The American psychologist Abraham Maslow formulated a unique and distinct theory in psychology focusing mainly on motivational aspects of the human personality. Maslow where he presented his theory of human motivation Human motivation which tried to formulate a coherent dokuwiki pattern of which explains the nature of the motives or needs that drive human behavior and pose. In this theory assumes Maslow that needs or motives humanitarian arranged in gradation or system mounting Hierarchy dokuwiki in terms of priority or severity of impact Prepotency, when the saturation needs most priority or the most powerful and compelling, the needs of the next in the hierarchy stand out and ask gratification is the other and when the saturation we have walked up score higher on the ladder motives .. and so on until we get to the top. These needs and motivations and according to their own priorities in the mounting system as described by Maslow are as follows: dokuwiki
And include a range of needs related to maintaining the status quo .. and to ensure the type of system safety and physical and moral, such as the need for a sense of security and stability .. .. .. and order and protection .. and rely on a source of saturated needs. The pressure dokuwiki of such needs can be manifested in the form of fears such as fear of the unknown .. of mystery ... of chaos and confusion or fear of losing control of the surrounding circumstances.
And include a range of socially oriented needs such as the need for an intimate relationship with another person need to be a human member of an organized group .. need to environment or social context in which human intimacy feels like the family or the neighborhood or the various forms of regulations and social activities.
Under the heading of self-realization Maslow describes a set of needs or motives that do not reach the Supreme rights to it only after achieving sufficient to satisfy dokuwiki the needs of the preceding minimum. And self-realization here refers to the human need to use all of his abilities and talents and achieve all its potential and development potential to the fullest extent can be up to him. This investigation of the same is not to be understood within the limits of the need to maximize the ability or skill or success within the limited personal .. but it is a cover to achieve the need of self to the pursuit of values and goals high, such as the truth .. and create beauty .. and bring order .. and confirmation Justice .. etc.. Such values dokuwiki and goals represent the opinion of Maslow's needs or motives authentic dokuwiki and latent in man naturally dokuwiki like that needs to lower food safety .. and .. and .. love and appreciation. Is an integral part of the possibilities inherent in the human personality and insists that in order to be realized in order to tidy up rights to the same realization and fulfillment of all motives dokuwiki or needs.
After self-realization is left are two types of needs or motives are cognitive needs and aesthetic needs and Maslow, despite confirmation of the existence and importance of these two types within a coordinated humanitarian needs, but he apparently did not specify the subject are evident in the escalating regime
These include the need to exploration and knowledge and understanding, was confirmed dokuwiki by Maslow its importance in humans but also in animals, and in his conception takes many forms graded .. start at lower levels need to know the world and exploration consistent with the satisfaction of other needs, and ranging up to reach some kind of need to put the events in the format theoretical concept .. or create a knowledge system interprets the world and existence. It is in the higher levels become valuable human need to seek the same regardless of their relationship to satisfying the minimum needs. Self-realization or motives upper stage
This is the most important aspect is unique to the theory of Maslow. As he tried to examine and understand the human personality through health .. through cases completeness and superiority rather than through cases of illness and weakness or disintegration, the entrance to which is the opposite of what is prevalent among the vast majority of psychologists and theorists personal.
In order to achieve this goal by Maslow in-depth research and a comprehensive dokuwiki group of people who were able to self-fulfillment .. or have achieved their potential to the fullest extent .. and can be considered among the top of the pyramid of growth and development and humanitarian dokuwiki completion. The group included some of his contemporaries from the likes of Einstein and Roosevelt and Albert Hwicrz, in addition to historical figures dokuwiki like Lincoln and Jefferson .. and Beethoven. The methodology used in this study approach clinically or more precisely Vnomnologgio dokuwiki approach, use it .. clinical dokuwiki interviews and observations of behavior and study .. walk or cvs .. etc..
Like these people are characterized by the ability to judge the exact reality and predict fraught, not the result of intuition super or supernatural powers, but for their ability to see and understand things as they are .. without dokuwiki prejudices or whims and Tasbat or impurities self, as this also includes their ability high to tolerate ambiguity .. and the lack of clarity or renewal .. Maslow was considered that this attribute represents a kind of cognitive ability objectivity dubbed know the stage of being Being or-Bcognition.
9 - The ability to build relationships between the deeply personal and powerful.
This includes the ability to accept the possibility of religious and ethnic differences and class differences and the age and profession ... etc., in addition to real respect for the opinion of others, and faith in the importance of the interaction of different views for the truth.
Although the investigators themselves tend not to breach customs and traditions are radical, but they are not swayed drift herd behind imposed by any culture, but choose their own values and attitudes in a mature and free .. and trying to quietly and unexpectedly dramatic to change what they reject than people regard him and Tcolbwa it.
The things dokuwiki for themselves, not for those who have achieved