Thursday, January 22, 2015

Researchers CEAB, in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg have participated in this stud

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Scientists of the CEAB, in collaboration with a researcher from the Gothenburg University have participated in a study leading to the description of a new species of syllid polychaetous Annelida, Belonging to the subfamily lupa Autolytinae. The polychaete've Been named as Proceraea janetae and is a predator feeding on the coral-scleractinian coral Montastrea cavernosa in coral reefs Surrounding the Grand Cayman Island (Cayman Islands, British West Indies). The new species has a characteristic combination of transverse brown marking on the segmental margins and diffuse white middorsal transverse bars, together with a diffuse white mid-dorsal longitudinal band. Antennae are brown, tentacular lupa Cirri are pale, the first dorsal Cirri are white with pale base; the second dorsal Cirri are pale, and the dorsal Remaining Cirri are alternately long, bright orange-yellow with brownish tips and short, brown Entirely.
The new species dwell the substrata and moves around the coral on the coral just for feeding, lupa Which is undertake by INTRODUCING previous STIs on the end of a cavity gastralis polyps. Then the worm Quickly moves out of the colony. This feeding Behaviour Appears to be closer to parasitism Rather than to specialized predation.
Researchers from CEAB, in collaboration with the University lupa of Gothenburg have owned in this study has permitted the description of a new, kind of sílido (anélido lupa polychaete) belonging to the subfamily Autolytinae. The polychaete should be called Proceraea janetae and is a coral predator that feeds coral escleractinido in the coral reefs surround the island of Grand Cayman (Cayman Islands, British West Indies). La nueva tiene species characteristic combination of transverse brown marks in the margins segmental and diffuse white and transverse bars in the media dorsal region, along with a longitudinal stripe, white and fuzzy on the dorsal area media. The antennas are colored brown, tentacular cirrus are pale, the first dorsal cirrus is white, with a pale base, the second is pale and the rest are alternatively largos (Yellow-orange color brillante, ends with the color brown ) y cortos (entirely brown).
La nueva species inhabits coral and substrate ca. desplaza be the only colony to alimentarse, WHEREOF ago introduciendo del cuerpo lupa in the region above the cavity gastralis of a polyp. After alimentarse, the worm will swiftly aleja the colony. This type Behaviour alimentario parece be more search parasitism that specialized predation.
Researchers CEAB, in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg have participated in this study allowed the description of a new species of síllid (polychaete annelids) belonging to the subfamily Autolytinae. The polychaete Proceraea janetae and has been called a coral predator that feeds on coral Montastrea cavernosa escleractinid lupa the coral reefs surrounding the island of Grand Cayman (Cayman Islands, British West Indies). The new species has a characteristic combination of transverse brown marks in the margins and cross bars segmental and diffuse white middle dorsal region, along with a longitudinal stripe, white diffuse back to the middle. The antennae are brown, the tentacular cirrus clouds are pale, the first dorsal cirrus is white with a pale base, the second is pale and the rest are alternately long (bright yellow-orange with brown tips) and short (completely brown).
The new species inhabits the surrounding coral substrate and moves towards the colony only to feed themselves, which makes entering the region of the body cavity gastralis a polyp. After feeding, the worm quickly away from the colony. This type of eating behavior seems to be closer to that of parasitism specialized predation.
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