Monday, October 7, 2013

The other day, flipping through Youtube, watched This Is Horosho, then on the

We test the Fibonacci system |
The other day, flipping through Youtube, watched This Is Horosho, then on the "related videos" ruhs again came to the casino schemes. Again, confident voice, again words like: "I am completely financially ruhs independent, I do for $ 350 a day from the comfort ruhs of home, this is your chance!". Of course, all people (especially financially independent) on the ground is always "firing his themes", because competition is good, adds excitement. For those who do not understand - it was sarcasm.
Where I want to start a post? To begin with, why I do it. I'm doing this for fun in my spare time. And I do it to someone else, as I understand a simple fact: never play in online casinos. EVER. Under any pretext. They are made for profit, did not get it - would not have these casinos. NO NO AND SCHEMES ruhs THAT's guess roulette. Especially the Internet. Now when I gave advice, you can proceed to the main part. Kopipasta you could find yourself, but do it for you:
In roulette, the Fibonacci number sequence is the basis of the betting system, which in some respects to the player costs less than the Martingale system and is considered to be slower. This is due to the fact that rates are already ruhs Fibonacci grow much more slowly, but you will have to engage in more rounds before the end of the game.
If you lose: Application of the system, ruhs every time you play a round, you raise a bet in the next round, as well as in the Martingale system. Only instead of doubling ruhs the bet you follow the Fibonacci numerical principle. Suppose you made a single bet. If you lose, repeat the same bet. If you lose again, place a bet, three times the previous one, then 5 times larger than the previous, 8, and so on.
When winning: ruhs After each winning player does not need to re-consider, instead, you cross out the last two digits of a number, and put the resulting number. The sequence end if you go back to one. For example, you increase ruhs the rate of 13 times and win, then you cross out 13 and 8 of a series. You increase your next bet on the 5, and if win, you cross out 5 and 3. Next, you increase the rate in half.
Example of a sequence of Fibonacci system rates. Number 1 Number 1 loses loses loses Number 2 Number 3 Number loses 5 wins - cross out 5 and 3, number 2 plays number 3 wins - cross 3 and 2 number 1 wins Completion of the sequence (the transition to the new sequence to the number 1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 <? php class FSystem {public $ startBalance; public ruhs $ log = false; private $ maximum; private $ total; private $ currentFibBet = 1; public function fibonacci ($ n) {if ( $ n == 1 | | $ n == 2) return 1; return $ this -> fibonacci ($ n - 1) + $ this -> fibonacci ($ n - 2);} public ruhs function runOnce () {$ this -> currentFibBet = 1; $ this -> total = 0; $ currentBalance = $ this -> startBalance; while (true) {$ win = false; $ currentBet = $ this -> fibonacci ($ this -> currentFibBet); if ($ currentBet> $ currentBalance) {/ / lost if ($ this -> log) echo "You lose!" ; Return false;} if ($ currentBalance> = ($ this -> startBalance * 2)) {/ / win if ($ this -> log) echo "You win!" ; Return true;} $ this -> total = $ this -> total + 1; $ currentBalance - = $ currentBet; if (rand (1, 37) === 1) {$ win = false;} else {/ / In an ideal chance to drop roulette black or red = 50/50 if (rand (1, 2) === 1) $ win = true;} if ($ win) {if ($ this -> log) echo "Number $ currentBet wins. $ currentBet and strikes out. " $ This -> fibonacci (($ this -> currentFibBet - 1 <1)? 1: $ this -> currentFibBet - 1); $ this -> currentFibBet = $ this -> currentFibBet - 2; if ($ this -> currentFibBet <1) $ this -> currentFibBet = 1; $ currentBalance + = $ currentBet * 2; if ($ this -> log) echo "new rate". $ This -> fibonacci ($ this -> currentFibBet). "\ R \ n";} else {if ($ this -> log) echo "Number $ currentBet ruhs loses." ; $ This -> currentFibBet = $ this -> currentFibBet + 1; if ($ this -> log) echo & qu

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