Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Like these people are characterized by the ability to judge the exact reality and predict fraught,

The American psychologist Abraham Maslow formulated a unique and distinct theory in psychology focusing mainly on motivational aspects of the human personality. Maslow where he presented his theory of human motivation Human motivation which tried to formulate a coherent dokuwiki pattern of which explains the nature of the motives or needs that drive human behavior and pose. In this theory assumes Maslow that needs or motives humanitarian arranged in gradation or system mounting Hierarchy dokuwiki in terms of priority or severity of impact Prepotency, when the saturation needs most priority or the most powerful and compelling, the needs of the next in the hierarchy stand out and ask gratification is the other and when the saturation we have walked up score higher on the ladder motives .. and so on until we get to the top. These needs and motivations and according to their own priorities in the mounting system as described by Maslow are as follows: dokuwiki
And include a range of needs related to maintaining the status quo .. and to ensure the type of system safety and physical and moral, such as the need for a sense of security and stability .. .. .. and order and protection .. and rely on a source of saturated needs. The pressure dokuwiki of such needs can be manifested in the form of fears such as fear of the unknown .. of mystery ... of chaos and confusion or fear of losing control of the surrounding circumstances.
And include a range of socially oriented needs such as the need for an intimate relationship with another person need to be a human member of an organized group .. need to environment or social context in which human intimacy feels like the family or the neighborhood or the various forms of regulations and social activities.
Under the heading of self-realization Maslow describes a set of needs or motives that do not reach the Supreme rights to it only after achieving sufficient to satisfy dokuwiki the needs of the preceding minimum. And self-realization here refers to the human need to use all of his abilities and talents and achieve all its potential and development potential to the fullest extent can be up to him. This investigation of the same is not to be understood within the limits of the need to maximize the ability or skill or success within the limited personal .. but it is a cover to achieve the need of self to the pursuit of values and goals high, such as the truth .. and create beauty .. and bring order .. and confirmation Justice .. etc.. Such values dokuwiki and goals represent the opinion of Maslow's needs or motives authentic dokuwiki and latent in man naturally dokuwiki like that needs to lower food safety .. and .. and .. love and appreciation. Is an integral part of the possibilities inherent in the human personality and insists that in order to be realized in order to tidy up rights to the same realization and fulfillment of all motives dokuwiki or needs.
After self-realization is left are two types of needs or motives are cognitive needs and aesthetic needs and Maslow, despite confirmation of the existence and importance of these two types within a coordinated humanitarian needs, but he apparently did not specify the subject are evident in the escalating regime
These include the need to exploration and knowledge and understanding, was confirmed dokuwiki by Maslow its importance in humans but also in animals, and in his conception takes many forms graded .. start at lower levels need to know the world and exploration consistent with the satisfaction of other needs, and ranging up to reach some kind of need to put the events in the format theoretical concept .. or create a knowledge system interprets the world and existence. It is in the higher levels become valuable human need to seek the same regardless of their relationship to satisfying the minimum needs. Self-realization or motives upper stage
This is the most important aspect is unique to the theory of Maslow. As he tried to examine and understand the human personality through health .. through cases completeness and superiority rather than through cases of illness and weakness or disintegration, the entrance to which is the opposite of what is prevalent among the vast majority of psychologists and theorists personal.
In order to achieve this goal by Maslow in-depth research and a comprehensive dokuwiki group of people who were able to self-fulfillment .. or have achieved their potential to the fullest extent .. and can be considered among the top of the pyramid of growth and development and humanitarian dokuwiki completion. The group included some of his contemporaries from the likes of Einstein and Roosevelt and Albert Hwicrz, in addition to historical figures dokuwiki like Lincoln and Jefferson .. and Beethoven. The methodology used in this study approach clinically or more precisely Vnomnologgio dokuwiki approach, use it .. clinical dokuwiki interviews and observations of behavior and study .. walk or cvs .. etc..
Like these people are characterized by the ability to judge the exact reality and predict fraught, not the result of intuition super or supernatural powers, but for their ability to see and understand things as they are .. without dokuwiki prejudices or whims and Tasbat or impurities self, as this also includes their ability high to tolerate ambiguity .. and the lack of clarity or renewal .. Maslow was considered that this attribute represents a kind of cognitive ability objectivity dubbed know the stage of being Being or-Bcognition.
9 - The ability to build relationships between the deeply personal and powerful.
This includes the ability to accept the possibility of religious and ethnic differences and class differences and the age and profession ... etc., in addition to real respect for the opinion of others, and faith in the importance of the interaction of different views for the truth.
Although the investigators themselves tend not to breach customs and traditions are radical, but they are not swayed drift herd behind imposed by any culture, but choose their own values and attitudes in a mature and free .. and trying to quietly and unexpectedly dramatic to change what they reject than people regard him and Tcolbwa it.
The things dokuwiki for themselves, not for those who have achieved

