Maslow's hierarchy theory humanitarian needs of Maslow or pyramid of human needs is the theory of the psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in a paper published in 1943 entitled: "The theory of the stimulus humanitarian" see it that when people are making their basic needs are seeking to meet the needs of higher levels, f ma as arranged by Maslow's hierarchy. This theory holds that man is working to achieve five major needs he has are: self-realization, appreciation, social needs, security and safety, and physiological needs. This is to satisfy these needs in a phased manner so that the individual rushes to satisfy one of which, if completed Ohbaha and went to the second and so on. Maslow's hierarchy of human needs 5 - 4 need to achieve self - esteem and respect the needs of 3 - 2 social needs - need security 1 - physiological needs
1 - physiological needs: human needs in the first phase of his career to secure his life living so that he can live and Sharif of the most important components of the physiological needs of food, clothing and housing 2 - needs to security: human needs in the second phase of his career, sense of security and Job Security domestic and ensure the future of the children and the lack of this individual will need to concern intellectually and psychologically Mmiather on his performance in the work of this administration that understands the importance of security needed for a worker to create a spirit of creativity among employees. 3 - social needs: human needs in the third stage to have a group such as friendships and a desire to help others and a desire to help people person. Studies have shown that the working atmosphere, which can not satisfy these needs leads to different psychological balance among workers and then to labor problems lead to a lack of production and high rates of absenteeism and leave work. 4 - needs assessment: human needs in the fourth stage to earn people's respect and appreciation and desire to emerge and business excellence. So that managers who focus on the needs assessment as an engine for motivated workers to attain the objectives of their projects on the reverse reduces the possibilities of the individual in the organization. 5 - the need for self-realization: human needs in the fifth stage to achieve the image you imagined for himself. Rights and unable at this stage to meet the challenges without fear of Alvh for in achieving success. And begins to feel that he can in the circumstances in which creativity and development work
Seven things you must do after eating them beware
Teddy and his teacher Alraaúah!!
Teddy and his teacher Alraaúah!!
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