Before cv raman reading the article, think about it, what would be the consequences if found out through the media all over the world: the doctors recommended for decades and used the chemotherapy cv raman as "slowly killing méreginjekciót." This has not yet occurred! With this in mind, read the following article:
As a research team examined whether the cancer cells are resistant to why, finally found a much more important to be discovered. The team discovered during research that while the chemotherapy is highly damaging healthy cells, cv raman it also creates an incentive to produce a protein that actually gives the fuel tumor growth. In addition, the tumor makes it more resistant cv raman to future treatment.
The journal Nature Medicine, researchers have reported that the results of the research "completely unexpected" value them. Examining the effects of chemotherapy on the substantial evidence of DNA damage was observed in men with prostate cancer. cv raman This is a big slap in the face of most medical organizations who believe that chemotherapy is the only way that cancer cv raman patients cv raman live more years.
The news of the previous similar studies cv raman show that the chemotherapy and the accompanying unsuitable for expensive drugs for the treatment of cancer, in fact a lot to aggravate the situation. The anti-cancer drugs showed that the tumor "metastasic make" and massive increase in size even after consumption. As a result, the "treatment" cv raman kills the patient faster than the disease itself.
Generated by the so-called chemotherapy WNT16B protein, enhance the survival of cancer cells, and this is the reason that the patient's life ends faster. As the co-author Peter Nelson explains the scientific staff of the Seattle cv raman Fred Hutchinson cv raman Cancer Research Center:
"The WNT16B, interacts with the tumor cells and growth leads to close them. It would become even more resistant to therapy. " cv raman
"Our results indicate that the responses of healthy cells damaged directly contribute to increased growth kinetics of the tumor."
Meanwhile cheap penny to füszernövényekről as turmeric and ginger, researchers have consistently cv raman been shown to be effective in reducing tumor size and spread. 11 in comparison study, it was found that turmeric brain tumor size average of 81% reduction of shock. Other research has also shown that curcumin is able to stop the growth of cancer cells. A lady recently dealt with the media, as turmeric beat the cancer.
Unfortunately, there are still many "old paradigm" of natural treatments is still not surrounded by a special attention, as is rightly deserve. The truth is that if everyone in the turmeric and vitamin D, taking the cancer cv raman would not have much of a chance to develop (which of course is good for prevention), the big pharmaceutical companies are missing out on huge profits. - /
If you liked this article, we Share it! There are also five minutes? YOU RECOMMENDED ARTICLES: MEDICAL RESEARCH confession: MMR VACCINATION CAUSE AUTISM YOURSELF cured of cancer
Before cv raman reading the article, think about it, what would be the consequences if found out through the media all over the world: the doctors recommended for decades and used the chemotherapy cv raman as "slowly killing méreginjekciót." This has not yet occurred! With this in mind, read the following article:
As a research team examined whether the cancer cells are resistant to why, finally found a much more important to be discovered. The team discovered during research that while the chemotherapy is highly damaging healthy cells, cv raman it also creates an incentive to produce a protein that actually gives the fuel tumor growth. In addition, the tumor makes it more resistant cv raman to future treatment.
The journal Nature Medicine, researchers have reported that the results of the research "completely unexpected" value them. Examining the effects of chemotherapy on the substantial evidence of DNA damage was observed in men with prostate cancer. cv raman This is a big slap in the face of most medical organizations who believe that chemotherapy is the only way that cancer cv raman patients cv raman live more years.
The news of the previous similar studies cv raman show that the chemotherapy and the accompanying unsuitable for expensive drugs for the treatment of cancer, in fact a lot to aggravate the situation. The anti-cancer drugs showed that the tumor "metastasic make" and massive increase in size even after consumption. As a result, the "treatment" cv raman kills the patient faster than the disease itself.
Generated by the so-called chemotherapy WNT16B protein, enhance the survival of cancer cells, and this is the reason that the patient's life ends faster. As the co-author Peter Nelson explains the scientific staff of the Seattle cv raman Fred Hutchinson cv raman Cancer Research Center:
"The WNT16B, interacts with the tumor cells and growth leads to close them. It would become even more resistant to therapy. " cv raman
"Our results indicate that the responses of healthy cells damaged directly contribute to increased growth kinetics of the tumor."
Meanwhile cheap penny to füszernövényekről as turmeric and ginger, researchers have consistently cv raman been shown to be effective in reducing tumor size and spread. 11 in comparison study, it was found that turmeric brain tumor size average of 81% reduction of shock. Other research has also shown that curcumin is able to stop the growth of cancer cells. A lady recently dealt with the media, as turmeric beat the cancer.
Unfortunately, there are still many "old paradigm" of natural treatments is still not surrounded by a special attention, as is rightly deserve. The truth is that if everyone in the turmeric and vitamin D, taking the cancer cv raman would not have much of a chance to develop (which of course is good for prevention), the big pharmaceutical companies are missing out on huge profits. - /
If you liked this article, we Share it! There are also five minutes? YOU RECOMMENDED ARTICLES: MEDICAL RESEARCH confession: MMR VACCINATION CAUSE AUTISM YOURSELF cured of cancer
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