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

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The work in 1951 as head of the psychology department human in Brandeis for 10 years, where he met Kurt Julstin plant cell who introduced the idea of self-actualization and Maslow began his theoretical private, and began his crusade plant cell for humanistic plant cell psychology, which was important to him than his theories and spent the last years of his life quasi retired in California .
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Monday, April 28, 2014

Safety needs security needs of every human being needs to feel safe from the risk and the threat he

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Maslow Maslow identified five types of needs for all people and set it to an arrangement in the sense that human Abjt them in the order mentioned. When not meet the minimum requirements of a relatively human looking for the highest level of needs. These five types of requirements are:
Physiological needs Physiological needs a basic needs that a person needs to live a food and drink, air, shelter, clothing and family. Therefore, the institutions need to meet these basic needs by providing sufficient income or some physical support to its employees amrn such as housing loans.
Safety needs security needs of every human being needs to feel safe from the risk and the threat he is looking for a stable and safe work safe housing and stable health. Therefore, the institutions can motivate employees to provide the means of safety at work and to provide a sense of stability and not the fear of separation and some programs provide free or subsidized treatment and programs that provide something like a pension after retirement
Social needs social needs is the need to make friends and belonging to a community. Therefore, the institutions can motivate workers to provide a good social atmosphere and organize social gatherings or provide the means to them. These needs include social amrn needs outside of work sense to spend time with family, friends and relatives. These needs should be met by the presence of holidays and working time so as not to become a factor when you go to his house to sleep only.
Needs respect (appreciation) Esteem needs after the provision of basic needs and safety and social amrn needs of the human appreciation Mmmn looking for him. He is looking for success and appreciation to the people and get a privileged position. Therefore, reward employees and Tkir Mjhodhm is financially and morally stimulating things. Human wants that appreciated his colleagues at work and outside of work they know. He goes to his family to tell them the award-winning excellence amrn in this or that director thanked him for his effort or submit an idea, and so on. He wants to feel its lead his colleagues at work, for example, wants to be promoted to higher positions in order to show its success.
Of the things that Olahzaa theory that overlooked the need of the basic needs of a human being, a believer in God need to satisfy the Lord. A Muslim is to please the Lord in the highest rank of the same basic needs, though this varies from person to person by his commitment to his religion, but this difference in accident each other needs Humans are not a completely identical. So I think that the need to please God is in the first group, amrn a Muslim who works in a work such as the manufacture of prohibited liquor find non-motivated but find it sad and mostly looking for another amrn job or wishing today that he finds another job. As well as when it is contrary to perform work with the hypothesis of religion amrn or adherence to its principles, such as an employee who works in an institution trying to deceive customers. The needs are religious can not be overlooked in a religious society.
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Sunday, April 27, 2014

hartooooo Riyadh, ssl certificate Saudi Arabia every human being has a painful story and happy and

