The secret of Octopus interesting! | Teknotürki to
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Of the arms of the octopus suckers is lined with hundreds of adhering to almost everything that we know. Strangely, this does not hold itself octopus suckers never be; otherwise I must be blind octopus was constantly. Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, decided to work on this case, the findings brain magazine were published on May 15, dated Current Biology. Research, octopus explains how they avoid being node. According to the findings, a chemical produced by the octopus skin, preventing suction cups to work on their own. Research conducted with NR Nesher Guy Levy "Before us there is one powerful and easy events that have puzzled to notice you," he says. Levy's say, octopus, which will be a big problem normally simple and elegant way of solving this problem that has been a surprise for them. Binyamin Hoch and colleagues for many years, especially including flexible arm and motor control systems, octopuses were working on. They used to say exactly where the arms are not in the knowledge that not only live octopus group. Humans and other animals are not fully aware of the place of arms. Hochner According to the statement, we control system of the engine, motor and cognitive systems be mapped almost constant with the system in a way our brain works. This system is the reason that we are the backbone of our works in our actions and in this way greatly brain magazine restrict our brain is where our arms to be able to calculate. However, this system is unlikely to be processed on the same octopus. Because of the flexible limbs of the octopus, an endless freedom with infinite angle. Octopus arms on the second page of our secret ... News ... Indeed, according to the research arm of the octopus are not fully aware of where he was. At this point, the subject of the research, which raises the question: What octopuses how come their nodes will not they answer to this question the researchers to find the octopus arms of the body after leaving an hour to be more active status they used. Octopus brain magazine arm movements studied, but sticking to the skin flayed octopus octopus arm was noticed that adheres to. In the same way the octopus suction cups, octopus petri dish coated brain magazine with leather or patterns did not stick. Octopus skin petri dishes coated with fluid by a force much lower, told by yapışıyorlardı.araştırmacı, with these results, the first time octopus octopus skin to inhibit brain magazine adhesion to themselves and other octopus found. Still, the researchers wrote, according to the coated petri dishes less sticks to be the octopus brain magazine in the skin of a chemical brain magazine adhesion blocking brain magazine kanıtlıyor.ancak, the body that is separated from the arm behaviors, unlike live octopus this automated system, their tasks at work, when cancellation are able to. Live octopus sometimes cut a branch can keep this status, said arms used their own when there is a larger often gerçekleşiyor.hochn and friends, octopus self-harm that prevents (his arm sticking allowing) the active ingredient yet been able to find are not. However, this case is an indication of octopus intelligence experts say. This is a feature that awareness, possible to advance robotic technology.
Indeed, according to the research arm of the octopus are not fully aware of where he was. At this point the question arises, are the subject of research: So how is it that octopuses are not nodes themselves? To find the answer to this problem, researchers brain magazine from the body of the octopus arm than an hour after leaving active status they used to be. Octopus arm movements studied, but sticking to the skin flayed octopus brain magazine octopus arm was noticed that adheres to. In the same way the octopus suction cups, octopus brain magazine petri dish coated with leather or patterns did not stick. Octopus skin petri dishes coated with fluid by a force sticks were much lower. According to the researchers say, these results, together with the skin of an octopus brain magazine octopus for the first time and they were found to prevent them from sticking to other octopus. Still, the researchers wrote, brain magazine according to the petri dishes coated sticks to be less than the octopus brain magazine of a chemical in the skin yapışmay
Last Minute! Try on Android! Is this the first Apple photo? brain magazine New Android-speed doping! Empty your disk! IPhone App of the Day External video card necessary? Samsung UE55H8000 test! AnAydIlAr legend once! Surface Pro 3 how well? The new Nokia X are coming! Android App of the Day Here, Toughpad FZ-G1 tablet! G3 Mini's footsteps! Windows Phonem new gospel! Fantastic mobile, sign victim!
Of the arms of the octopus suckers is lined with hundreds of adhering to almost everything that we know. Strangely, this does not hold itself octopus suckers never be; otherwise I must be blind octopus was constantly. Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, decided to work on this case, the findings brain magazine were published on May 15, dated Current Biology. Research, octopus explains how they avoid being node. According to the findings, a chemical produced by the octopus skin, preventing suction cups to work on their own. Research conducted with NR Nesher Guy Levy "Before us there is one powerful and easy events that have puzzled to notice you," he says. Levy's say, octopus, which will be a big problem normally simple and elegant way of solving this problem that has been a surprise for them. Binyamin Hoch and colleagues for many years, especially including flexible arm and motor control systems, octopuses were working on. They used to say exactly where the arms are not in the knowledge that not only live octopus group. Humans and other animals are not fully aware of the place of arms. Hochner According to the statement, we control system of the engine, motor and cognitive systems be mapped almost constant with the system in a way our brain works. This system is the reason that we are the backbone of our works in our actions and in this way greatly brain magazine restrict our brain is where our arms to be able to calculate. However, this system is unlikely to be processed on the same octopus. Because of the flexible limbs of the octopus, an endless freedom with infinite angle. Octopus arms on the second page of our secret ... News ... Indeed, according to the research arm of the octopus are not fully aware of where he was. At this point, the subject of the research, which raises the question: What octopuses how come their nodes will not they answer to this question the researchers to find the octopus arms of the body after leaving an hour to be more active status they used. Octopus brain magazine arm movements studied, but sticking to the skin flayed octopus octopus arm was noticed that adheres to. In the same way the octopus suction cups, octopus petri dish coated brain magazine with leather or patterns did not stick. Octopus skin petri dishes coated with fluid by a force much lower, told by yapışıyorlardı.araştırmacı, with these results, the first time octopus octopus skin to inhibit brain magazine adhesion to themselves and other octopus found. Still, the researchers wrote, according to the coated petri dishes less sticks to be the octopus brain magazine in the skin of a chemical brain magazine adhesion blocking brain magazine kanıtlıyor.ancak, the body that is separated from the arm behaviors, unlike live octopus this automated system, their tasks at work, when cancellation are able to. Live octopus sometimes cut a branch can keep this status, said arms used their own when there is a larger often gerçekleşiyor.hochn and friends, octopus self-harm that prevents (his arm sticking allowing) the active ingredient yet been able to find are not. However, this case is an indication of octopus intelligence experts say. This is a feature that awareness, possible to advance robotic technology.
Indeed, according to the research arm of the octopus are not fully aware of where he was. At this point the question arises, are the subject of research: So how is it that octopuses are not nodes themselves? To find the answer to this problem, researchers brain magazine from the body of the octopus arm than an hour after leaving active status they used to be. Octopus arm movements studied, but sticking to the skin flayed octopus brain magazine octopus arm was noticed that adheres to. In the same way the octopus suction cups, octopus brain magazine petri dish coated with leather or patterns did not stick. Octopus skin petri dishes coated with fluid by a force sticks were much lower. According to the researchers say, these results, together with the skin of an octopus brain magazine octopus for the first time and they were found to prevent them from sticking to other octopus. Still, the researchers wrote, brain magazine according to the petri dishes coated sticks to be less than the octopus brain magazine of a chemical in the skin yapışmay
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