Friday, December 26, 2014

ORDERED that on any given medium depending on blood agar powder weight microbiologia and the amount

Media preparation outward characteristics of an organism, microbiologia it is possible to identify, in order to improve the conditions for microbial growth. Organisms grown in synthetic medium (mock) microbiologia is necessary and, if more than one kind or type of organism is present in each study must be identified and isolated and purified. To achieve this goal, three steps are necessary:
Medium into three categories: solid, semi-solid and liquid split depending on the agar in the environment. Agar is a chemical substance that is extracted from certain marine algae in aqueous solutions, creating relative tribes that remain solid at all incubation temperatures and generally its properties, the growth of bacteria fixed unchanged. However, certain species of marine bacteria are able to decompose the solid and the liquid is converted to gelatin as a thickener that can be used in the manufacture of solid medium, however agar gelatin because it is better than 15% gelatin solution gelatin is melted at a temperature of 24 0 C proteolytic degradation by many bacteria as a whole, agar agar does not add anything to the nutritional properties of a medium melting temperature of about 95 C and at a temperature of about 42 C in the solid state are. An important component of agar, a long-chain polysaccharide is mainly made of D- Galaktv Pyranvz. Blood Agar
The blood agar are widely used in medical bacteriology, the environment, in addition to an enriched environment, an environment for bacteria like streptococcus hemolytic index to show the properties of Streptococcus Papvzhnz Pnvmvynh horrible.
ORDERED that on any given medium depending on blood agar powder weight microbiologia and the amount of distilled water and pour it upon systems of heating and 121 C melting of powder, about 15 minutes all click Autoclave of of the withdrawal of the cooling Autoclave to temperature of 50 0 C to 55 0 C for about 10% sheep blood added, and the mixture gently into the laboratory petri dish to share. And leave to cool. If you wish to make a chocolate agar ChoColate Ajar after adding blood to blood agar at 75 to 80 Put your chocolate agar. Mueller Hinton Agar Mueller Hinton agar
The medium was formulated microbiologia originally for the isolation of pathogenic species Nysryaby. microbiologia Today, more associated with antibiotic discs to be used for the determination of antibiotic susceptibility patterns. Making it very simple method of determining the weight of the powder in distilled water and heated in a flame until the powder is completely dissolved, then sterilized in an autoclave, 121 C for 15 minutes after leaving the autoclave and cooled below the 50 C in Petri dishes to share media thickness of not more than four millimeters.
This setting is useful for the cultivation of Enterobacteriaceae and other enteric bacteria inhibit the bile salt content, as well as for the detection of Salmonella non-lactose fermenting coliform and dysentery Tkhymrknndh lactose, lactose, or red, a neutral (Neutra red) is. Bismuth Sulfite Ajar
Bismuth sulphite agar for the isolation of intestinal Bayslhay Salmvflatayfy and its manufacturing method according to instructions attached to the culture dish Myht. Bismuth sulphite agar, an environment microbiologia full of nutrients because of peptone, beef extract and dextrose is. F. sulfate, bismuth reagent microbiologia to produce hydrogen sulfide is a heavy metal that has some microorganisms is inhibited Brilliant Green dye in the presence of blockers, inhibitors inhibit gram-positive bacteria and more than Most of these species gram negative organisms was rivers Salmonella Some of the Shigella spp. Salmonella species based on colony color may appear microbiologia and be Shnsasayy possible. Black or green, a metal deposition that when hydrogen sulfide (sulfur compounds Myht caused by Salmonella) microbiologia react with an iron salt is produced. Typically colonies are black or green and black or dark brown halo may be surrounded by green metallic brilliance.
This setting is used for collection and transport of clinical specimens. microbiologia In 1964 Cary and Blair gave a new formula for the transfer of stool samples was right. They contain low nutrient environment, low redox potential and high PH Cary and his colleagues investigated the Bqashygla and Salmonella microbiologia in the environment. In a study of 162 samples, Shigella organisms were isolated for 49 days to 45 days after inoculation of Salmonella and Proteus and Pseudomonas were when pollutants and for 62 days in the absence of these pollutants, were separated.
Gaines and his colleagues tested a series on Cary and Blair Transport medium microbiologia for collecting stool samples or rectal swabs in a region of Thailand that was endemic diarrhea did they conclude microbiologia that this is an efficient way to transfer medium to provide stool samples are lined environment with minimal nutrients formulated to increase the survival of organisms without answer and defense. Tayvglykvlat sodium is added to provide low oxidation reduction potential, PH relatively high due to the formation of acid reduces microbiologia bacterial destruction. Swabs or stool samples were immersed in the other tubes containing the Transport button. Tubes during transport to the laboratory at room temperature

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