Spring Age ... If yesterday is lost .. Between your hands today and if today will bring his papers and leave .. P have tomorrow ssl certificate .... Do not be sad on yesterday it will not come back and do not regret the day ... it is late-life while falling leaves will not come back again and Aahelm setting sun illuminated in beautiful tomorrow
What created ssl certificate by the world (Abraham Maslow) in his famous theory (Maslow's hierarchy of needs), presuming that a man is always in the (need) and that those needs come hierarchically, in the sense of human Once the saturation of the need will be looking for to satisfy the needs of others, and therefore will not leave his need Ichbaha and even up to the point of saturation vary from one person to another. Dividing them into five needs are the needs, physiological needs - basic (Physiological Needs), the needs of safety (Safety Needs), social needs (Belonging Needs), needs assessment (Esteem), and the needs of self-realization (Self Aculaization). Include the basic needs of every individual that is needed for survival such as food and drink and the air, but the needs of safety refers to the need for a shelter against the physical risk, or what may also cause moral harm. Social needs assumes that the human members of a particular ssl certificate community and family formation. Imperatives at the top of the hierarchy of Maslow are the needs assessment and the needs of self-realization, the former feeling appreciated ssl certificate by others and appreciation for the same, and the last he arrived to the finish! Which maligned on Maslow's theory, it does not take in addressing the needs of Dimensions faith in individuals, ssl certificate and recognizes ssl certificate that individuals are challenging to satisfying these needs, has said the Messenger ssl certificate of Allah peace be upon him said, "Do not commit adultery while adulterer is a believer, and do not drink alcohol while drinking a believer, do not steal while robbing a believer, nor looted Anthb where people raise their eyes to him as a believer. " Bukhari. Praise be to God for the faith of Islam and that our livelihood and by the law of hquploader closed the doors on all Muslims from committing crimes.
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hartooooo Riyadh, ssl certificate Saudi Arabia every human being has a painful story and happy and all the painful story behind the story. Is not the end to read but end benefit if you do not read, but what you like only you will learn never this philosophy, and here are some of Chkabita and Qrota and Mshahdhati and there is the Code is the sensations and feelings of a man smile a little and much sadness I hope the benefit ssl certificate for everyone. View my complete profile

Saturday, April 26, 2014

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It is known that Abraham Maslow, "admits he was in his research first behaviorally," but not his ideas go from behavioral to humanity, and because of this shift in the ideas of this world to his criticism of the behavior that sees it came to speed up the learning of the child, to exclude the so teach his creativity postgis and criticism, which should Ihzia be of great importance in education by this researcher. The main objective of the breeding when Maslow in facilitating postgis the learner's knowledge for its own sake, which is what can happen by helping to discover belonging to the universe; learner should learn how to discover the same in relation to the universe; any to discover biology personal to satisfy the needs of his, but the way to achieve This primary goal - according to this researcher - lies in the following:
A) to satisfy basic psychological needs of the child, postgis such as a sense of security, a sense of belonging, love and respect and appreciation. postgis B) able to make the collection of mystical experience that enables him to see what is worldly and what is eternal in the same time. C) enable the learner postgis to reach the intuitive perception on his relationship with the universe. D) Make meditation and reflection postgis Milli in the heart of the educational process, and the abandonment of the behavioral model. The role of the teacher in Maslow's view, lies in helping the learner to discover itself. To achieve this role, must be based on the teacher of a positive outlook for the learner, and the best way to achieve these goals, are all methods that help the child to achieve the realization intuitively, can link its relationship to the universe, and the collection of mystical experience that enables him to see what is worldly and what is eternal in once, and understand things through the sacred religious dimensions; briefly goal is to make each breeding postgis learner proficient knowledge of his being. Twitter postgis
Distances between Moroccan cities .. Agadir. Marrakech. Ouarzazate. Tangier. Klmeem. Tiznit. Eyes. Boujdour. Rabat. Fez Les distances entre les villes du Maroc distances between cities Saudi Arabia .. Abqaiq. Abha. Baha. News. Output. Dammam. Riyadh. Taif. Qurayyat. Statements. Medina. Hofuf. Buraidah. Tabuk. Jeddah. Jazan. Hail. Batin. postgis Sakaka. Tarif. Arar. Mecca. Najran relationship Arabic information technology .. the information revolution and the generation of language and automatically translated and understood the distances postgis between the cities of Jordan .. Oman. Irbid. Jerash. Mafraq. Blue. Madaba. Krk. Tafila. Glitter. Aqaba. Rwaished. Iraq's borders. Ramtha. Rounded. Cycle analysis methodology text on social curriculum postgis .. approach literature by linking Bkhalafyate social and historical status based on the theories of Marxism and the distances between the cities of Algeria .. Tamanrasset. Skikda. Tlemcen. Camp. Ghardaia. Djelfa. In Salah. Batna. Annaba Les distances entre les villes algériennes distances postgis between cities, the UAE .. Abu Dhabi. Ajman. postgis Eye. Alzbd. Dubai. Fujairah. Jebel Ali. Kalba. Khor Fakkan. Ras Al Khaimah. Sharjah. Umm analysis of cave people: pre-reading / text .. framing study title. Words CD-ROM. Study the picture. His text. Type the author. Formulation of hypothesis analysis of cave people: the first chapter postgis .. Author lists or describes postgis the events of the story of a place. Indicators contained in the text that indicate that they stayed long Ehv analysis of the novel The Thief and the Dogs, chapters .. language mouthpiece characters socially, culturally and intellectually
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Occur Apostle anaphase data Maslow

