Saturday, July 26, 2014

For a proposal for direct election of the mayor is an instrument of democratic regeneration, must b

Rajoy has proposed that residents of each municipality linear interpolation elect mayors directly. linear interpolation One might think that this is a democratic regeneration linear interpolation proposal, but as articulate has trap, and could be the opposite of democratic linear interpolation regression and an incentive to increase corruption.
The Spanish Constitution allows mayors are directly elected. Its regulation can be done with a simple modification of the Organic Electoral Law, which is enough for an absolute majority in the Congress of Deputies. Now, this reform may have very different contents.
It may simply imply that the mayor is the most voted candidate around, keeping everything else without modification. In this case, the political fragmentation, a candidate with just over 20% of the votes ahead could be mayor of his town. Something obviously is not very democratic; especially if we consider that the Spanish mayor is one of the mayors of Europe with more power and now operates with a high degree of autonomy; in many cases rather arbitrary allocation of fees and contracts between friends, in awarding grants, bypassing the weak system linear interpolation of internal and external controls of the council, and so on.
This democratic regression could be higher still if the most voted party mayor is raw, whatever their percentage of votes, an absolute majority of the members of the full council. linear interpolation
For a proposal for direct election of the mayor is an instrument of democratic regeneration, must be linked to other important changes of municipal institutions. linear interpolation In its election under 2011 (points 73 to 79) program, UPyD proposes a two-round vote, for a direct election system that actually legitimizes the mayor and is transparent. Thus, if no candidate has more than the first 50% of the vote, would have to do a runoff between the top two candidates. This system would avoid the covenants and transparent than we now underhand between parties to apply and remove mayor. Also, you have to limit to two the number of terms and establish a regime of incompatibilities that mayors can not be simultaneously neither national nor regional deputies.
Alongside these measures, we should linear interpolation reduce its powers and discretion in its exercise. Countries with better systems of municipal government have chosen to restrict the power of the mayor and establish a professional municipal administration, whose employees are selected according to strict criteria of merit and ability. So, would prevent municipal leadership positions nominate as before: by political trust between friends and co-mayor's party, which is a hotbed of corruption and mismanagement. Some of what Max Weber warned already more than 100 years ago in his writings.
These proposals must be included linear interpolation in a general framework for merging municipalities, which have a minimum population of around 20,000 inhabitants and suppression councils: more opaque, undemocratic and corrupt administration that exists in Spain.
If the idea Rajoy is the election of the mayor to return without further changes, is clearly linear interpolation a given party. Moreover, it is outrageous that done now, when just starting a local reform that does not touch the issue. And seek to maintain control of the councils, despite their loss of votes, taking advantage of a possible electoral fragmentation. Reminds reduction Members of Castilla-La linear interpolation Mancha: populist message aimed to shield institutions, even if they lose votes. In short, a regression of democracy and good governance and a greater risk of corruption
Why UPyD electoral program used in this blog like the Ten Commandments? Why can happily acknowledge widespread corruption institutions (councils in this case)? Days like today this is a Agit-blog, loses much, since in almost any twitter timeline for putting a case are higher content contributions and value that's here, it's like stretching a tweet (episode TV) to a post (film).
Aldelgadog, I can not agree with your comments. In this post, as elsewhere we publish, not the faith of the reader, but their ability to demand argument. Here are few reasons expose a well-reasoned argument against direct election. What we expect from readers who disagree is to offer their rebuttals linear interpolation in the same way to reach the top of that We started conclusions. Regarding the capacity of corruption of our institutions in general and in particular linear interpolation councils, cre

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