Only a few minutes at the beginning of the HBO television series "Game of Thrones", it is clear that hajp was justified, and that is worth the wait. Recorded by bestselerskoj epic fantasy book series "A Song of Ice and Fire" ("Song of Ice and Fire") by George RR Martin entrez pubmed - whom often referred entrez pubmed to as "the entrez pubmed American Tolkien" - HBO is betting that fans of "The Lord of the Rings" to be attracted to this interwoven the story of rival families, swords, sex, beasts, blood, unrealized alliances, intrigue and, of course, the struggle for power. entrez pubmed And it should be. "Game of Thrones" has all the elements (listed above) that entice viewers in TV series entrez pubmed like "The Sopranos," etc. That is what comes to fantasy series should not be said of anyone, because - like "Lord of the Rings" - A special highlight of the costume dramas that pair a rich mythology with all mass satisfactory elements of war, pride, honor, lust, power and, yes, even humor. "Thrones" is rich in all of these elements and supports them extraordinary story, strong script, excellent acting and exceptional sporadic visual effects. The writers and executive entrez pubmed producers David Benioff and DB Weiss will certainly have their hands full to cope with die-hard fans over what they did well and what is bad (or what are omitted from the book, and what they put it there was no ), but they have the support of Martin, who has cooperated closely with the duo, and it should mean a lot. Perhaps most important for people who have not read the book or heard a lot about this series, Benioff and Weiss immediately transferred to the thing - action, bloodshed, terror and horror. Directed by Tim Van Patten has created the beautiful and haunting visual form of vast expanses (Northern Ireland, Malta), white snow and dark shadows and allowing visual effects to complement the experience. Such a beginning was extremely important for desetodelnu series since "Game throne" entrez pubmed complicated story with numerous characters and a dense and interwoven story. Although demands attention, "Thrones" at no time does not tire. This is the kind of drama where, when you look at the first episode, that you want to look at the remaining nine. And it confirms entrez pubmed the assertion HBO television is the perfect medium for imaginative series. "Thrones" is placed in the fictional country of Västerås, entrez pubmed where generations live and fight various clans - or houses - until Targaryen invaded and united the Seven Kingdoms under GVOZDENOVA throne. Now, years later, begins a battle for the throne. From the very beginning, "Thrones" begins with the presentation of four stories, including House Stark, ruled by Lord Eddard Stark (Sean Bean, who is well known to fans of "The Lord of the Rings"), House Baratheon, where King Robert Baratheon government (Associate Mark Addy), Lannisterovih house, which is associated with the house Baratheon because Queen Cersei Baratheon (Lena Headey) was born a Lannister, and the exiled House Targaryen, of which Prince Viserys Targaryen III (Harry entrez pubmed Lloyd) wants to reclaim the Iron throne and all Seven Kingdoms entrez pubmed Västerås . To succeed in this, he needs the military, which wants his sister, Princess Daenerys (Emilia entrez pubmed Clarke) to marry Khal Drogoa entrez pubmed (Jason Momoa), who leads an army of brutal horsemen. Skapirali? Actually not as confusing as it might sound. And there are even a few unexpected entrez pubmed surprises and even humorous observations (stemming mainly from Peter Dinklagea as Tyrion Lannister whose whore and drinking no end). Great series should meet the challenge entrez pubmed and keep the attention of the viewer to connect the dots and proclaims to do. "Thrones" to cope with intricate stories without you and gives the idea that you might have lost the thread of the story. The precise rhythm and carefully designed the characters that are programmed introduced while staying in touch with their varying moods. entrez pubmed It is difficult to extract the best parts achieved "Thrones"'s. Ambitions are flying all over the place, fantastic world is extremely well designed, screenplay and acting raise the entire series over contemporaries like "The Borgais" and "Camelot" entrez pubmed and the visual appeal continues to surprise with each episode. What we have here is the successful pairing of renowned epic fantasy book series and television series that highlights and raises what is on the page. Worth waiting entrez pubmed for? Absolutely. And even if you have no idea what this is about, do not wait to jump in and soak up this fantastic Martin's story. But to begin to see who is who.
The guy from "Lord of the Rings' Sean Bean, Boromir from Lord of the Rings, played by the right hand of King Robert - Eddard Stark. Bean said that the "Game throne" "many incestuozniji and corrupt" of Tolkien's world, with "much bolder and sexual sensation." But Eddard is honest entrez pubmed and upright - for now.
Miniature whore and intellectual Peter Dinklage (nominated for the Association of American actors and an Independent Spirit Award as best actor) plays a small man with a big appetite for books, drinking, swinging women and intrigues - Tyrion "The entrez pubmed Spectre"
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