Occur Apostle anaphase data Maslow's hierarchy before he was born renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow four centuries, and this was in an interview with Roy him peace be upon him, said: "It has become healthy in his body safe in his squadron has strengthened his day if he Hizat a minimum." As life evolves upward, he added Maslow on the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah and developed to complete the top of the pyramid, which contained the need for self-realization, is the need that look like they were not essential in his time peace be upon him, where he was the focus of the Prophet at the time - because of the primitive life in the Time - the basic needs in the first and second anaphase level of needs arranged by Maslow in his pyramid then and contains: anaphase Physiological needs: healthy in his body, he has strengthened his day and the needs of safety: and safe in his squadron and continued Maslow pyramid building, which began the beginning of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and added: social needs, the need to assess the need for self-realization
I love the saxophone, and I like reading, writing and playing basketball. Classify myself within the Liberal researchers on the right. Akef, the daily work of realize my dreams, anaphase and my growth is continuous, which makes me like a steady anaphase pace. I believe that I can contribute to the paradise on earth, and that of my goals long-term. Imitate the prophets and artists anaphase who did not Asamto or Anazlo for people after that revelation came down on them, and I think that has descended on the revelation, which is urging me because I am the change that I want to see it in myself and in the world. I blog in my blog like I relish player, just because I love writing and sharing. ĎăĘă unharmed. View my complete profile
2014 (4) February anaphase (2) January (2) 2013 (32) December (1) November (4) October (5) "The Legend of the city of Athens," so women won the men Thomas Robert anaphase Malthus withstand Another criticism silly issues as a matter of etiquette in the theory of the Prophet Hierarchy of Needs theory versus Abraham m ... tale of the nymph and chordal secret September (4) August (3) July (1) June (1) May (1) April ( 8) March (4)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Decide which way to do it is always a problem, there are many who do not know what you decide. Then

Two days ago I work and I have mono climbing, I would have it Saturday but I have to ensure system requirements lab my son William has gone to soloing and Visa is still on vacation. Luckily there is always recourse to the bar to find fellow system requirements lab Anna.
As always we are all colleagues for breakfast, but today some of them have family obligations system requirements lab and want to return home soon. Luckily Toni Cespedes system requirements lab has taken and aims to do something.
Decide which way to do it is always a problem, there are many who do not know what you decide. Then be a burning light bulb!. Is there a way to gray rock that William told me to do it one day and I remember many years ago I got off the first meeting (I do not remember why, but today after I make it it be because we were scared of the trips that were between insurance). Today it seems that my head is more laid back and decided to try again.
The first begins interesting rock a bit shabby and the first insurance 8 meters of land (a statement of intent). Among the few that are safe and Camelot that I place I get to the meeting quite quiet.
The second begins Toni but there is a passage that resists and decides to give me the flip, really, to make it necessary to have good optic nerves, a hard difficulty maintained in top five insurance are working set to 6/7 meters system requirements lab and although the first rock is not accustomed to such long stretches without insurance and coconut works much. This has thrown 40 meters up the last entry says Toni and I have not seen an insurance system requirements lab policy just before I put on the beginning of a Camelot roll, so good.
The third is the hardest pitch is graded 6a + and a length of 35 meters. The spin begins well, with good vertical rock, but then towards Lastra a dubious looking where to grab and pull, here I have another Camelot, once the Lastra a right diagonal lets under a section that breaks the homogeneity of the pitch, here disappear shots, everything becomes blunt and vertical and luckily insurance system requirements lab are nearby, instead of 6/7 meters are 5 feet, far enough as to force you really climb (sure this is the section 6a +). After this section must continue diagonally to the right to land that does not give up a trust and savin up for this meeting should only take a short trip of about 10 meters longer easier. system requirements lab
Now just make the rest of the track tensioners Urquiza Olmo and returned to the car, while waiting for the goats we feel Trio West all morning throwing stones respect us and we stoned the fall.
Hi John, Lucky degree pitch is affordable and good rock. On more than one time I thought I was putting myself in these embolats. Once all fmaneres roll leaves system requirements lab you a good taste in your mouth. Health and good climbing Remove
Rabada Navarre Fire
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Manel & Ita
Cambre d'Aze western hill. 2,718 m.
1 year ago

