A: Relationship matrix (tn x pn) a: the same icon in the distribution, avoid assigning multiple business elements of the control variables B: A j. line (j if the number of valid transitions) Bz: Suitable for all business elements defined leisure C: Cycle time
LA: Assembly line line activity M: Initial status icon showing the vector (1 x pn) minbz: The workstation minimum idle time MN: selected popper work elements, according to MY matrix selected from the vector (1 x pn) MT: Any switch input position total icon containing the number of MY: Valid for all transitions being generated vectors popper containing the matrix O: All Q vector containing the matrix Herb: The current popper transition period of Oz: The current transition of the number popper pn: Petri net in the column number (or matrix of the number of columns) Q: The current transition of the number and SN vector containing time: The workstation is assigned to the business element vector containing the information. Work station number (w), assigned work element number (Oz), assigned work elements of the time (Ot) and workstation empty time (minbz) contains information LATEST: SN vector consisting of the result matrix sumot: assigned job elements total duration Sumter: Business elements popper The total duration Swan: The workstation assigned to the business elements total time t: Business elements while containing the vector (1 x tn) tn: Petri net transitions in the number (or the number of lines of) v is: can be assigned job number of elements (or O matrix row Number) W: Work station number of the developed algorithm steps are given below. Step 1 A, M, T and C to enter the set using the pn and tn, Sumt'y Found Initial values: w = 1, Sw = 0, Bz = C = C minbz, sumot = 0 MT = [], MY = [], MN = [], Ot = 0, Oz = 0, O = [], SNR = [], END = [], a = 0 Step 2 Unassigned business element reuses until (Sumter> sumot) a. Current transitions (can be assigned work elements) determine j = 1, 2, ..., tn i for. i = 1,2, ..., pn of the if (j, i) = -1 y = M (1, i), by adding MT MT Update y ii. mt is equal to 1 if all values in B = A (j, :) B. Update my'y adding my'y popper Q = [jt (j)] Q, adding he Reload He iii. MT = [] b. Minimum workstation idle time and it gives the business element popper that determines popper the element popper that assigns popper the workstation processes determine VR v = 1,2, ..., v i for. if O (v, 2) = C-SW and a 1 minbz = 0, MN = MY (v, :), Oz = O (v, 1), Ot = O (v, 2) SNR = [w Oz Herb minbz], a = 1 ii. if O (v, 2) <C-Swan and a 1
Swan-bz-C-O (v, 2) aa. if bz0 minbz = Bz, MN = MY (v, :), Oz = O (v, 1), Herb = O (v, 2), SNR = [w Herb Oz minbz] popper c. SN adding to the end of the last update time = LAST (:, 3) = Σt my sumot; Minbz i sw = C-. if Oz = [] w = w +1; Bz = C; minbz = C; Sw = 0; MN zero vector (1xpn) ii. M = M + MN; MN = []; MY = []; O = []; Oz = 0; Ot = 0; B = []; SNR = [] Step 3 Results Show (SON) Hat calculate the effectiveness, LA = Sumter / (WXC) Line Show events (LA) algorithm is the first step in the data entry stage. Petri net model obtained from the correlation matrix, with the initial symbol vector indicating the status of actuators and cycle time periods are entered algorithm. Appointment of any member of a business cycle time equal to the duration of the workstation is empty. In other words, the actuators assigned to the workstation of the total cycle time may not exceed the time. Also in this step, the following steps take different popper values of initial values of variables are determined. Step 2 business elements determined eligible for appointment, candidates from within this free time that most small business popper workstation to workstation, popper the process of assigning popper the current element covers. Step 2 A 'showing the relationship vector matrix and help minimize the transitions is determined to be valid. Transitions popper that may be applicable (if any) elements of previous work by assigning priorities to the workstations business element refers to the conditions provided. Step 2.b, Step 2 'da identified priority popper requirement provided and the duration of workstation idle time less than or equal to that business elements as by probing with the workstation assigned to the case, who will emerge workstation idle time is calculated. Most small business element that gives the workstation idle time, the current popper is assigned to the workstation and SNR vector is generated that contains the assignment information. Step 2.b. All of these operations' is well done. If the candidate in the job elements, the processing time is equal to the workstation idle time job element, the other candidates being investigated in this work element is assigned to the workstation and the current assignment information is generated (step 2b is). Generated assignment information popper (SNA), the result is added to the matrix and workstation idle time is updated (step 2c). If you made any assignment operation (workstation leisure time, all of the candidates is less than the duration of the job elements), the algorithm opens a new workstation. In the absence of any assignment icon shows the status of the SNA can not be created and no change is made in vector (step 2c is). Whether or not the assignment, the corresponding values of the variables are updated for the new assignment process (Step 2.c. of). Step 2, until all work elements assigned to the workstation takes. After completing all assignments process, the results are shown in the last step (LAST and LA). The results, popper which work element is assigned to each workstation, popper workstations, each assignment as a result of
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