Thursday, October 17, 2013

INTERVIEW: President Judge ... STORY: Preldžić misses Vidmar ... STORY: Who

FORECAST: Čikić or Daneu; Hojč the Reexamination, Višnikar without notice |
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On Sunday it will be completed in the hall Poden championship for juniors. In the match for third place will be at 17 hour battle team Krka and Slavs in the grand finale, you will be at 19.00 against the cost of Helios Domzale and Olimpija Ljubljana.
Teo walkers, coach Krka: "After the shock we experienced cognitive dissonance in the semi-finals we have no choice but to clear my head, calm down, forget the defeat against Helios and focus on Sunday's game. This will be equally tough as the semi-final. All forces will focus on that match is obtained, and thus win the final third in the championship. I hope the boys are up to it and it will show the game on Sunday to decorate the whole season. "
Nejc Višnikar, Slovan coach: "It is difficult predict anything. We have to deal with themselves and fix the errors. The fact is that both teams have been favorites of the semifinal matches, at least according to the position on the leaderboard after the regular season. It is not a secret and did not run away from this. Both were disappointed, but now we'll see which of the teams will be picked up and got a match for third place. "
Dejan Čikić, coach Helios: "In the semifinals of the boys spent much more emotional than physical. We have achieved a really surprising victory in which the boys put what percentage of their abilities too. I do not expect that the boys will especially prepared for Sunday. You just want to keep the relationship from the semi-finals, so it will perform collectively as a team. What this will bring, will be revealed Sunday game. "
Jake Daneu, coach of Union Olimpija: "In the last round of the regular championship, we Helios cognitive dissonance otherwise cognitive dissonance overcome, but we are the first game of the season with a losing them. Team Helios us does not lie. On the one hand I wanted more to see in the finals of Krka. The winner of the finals would not be predicted, but I think that the chances of winning the title are the same for both teams. ":: Subscribe to plus and read content with value-added
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