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

This Entry Was Posted on Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 at 13:47 and is filed under Course and multime

Fundamentals of physical structures "Practice 1. Length
Fundamentals of physical structures Degree in Architectural Technology (Building Engineering, for three years) Programme Objectives Information ITEM 1. General mechanical principles ITEM 2. Vectors sliding UNIT 3. Centers of gravity of flat surfaces ITEM 4. Moments of inertia of flat surfaces ITEM 5. moments of inertia and principal directions of flat surfaces ITEM 6. Principles frequency table of static ITEM 7. resolution analytical frequency table systems coplanar forces ITEM 8. resolution graphics systems coplanar forces ITEM 9. Principles elastic behavior of the solid ITEM 10. Entramados articulated plans. ITEM 11. Isostatic beams Bibliography Physics Network frequency table Resource Links Author audiovisual educational frequency table innovation projects Curriculum Books Book Chapters frequency table Articles teachers teaching teachers Communications
Laboratory practices are fundamental to understanding many physical phenomena, experimental data processing and presentation of technical work. In this first practice explains frequency table an instrument to measure lengths and their mistakes. As exercise is to deduce the value of the volume of a cylinder from the lengths measured frequency table with the caliper in this video.
The micrometer screw also called Palmer is a device used to accurately measure dimensions of the order of hundredths of a millimeter. The instrument is based on a constant pitch screw threaded internally rotating shifts that go into a drum where graduate indicates distance traveled by a straight screw. The following video explains how it works and an example of how used to measure lengths. frequency table
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Monday, April 21, 2014

Good meeting John in the fuck

Seem strange but the top of the Castellana Albarda Montserrat, had not ever gone. I am always more to fix its neighbor, the prop. It is the roof of Baix Llobregat with a height of 1167 meters above sea level is a splendid viewpoint of the mountain. Will three weeks down the needle Leaning I noticed that there were several climbers on a rocky ridge in this stirring and the Internet, I found a review of the brothers Maso. So Saturday we get Joaquim and me. Looking at the original review the way on foot gauge is simple ... nothing could be further from the truth. By now, though I am not clear as we arrived. Take the path of St. Jerome to the point where we have an indication on the left, which leads us to the neck of the Albarda. Follow Channel valley until you reach the height of St. Jerome and Camel at this point that there are no trademark or path that will ship us the "white man's weird instinct" to raise and lower, and flank Sniff to find the foot of road. No footsteps, at least we trobesim ... Well esgarrinxats full of twigs inside the damaged our bodies are the "feltxeta" marked on the rock where the road begins. The brothers say they Maso Heather edge of Albarda but after all, the town is facing more Collbató that Heather is my perception. Via only for collectors because of the approach and the course itself but in a perfect tranquility and solitude, that if reaching the top of the Albarda no longer so lonely, adventurous tourists watching us in awe veurens reach the top. Quite a spectacle. 1st long. III, II and IV, two 55m typical ramp spigot in Montserrat which overcome two small ledges where only find two expansions. We put a battlement long but has no secrets. The meeting sophie horn will at the foot of an oak along the second wall. 2nd long. A0e / V + V, IV and III + IV, expansions between eight 8mm bolts and spigot 30 meters to leave the meeting and we will have to climb the weakest part of the oak. I think the passage of clasped in the end, it will break. Taking steps not to break the oak acrobatic reach the first parabolt 8mm. I've done the steps and I graduate in free V + but is not required. Go straight to very good rock pile until you lose difficulties sophie horn and reach a good and comfortable meeting. Here you will find the "typical can register" used by Maso brothers to leave our signatures. Curious. It is the most beautiful along the way. 3rd long. III, II, V, IV and III, three spigot us 50 goals We left the meeting with a spur lying ease gradually making it easy to highlight a vertical bar passage. It is a step block with good edge grinds and once we passed slightly to the left to place ourselves in the middle of the edge. Find other Espit and gradually come to the end of the road and find a land Espit and parabolt. To reach the top continue walking along the width of the back up Albarda small compact rock ledges that do not reach the third grade and we will be on top. As I say, way to where collectors have assured tranquility and splendid views of Montserrat Mountain. No other way for the new "cole"
Starting off the second over long Joaquim sophie horn Reaching the end of the second meeting during the third summit of Albarda Castellana in the west and east views Montgrós ...... patriarchs, eleven Rock and Horse Bernard
The curious can register. I give my humble condolences to the family, friends and all the people who were lucky to know this great climber and mountain lover who was Juanjo Garra. Your body and soul are forever, between heaven sophie horn and earth, the best place would wish to die.
Thanks for the info, it (was) a way totally unknown to me and perfect for my daughter. I see that the R 2 spits are no ring, but you could rappel leaving Mallon and get them to rise, saving all you do boar, or is too forced? Delete Reply
Hoa Karles. The spigot and R are reinforced with a parabolt sophie horn 10 or 12, I remember it. Seriauna good option rappel the route, although the first rappel is a bit tricky because sophie horn I did not live on the second meeting ... do not see it very clearly. In all cords and maions would have to leave but you can recover the rise. As I say in the tweet is a way col.leccionises. Not sure how old your daughter or if you have to climb a lot but I think there are other more appropriate avenues I my view. The ventatge is not a way too complicated, just get on the oak and not break it. If you go and watch the first and rappel from the top of the desgrimpada Albarda. Already tell! Joan Remove
Good meeting John in the fuck

