Quan_logistics & Import Export mpinfo _____ If you love and passion for work in the field of Export - Logistic. Go with quanlogistics.wordpress.com blog. Place sharing knowledge and experience in Business mpinfo Import Export, mpinfo Import-Export laws on the latest customs operations and Logistics_____
V. Notifications of goods to Coloader / Carrier, Fax for Loloader / Carrier HBL was named by Vietnamese restaurant. Check the shipment has been delivered Electrical yet? (Some Coloader / carrier shown on arrival announcement)
VII. Send notices to every customer, confirm receipt of the customer and complete their witness. Consider the following cases: 1. Charge PP on HBL & MBL - Power of Attorney of your company (2 copies) - MBL stamped square (as Agent) and signature (1 copy) - HBL: If the Bill Surrendered: stamped square (as Agent) and signature (note power delivery inspection) If the Original Bill: record 1 of the Customer before delivery Authorization. If the bill endorsement banks must check the seal and signature on the right with the Bank Bill says! Then the first photo and stamped copies, signed as Bill Surendered. Export 1 Handling fee receipts (his company's $ 20 / shipment) 2. Charge on MBL PP, CC on HBL (his company is not taking orders for customers offline!) - Customer Documents delivered similar case 1. Customer Invoice - Invoice handling mpinfo fee ($ 20 / shipment) - O Invoice / Debit Note F according to the agency charged Collection. 3. Charge PP on MBL & HBL (I had to take orders for customers) * Prepare your company documents: - Power of Attorney of your company (2 copies) - MBL stamped square (as Agent) mpinfo and signature (1 copy) - HBL: If the Bill Surrendered: stamped square mpinfo (as Agent) and signature (note power delivery inspection) mpinfo If the Original Bill: record 1 of Client mpinfo Authorization before delivery. If the bill endorsement banks must check the seal and signature on the right with the Bank Bill says! Then the first photo and stamped copies, signed as Bill Surendered. * Vouchers Coloader / carrier: + delivery order (signed and stamped by Coloader / carrier) - 2 copies + MBL (MBL is cnee on his company, signed and stamped by Coloader / Carrier) + Bill of Coloader / Carrier ( signed and stamped) mpinfo for Customer Invoice: - Handling fee, D / O, THC, CFS, Lift on / off (if any) 4. Charges on MBL PP, CC on HBL - All documents delivered to the hotel 3 seeds every case the Customer Invoice: - Handling fee, D / O, THC, CFS, Lift on / off (if any) - Invoices O / F according to the dealer's Invoice 4 5. In addition to the above case , there are cases on charges CC HBL & MBL implementation process similar to the case of 2 or 4. In addition, the department shall notify documents for accounting for timely payment for freight OF Coloader / Carrier. VIII. Accounting for delivery of documents including: DN, CN, Invoice. Generally the process is only imports of such steps. However: 1 / For freehand line: - Report to the client agent and get information about the customer's name, address, phone shipper - Notify the shipper agent details to contact agent - Keep in touch with agents mpinfo and customers (agents received information to inform customers: mpinfo every day is done, shipper will delivery date scheduled cargo, goods for ...) - Report MBL & HBL agents sent to check original issue before the agency - Get Pre-alert agent - Following the steps below 2 / For every nominated. - It is possible to follow the steps above but below to provide good customer you can offer customers services customs declaration and transport this way for both freehand and nominated - When receiving pre- alert the dealer, check your voucher - Tracing viewed go hang of how, when, to the customs room, convey how - Communicate with customers, customers are expected mpinfo to inform and offer services for cough vu customs clearance and transportation of their company - Come here will have 2 cases of + If your lease, the customer can prepare documents (declarations, tra ... HS codes) for the goods to be able to do customs mpinfo procedures + If the customer does not even rent it to take steps to yours (such as tracing, air conditioning, pay vouchers ....) if the LCL, the command processes such as very good, but for every FCL is almost the same just add some papers such as paper and paper down the empty container mpinfo bet. Some carriers will be delivered straight stamped directly on the D / O when we received orders to go, some carriers will be required to bring order to your client's office in Port carriers mpinfo delivered straight to seal the newly consignee. As the cost of taking mpinfo bets cont command and according mpinfo to the regulations of the carrier, the carrier will be notified of the cost to the customer on arrival notice. the release command, took command sometimes not always the case. It depends on your relationship with the carrier / forwarder & cnee (in case lo HB / LO / F cc fear of being robbed customers). Why do so because, quite possible cases lazy agent pickup, thanks cnee always go to pay fees, collection fees and agent need only authorized to collect handling fee only. Apprehend l
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