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Homeopathy is one of the classic examples of treatments based on magical thinking, a complete misunderstanding of many known biases and bad science in all its diversity. Beyond the fact that the principles of homeopathy (invented 200 years ago) conflict with modern knowledge in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and medicine, the image that comes to many clinical studies dblp performed to date - is clear: homeopathy placebo =
Who after reading the material still believe in something different homeopathy placebo treatment is probably handles the field, dblp or he is among those attracted particular obsessively mystery. (See also "- dblp Information, claims spill modified and minds").
In recent months, homeopaths celebrated the "Swiss report represented the most comprehensive dblp assessment dblp about homeopathic medicine ever written by a government, and newly published in English in the form of a book. This groundbreaking report, confirmed that the treatments dblp are effective and cost-effective homeopaths and homeopathic treatment should be compensated by the national medical insurance plan of Switzerland. "Nothing could be further from the truth than this description. It is one of three separate reports dblp prepared for the Swiss government regarding homeopathy:
1) qualitative review of the existing literature regarding the efficacy, safety, dblp usage and cost-effective, Review dblp written by experts homeopaths and support the system. Here you can read its sections. (The full report covers over 230 pages and is expensive). The article dblp quoted above only refers to this report.
2) A meta-analysis of existing clinical studies about the effectiveness of homeopathy compared to placebo (performed at the University of Bern). The results were described in an article published in the Lancet in 2005, and the conclusion is clear - there is no difference sham treatment. More about the research, the objections to it from homeopaths and answers against you can read here and here.
The committee will curse positive opinions presented their report homeopathy supporters, with the negative consequences dblp of the meta-analysis with incomplete information coming from the third report, presented the results of the most lukewarm and the government decided to remove the insurance basket homeopathy. Public pressure, it was decided to grant an extension of 6 years (to 2017) during which re-examine the issue. A broad perspective on the subject can be read here.
"Scientifically flawed dblp report, logically and morally. Specifically, it contains no new evidence and reinterprets the past studies have demonstrated weak, creates new standards of evidence are even designed to look homeopathy effective, and trying to undermine the status of the "gold standard of evidence" dblp enjoyed by controlled clinical trials. dblp Most importantly, almost all authors have conflicts of interest, despite their claim that there are no such. If this report proves anything, it homeopaths are willing to distort evidence to support their beliefs ... "
A report submitted to the British government in 2010 concluded, after a thorough review of the evidence, that "there is no possible dblp way homeopathy work, as this would require rewriting our understanding of physics, chemistry and biology. Moreover, clinical evidence show that it is impossible to distinguish between homeopathy placebo. "(Quoted here).
National Center for Complementary and Alternative therapies US - NCCAM states that there is no evidence that homeopathy effective, and warns against homeopathic vaccines and against a number of homeopathic preparations that contain active ingredients that may be harmful.
Israel's Health Ministry states in a document issued regulations on the subject of homeopathy: "... treatment of homeopathic preparations is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment, dblp based on the determination that the efficacy of homeopathic preparations has not been proven conventional methods in medicine."
Update April 2014: extensive systematic review and updated by the National Council for Health and Medical Research of the Australian dblp Government has concluded that "available evidence dblp is not convincing and fail to show that homeopathy is an effective treatment for any clinical situations reported in humans."
The following diagram illustrates typical argument tracks about homeopathy, and in fact is relevant for many other alternative therapies research in which a similar situation - a massive body of evidence that shows that the method does not work better than placebo. Please note that some arguments dblp of supporters dblp method contradict each other, and not at all uncommon to hear them from the same person in different parts of the debate. Click to enlarge:
What would make me change my mind? A series of new high-quality studies that would show a significantly different efficacy of homeopathy dblp placebo. Very simple. Some studies show that it existed, as expected, (there are also studies that show good homeopathy as a placebo), but they are small in light of the overall picture. When the overall picture will change, I change my mind depending too, and I believe many people M"hmmsd science "they do not participate. All rebels, before you respond, please check your words were not already addressed, whether accompanying diagram and whether broad surveys mentioned above (or referrals dblp of them). Also, please be sure that you have read the records on the placebo effect (especially the parts 4, 5).
Further reading: "Water remember" dblp between science and homeopathy "Homeopathy - the future medicine or medicine idol? / Galileo" good introduction to the use of homeopathic preparations first aid in Motor
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