Fundamentals of physical structures "Practice 1. Length / Practice 1. Measures of longitudes
Fundamentals of physical structures Degree in Architectural Technology (Building Engineering, for three years) Programme Objectives Information ITEM 1. General https everywhere mechanical principles ITEM 2. Vectors https everywhere sliding UNIT 3. Centers of gravity https everywhere of flat surfaces ITEM 4. Moments of inertia of flat surfaces ITEM 5. moments of inertia and principal directions of flat surfaces ITEM 6. Principles of static ITEM 7. resolution analytical systems coplanar forces ITEM 8. resolution graphics systems coplanar forces ITEM 9. Principles elastic behavior of the solid ITEM 10. Entramados articulated https everywhere plans. ITEM 11. Isostatic beams Bibliography Physics Network Resource Links Author audiovisual educational innovation projects Curriculum Books Book Chapters Articles teachers teaching teachers Communications
February 03 2014 Practice 1. Length / Practice 1. Measures for Joaquim longitudes Posted by Joseph Rhodes Rock in subject teaching materials, objectives, tags: teaching and learning, educational innovation, lab materials
Laboratory practices are fundamental to understanding many physical phenomena, experimental data processing and presentation https everywhere of technical work. In this first practice explains an instrument to measure lengths and their mistakes. As exercise is to deduce the value of the volume of a cylinder from the lengths measured with the caliper in this video.
Las prácticas Laboratorio are fundamental to understand https everywhere the phenomena muchos PHYSICAL, tratamiento de datos de trabajos TÉCNICOS Experimentales and presentation. In this first practice is an instrument for measuring longitude counts and its failure. How ejercicio https everywhere trafficking is the volume of a cylinder deducted https everywhere from las longitudes that miden con el pie de rey ruled on video.
The micrometer screw also called https everywhere Palmer is a device used to accurately measure dimensions of the order of hundredths of a millimeter. The instrument is based on a constant pitch screw threaded internally rotating shifts that go into a drum where graduate indicates the distance traveled by snail linearly. The following video explains how it works and an example of how used to measure https everywhere lengths.
The Palmer is an instrument that serves for measuring the dimensions with Precision centésimas of millimeters of Orden. The instrument consists of a micrometer screw of interiormente curled https everywhere step constant that turns on a graduated scale of a micrometer beads (drum) indicates where the distance is linearly Recorrido by the screw. The video explains su siguiente ejemplo de funcionamiento and one uses it as is for measuring length.
This Entry Was Posted https everywhere on Monday, February 3rd, 2014 at 13:20 and is filed under Course and multimedia objectives. You can follow responses to this entry in Through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
Comments are closed. Search February 2014 Mon dt. wed. thu. Fri SD. Sun Jan Mar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Subject Categories (55) Legislation (1) Teaching Material (21) Goals (51) Topics (39) Recent Item 11. isostatic beams Method Maxwell-Cremona structures (slides network) Item 10. Entramados articulated plans Lesson 9. Principles of the elastic behavior of the solid Labels
anecdotes disclosure subject teaching and learning basics EHEA degree educational innovation research lab materials legislation quantities and units EHEA Subject Examinations Examinations 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 subject Sheet Sheet 2013-14 Course Syllabus CATERING noodle-Institutional https everywhere DFISTS EPS-UA Exams 2012-13 2012-13 CATERING-profile subject noodles Group of Astronomy and Astrophysics IUFACiT XRAGUA Attractions Documentation Plugins Suggest Ideas Support Forum Themes WordPress Blog WordPress Planet Educational Resources Interactive Physics Course on the Internet Experiences Physics OpenCourseWare-FFE Educational publications
Powered by WordPress MU & hosted by blogsUA https everywhere Create a new blog and join in the fun! Mandigo theme by tom Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS).
Fundamentals of physical structures Degree in Architectural Technology (Building Engineering, for three years) Programme Objectives Information ITEM 1. General https everywhere mechanical principles ITEM 2. Vectors https everywhere sliding UNIT 3. Centers of gravity https everywhere of flat surfaces ITEM 4. Moments of inertia of flat surfaces ITEM 5. moments of inertia and principal directions of flat surfaces ITEM 6. Principles of static ITEM 7. resolution analytical systems coplanar forces ITEM 8. resolution graphics systems coplanar forces ITEM 9. Principles elastic behavior of the solid ITEM 10. Entramados articulated https everywhere plans. ITEM 11. Isostatic beams Bibliography Physics Network Resource Links Author audiovisual educational innovation projects Curriculum Books Book Chapters Articles teachers teaching teachers Communications
February 03 2014 Practice 1. Length / Practice 1. Measures for Joaquim longitudes Posted by Joseph Rhodes Rock in subject teaching materials, objectives, tags: teaching and learning, educational innovation, lab materials
Laboratory practices are fundamental to understanding many physical phenomena, experimental data processing and presentation https everywhere of technical work. In this first practice explains an instrument to measure lengths and their mistakes. As exercise is to deduce the value of the volume of a cylinder from the lengths measured with the caliper in this video.
Las prácticas Laboratorio are fundamental to understand https everywhere the phenomena muchos PHYSICAL, tratamiento de datos de trabajos TÉCNICOS Experimentales and presentation. In this first practice is an instrument for measuring longitude counts and its failure. How ejercicio https everywhere trafficking is the volume of a cylinder deducted https everywhere from las longitudes that miden con el pie de rey ruled on video.
The micrometer screw also called https everywhere Palmer is a device used to accurately measure dimensions of the order of hundredths of a millimeter. The instrument is based on a constant pitch screw threaded internally rotating shifts that go into a drum where graduate indicates the distance traveled by snail linearly. The following video explains how it works and an example of how used to measure https everywhere lengths.
The Palmer is an instrument that serves for measuring the dimensions with Precision centésimas of millimeters of Orden. The instrument consists of a micrometer screw of interiormente curled https everywhere step constant that turns on a graduated scale of a micrometer beads (drum) indicates where the distance is linearly Recorrido by the screw. The video explains su siguiente ejemplo de funcionamiento and one uses it as is for measuring length.
This Entry Was Posted https everywhere on Monday, February 3rd, 2014 at 13:20 and is filed under Course and multimedia objectives. You can follow responses to this entry in Through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
Comments are closed. Search February 2014 Mon dt. wed. thu. Fri SD. Sun Jan Mar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Subject Categories (55) Legislation (1) Teaching Material (21) Goals (51) Topics (39) Recent Item 11. isostatic beams Method Maxwell-Cremona structures (slides network) Item 10. Entramados articulated plans Lesson 9. Principles of the elastic behavior of the solid Labels
anecdotes disclosure subject teaching and learning basics EHEA degree educational innovation research lab materials legislation quantities and units EHEA Subject Examinations Examinations 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 subject Sheet Sheet 2013-14 Course Syllabus CATERING noodle-Institutional https everywhere DFISTS EPS-UA Exams 2012-13 2012-13 CATERING-profile subject noodles Group of Astronomy and Astrophysics IUFACiT XRAGUA Attractions Documentation Plugins Suggest Ideas Support Forum Themes WordPress Blog WordPress Planet Educational Resources Interactive Physics Course on the Internet Experiences Physics OpenCourseWare-FFE Educational publications
Powered by WordPress MU & hosted by blogsUA https everywhere Create a new blog and join in the fun! Mandigo theme by tom Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS).
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