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fundamentals of physical structures Degree in Architectural Technology (Building Engineering, for t

Fundamentals of physical structures "Practice 1. Measurements of length
Fundamentals of physical structures Degree in Architectural Technology (Building Engineering, for three years) Programme Objectives Information ITEM 1. General mechanical principles ITEM 2. Vectors sliding UNIT 3. Centers of gravity of flat surfaces ITEM 4. Moments of inertia of flat surfaces ITEM 5. moments of inertia and principal directions of flat surfaces ITEM 6. Principles of static ITEM 7. resolution analytical systems coplanar forces ITEM 8. resolution graphics systems coplanar forces charles darwin ITEM 9. Principles elastic behavior of the solid ITEM 10. Entramados charles darwin articulated plans. ITEM 11. Isostatic beams Bibliography Physics Network Resource Links Author audiovisual educational innovation projects charles darwin Curriculum Books Book Chapters Articles teachers teaching teachers Communications
February 11 2013 Practice 1. Measures Wheels length Posted by Joaquim José Roca in subject charles darwin teaching materials, objectives, charles darwin tags: teaching and learning, educational innovation, lab materials
Laboratory practices are fundamental to understanding many physical phenomena, experimental data processing and presentation of technical work. In this first practice explains an instrument to measure lengths and their mistakes. As exercise is to deduce the value of the volume of a cylinder from the lengths measured with the caliper in this video.
The micrometer screw also called Palmer is a device used to accurately measure dimensions of the order of hundredths of a millimeter. The instrument is based on a constant pitch screw threaded internally rotating shifts that go into a drum where graduate indicates the distance traveled by snail linearly. The following video explains how it works and an example of how used to measure lengths.
This Entry Was Posted on Monday, February 11th, 2013 at 9:26 and is filed under Course and multimedia objectives. You can follow responses to this entry in Through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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The sixth and seventh we have spliced because they are short, some people first makes free, but I

