but rather inclined towards the opinion ronimisvõime probability. Selami lower body quite similar to that of a human, but rather, the upper body with a monkey. Both the scapula resembles a gorilla rather than a human's, the neck was probably short and thick as the present inimahvlastel. People in comparison with the skull allows the building to believe that the inner ear balance organ had been rather similar to that of a monkey. Fingers were quite bent, suggesting ronimisvõimele. Initially, however, has not received a response to an important chess question - whether the bones of the foot are more similar to those of humans or chimpanzees, for example, it would indicate more clearly the trees for climbing. These pieces of the skeleton has not yet been cleaned sandstone.
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