Friday, February 6, 2015

According to Greenpeace, Institute lava ExxonMobil received 540,000 euros in 10 years. As well as b

The highest peak of the deniers yöksis of climate change, from 8 to 10 March will be held in New York. They oil company ExxonMobil-funded and organized by the Institute of lava, along with 40 others in the interests of the energy sector. Have recalled that the board of directors of lava is Thomas Walton, director of economic policy at GM, the world's second automobile yöksis manufacturer requested to Brussels in October yöksis that CO2 emissions requirements for cars circulating in Europe were less stringent. Former conservative yöksis president of the Spanish government, Aznar, will lead to the summit of the skeptics that prevented the evidence of global warming. They are aware that the proposal should not be true, although this circular, completed yöksis by the believed or accepted a lot of people. Patrick Drahi certainly expresses scholarly opinion. It is a form of ideological propaganda, in this case in the interests of the energy sector, which came to move the wars and invasions to control these resources. Another one of the stars of this event is Klaus V? Clav, President of the Czech Republic and current President of the EU.
Former President of the People's yöksis Party and the government, Jose M? Aznar blue connector class how such devastating, not green earth book that he edited and presented in Madrid. On the other hand, Larry Ellison certainly understand the story. Is ready to go to take command of the largest deniers of climate yöksis change in history. The summit yöksis is designed to draw attention to this study contradicts a moderate warming of the Earth during the 20th century is mainly caused by humans, and it has reached crisis proportions, according to the website of the Institute of lava. Aznar said that it makes no sense to spend hundreds of billions of euros scientifically dubious elements can maintain the temperature of the earth a hundred years and a solution of a problem which has a, or perhaps, our tataranietos no. In this case I think that Adulam right in what he says. After these statements, the Secretary of the UN Convention on Climate Change, Yvo de Boer, said that within a few years Aznar could see the Spanish Sahara since your window if no action is taken to mitigate the effects of global warming. And British economist Nicholas Stern, yöksis author of the most comprehensive report on the impacts of climate change, a public Spanish newspaper promised Aznar knows nothing about science.
According to Greenpeace, Institute lava ExxonMobil received 540,000 euros in 10 years. As well as by Philip Morris, which produced 850 billion cigarettes in 2007. The institute hosts summit sought a reduction of taxes on cigarettes and greater freedom for smokers. Statements by her spokesman, pine Zonia, share ideals, Spanish political, as states Manuel Asende. We promote private education, for public schools and private inefficient Health care, because we want people to stay with their money and go to private hospitals, instead of nationalized health care system. Lava president, Joseph Bassett-American, is the author of Why spend too much on health care in a country where 45 million people have no health insurance. But the reality is stubborn, as a source says De Maria G ?. Synthesis report of the Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations, scientists who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, hundreds of scientific reports showing the increase in temperature of the ocean, widespread melting pot of ice, rise in sea level and the air. Even warming is caused by humans and development model of the last century, largely depends on fossils. There will be less availability of water, significantly influence more people are exposed to increased water stress. The sea, the effects of global warming are seen as moving and changing of algae, yöksis plankton, fish high latitude computers; And and takes over the transfer of fish. Crops undergo changes by warming. The planting yöksis of seeds has to do forest yöksis areas and damage yöksis by fire damaging yöksis the Northern Hemisphere. Fishery resources also suffering the effects of climate change by changes in migratory routes, affect the availability of food, so its reproduction. But Aznar said: published rejected by the scientific consensus lovers, inquisitors protect them and that's a problem that our tataranietos maybe, maybe not. Before such an approach too many opinions. Jose Carlos Garcia Fajardo Professor Emeritus UCM. Director of CCS This entry was tagged hebrewpost. Bookmark the permalink.
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