We take now that the days are long in case we have problems and take longer than it would be advisable therefore stayed at 7 am for breakfast and we are 9 foot wall, incidentally raise the final approach was one ordeal.
At 9, 15, Visa begins the first pitch (as usual) and this now leaves us a little "fly" reminded not to be so difficult, the road begins a plaque to the right of the fissure that will followed (before I climbed a tree line), the first section in addition to insurance far, these are precarious and see the coast. The review marks the fifth top but I think we made a step in the sixth (6th), mostly from the uncertainty of the rock.
The second plosone up to me, the rock is pretty bad, but did not remember, and pull irons are old and some tacos parabolt that gives you confidence, there already begins the recital of putting junk that luckily go very well ten meters final pitch, take them with goodwill because there are some Taliban who last exceeded bolts and even asparagus are archaic and cue the entrance of the meeting of the cave where there is a meeting with bolts, less damage!. This roll graduate of the fifth but I I found it difficult if not 6th little lacking.
The fourth pitch is reviewed in fifth quills go with graduador begins with a short detour to the right to enter into a socket, where there is only a python at the entrance, it is so narrow plosone that I had to take off the backpack to spend a decent, mid-passage I could put a parabolt Camelot and the next is not until well past the difficult section. For me as a 6th house. The final section is the most decomposed saved by a fixed rope hanging from the meeting. plosone
The fifth begins badly but easy rock and everything changes from here, both the rock and the equipment. The crash that leads under the roof is equipped with bolts but still have left Las museum pieces to be hung and prayed with much faith why not break and give you the fright of your life. The graduation of the fourth degree flip is the beginning and the rest A2 comfortable.
The sixth and seventh we have spliced because they are short, some people first makes free, but I've only done one or two steps free, the rest in Ao and taking everything that was once the Josep meeting I proposed to follow since there are heart-shaped splicing two runs and measuring the pros and cons and decided to go eat myself roof. The fact that the lack of long practice and out of the roof cost me a whopping and when I'm in a meeting "outside." Now it's the Visa with their inventions ceiling as if nothing plosone happens and the short time I have beside me. Now there is no turning back because it would lose quite complicated.
The eighth (seventh) is performed while Joseph and is a graduate of the fifth, not lose sight, especially at the start of the meeting, as I have always had a graduadors for us a stretch of 6th and the remaining five good, luckily there is already very good rock and fissures are entering the Camelot joke.
The ninth (eighth) up to me, but I'm still "touched" and I leave the arduous task of equipping it to him. The reviews of the graduate 6th, and it is faith that even we made some steps Ao. This roll is an art to put insurance, and that certainly needed. Josep makes dihedral before entering the meeting.
The tenth (ninth) the I do, but I still feel tired arms, but we must cope the initial section outlines the fifth but with arms touched, the meter already spent on insurance and the few that I would give no more. At the end of a meeting dihedral are lucky you have not done so, it is very uncomfortable, I dwell without difficulty keep up with much lower (fourth grade), but know where to navigate plosone to sense and path find some other old chisel plosone hidden in the vastness of the plate. At a meeting of burin edge'm old but give me some reassurance to ensure the partner.
The eleventh (tenth) but it is easy to fall, about ten feet above my Joseph plosone is the meeting of the bolts but continued the climb to the summit where we get both at 16 15 hours.
Good climbing Visas! Just read the tweet because I was tired! I remembered Martinez Sanchez, who despite being easier left me completely exhausted. Health and climb Delete Reply
Good night John D'structure is the same, with the first rock bad throws and good from the ceiling. As it is now necessary to put "...." We'll sound

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The eighth touches to William, but in view of what has been taking down that this flip is even more

Carnival has distorted transversal the weekend and instead go on like we usually do, this output must be done on Sunday. Our destination is the south wall of Narieda that takes the name of Tossal Balinyo not clear which way we want to do but I would make one other than those who have already done.
Making transversal the trip with William and also raise with me, Cristina and Javier, if they are convinced that the way they want to do, the way "Dau al Set" and we are hesitating between "curds and honey" and "Tutatis", I decide to walk way.
While preparing the material, they leave and we do not see until the last runs of the track and let us go up while sorting transversal options until finally win the way "Salt frutas Eno", who had to say!. I already did it in 2009 with Joseph Sanchez transversal and I remember very pretty but also very maintained, but hey, what can we do, we must bind the strong cat feet.
The William begins climbing resolutely to overcome the early passages, very hard to track and remove solvent, but the concept of half-pitch scaling changes completely and tighten with desire, becomes pure grip and more , Extreme, so he is accustomed and there is how to overcome it, and finally decided to let me down brown to me.
The first meters in the I yo-yo, making his rope and once the highest point it has reached, it is necessary to hold the ass and go carefully and with great movement, for me, the most difficult stretch of the via, say graduation is 6a +, but I find it more difficult than the shield, and this is graduate 6b.
The second and third do not cost us much as we did recently via Regular sharing these runs. To go to the fourth meeting we turn left to find plates much right to the left of the Regular policeman. Remember this is the last place where I have seen this machine photograph I lost in 2009, I glimpse of the Gypsy, even if there is, but it's been anything heart-shaped masses ..
The eighth touches to William, but in view of what has been taking down that this flip is even more difficult transversal than the first, I prefer to leave the honors to me. The first pitch begins meters prone to left with good connections and secured with rock bridges but rather aimed towards the right to go to the center of the plate where the most difficult passages, transversal but they are insurance removed so that force you to make the moves, or if you also think about putting more insurance is almost impossible, I could put a microphone on a passage to protect transversal a friend moved away a lot and has been regulated more to moral nothing more. The meeting is in the middle of the plate and is quite uncomfortable. transversal
The ninth follows the same suit, but a little transversal easier, 6a, if this is entirely gripping and no chance to do anything, all the flip follows a series of gutters that will destroy much of the ankles pressed transversal laterally , so if you roll a five star!.
The following is an exchange meeting tracing feixa a very strong and go to the foot of a wall, that wall was not difficult there are a couple of passages where you have to look up the rock carefully. Once this section is the option to upload straight road regularly, easier, or a change in meeting left to the foot of a fissure that is difficult last stretch of the road. This change makes the assembly William like the cast.
Guillem, who still fly because they do not have rolls of the shield transversal and asks to make it easy to be the working out of the back where it found the same problem always grip , here is a very very exposed and after several attempts to exceed, now only a few remain vertical feet and come to the meeting.
The last three runs are well insured with rock bridges and also have a low difficulty, which makes it very fast progression. We reached the summit at 17 pm, just in time to coincide with Javier and Cristina transversal have completed transversal a circulation path ahead of us and are preparing to descend. The road has taken us six hours.
Congratulations on track! I have this one yet and I see that we need to put in very strong. adherence unforgiving transversal if you're not accustomed to it as I see lil happened to William, but certainly when it becomes easier to find is very strong. Delete Reply
Hi James, well you can say, he was the William entrebesar transversal the first pitch that the door (for me, the hardest of all and

