Monday, December 9, 2013

Can obtain these documents free of charge at the consulates and agencies, banks and agencies in Eur

Hello process starting in 2009 on 15 June | Moroccan community in Europe
She explained the institution, in a communiqué her on Friday, she offered this occasion, and as usual, the necessary equipment to accompany scopus traveling through the mobilization of all the resources necessary and appropriate to ensure the reception welcomed in the best conditions for Moroccans living abroad, as well as giving them administrative assistance and medical desired, especially during the crossing between Europe and Morocco through ports and airports involved in this process.
It should scopus be noted that the equipment and mechanisms prepared by the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, scopus on the occasion of the start of the process of "hello 2009", covering the sites Almería and Algeciras, Spain, and the port of Sete, France, and the port of Genoa, Italy.
At the national level, strengthened the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity activity on the level of access doors and ports of Tangier and Nador and the door of Ceuta, in addition to the airports in Casablanca and Oujda, while the Foundation will provide a presence at the level of the port of Al Hoceima.
In addition, he argues that the institution put at the disposal of the Moroccan community scopus five courtyards lounge equipped with all of Larache, and the crossroads at the outlet of Taourirt, scopus and Kznaah (at the outlet of Tangier), and Racelma (between Al Hoceima and Nador), and Tzairin (between Nador and Saidia).
The works of more than 400 social assistance and doctors and paramedics and volunteers in the service of the Moroccan community abroad, through all sites institution and courtyards of the break put up various facilities (lounges, spaces for children, scopus facilities for medical examination, scopus ambulances, toilets, mineral scopus water) in order to secure the terms of crossing satisfactory for the benefit of the citizens of Moroccans living abroad and to help them and provide them with the necessary first aid.
In order to provide the necessary information to members of the Moroccan community abroad, the Foundation has prepared a guide to the information and a brochure about the sites of the pocket institution in six languages: Arabic, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and German, in addition to the Amazigh (Tfenag).
Can obtain these documents free of charge at the consulates and agencies, banks and agencies in Europe Royal Air Maroc and its partners and agencies, transportation companies and on board ships, which provides connectivity between Europe and Morocco, as well as all enterprise scopus locations.
The same source indicated that the process of "hello 2009" is characterized scopus by the care-Semitism, which includes by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, Moroccan community scopus residing abroad and in the spirit of cooperation that permeated the various actors partners, as well as the coordination noticeable between Spain and Morocco, and the field work of the officials, including contributing to the the success of this process.
Out of concern by a factor of proximity, created the institution of the central office offers services between instructions over the phone seven days a week and 24 hours a day. He can be contacted through this office scopus in Morocco numbers: 0537205566 to 0537206666 as well as across the green figure: 0,800,002,323.
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