The Fibonacci sequence - a mathematical sequence, each member of which is the sum of the previous two. Thus, if the nth term of the sequence denoted by xn, then the entire sequence is fair to equation 2 xn = xn + xn + 1, where the first two terms are x1 = l and x2 = 1. The procedure for this sequence is: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ..., 34 will read the number that is the sum of k 13 and 21 is equal to 34, etc. When the number n becomes very large, the ratio of the respective members rushes to the amount (TS5 + l) / 2. It is called the golden ratio. In nature, the Fibonacci sequence neanderthal can be seen in the helical segments of shells and sunflower petals, radiating from a single point in the center of the flower.
All objects around us, we distinguish between including and form. We like some more, some less, some do push glance. Sometimes interest may be dictated by the situation in life, and sometimes the beauty of the observed object. Symmetrical and proportional neanderthal form, promotes neanderthal the best visual perception and evokes a sense of beauty and harmony. The whole image is always consists of parts of different sizes in a specific ratio to each other and the whole. Golden ratio - the highest manifestation of the perfection of the whole and its parts in science, art and nature. If a simple example, the Golden Section - this division of the interval into two parts in such a ratio in which most applies to lower their sum (full line) to the most.
And not only in the clam shell can find the Archimedean spiral, and in many plants and flowers, they're just not as obvious. neanderthal And if you look a little further away, you can see the Fibonacci sequence neanderthal in the unattainable galaxies
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