Friday, April 18, 2014

The second procedure is a stretch of 5 meters but with a vertical bow Savin Camelot and you can put

Today is the last Wednesday I leave this year with William and we take it. To change myanmar journal download log Ager decided to go but we have to make clear which way, in fact, bring a lot of reviews because William could choose what makes you take more grace and stop for breakfast at Beaucaire to decide it.
As we prepare to begin the route, being the engine of a truck coming down the runway (4 axles truck is that the track towards Terradets) I say this to people who parked the car along the track Beware where you leave your car!. Passing HGVs.
The William asks as did the first and the more difficult it is, please accept. The roll is well secured and not force any technical section 6b is forced departure and above cost me strength, stretch back, upper fifth force is committed to reach the python. The roll is 50 meters and is situated in a meeting feixa, right next to a big block.
The second procedure is a stretch of 5 meters but with a vertical bow Savin Camelot and you can put it, is well protected, the rest walk to the foot of the next section. At this meeting there is only a python but can be reinforced with Camelots.
The third track begins as Stae but soon leaves for the cleft veer right onto a plate that makes a series of ledges, one of them a little harder than the rest, there is air between the insurance difficulty the 6th tranche is concentrated in a small section.
The fourth is the flip! the road, the road is worth doing just for the first pitch and this. Start going to find a wide fissure, where a python but I have not managed to see it and I put a Camelot, a few meters should be left to enter the crack in the plate on the left flank by a well-secured, more impressive than difficult from there climb diagonally up a tree and plundering excitement here this is a super compact plate and impressive.
To leave the comfort of plundering excitement there is a bridge that is better not to rock to avoid friction, now only about 15 meters long and remain myanmar journal download beautiful and aesthetic, where the placement of the body and feet is essential progressing to include myanmar journal download insurance just to force you to do the movements, but you can protect flavor, this section is a graduate myanmar journal download of 6a +.
The fifth straight out of the meeting with a passage quickly plummeted to lie down, then you need to follow the thread of the ridge to the meeting. Total of 35 meters with a fourth grade passage at the beginning of fifth pitch.
The sixth is pending, you must first walk about 25 meters to the foot of the end wall, a few feet above there is a python that marks the trail and protects the hard way and roll it without difficulty until the meeting of the peak.
'S DREAM QUINFER Vilanova de Meia
Select Category Abella Basin (3) Ager (5) Andorra (3) Comiols Benavente (1) Bergen (1) Canalda (2) neck Nargo (3) Collegats (2) Doll (1) Garraf (2) Gelida (1) L'Estartit (1) Malanyeu (2) Mont Roig (4) Montserrat (60) Olesa Montserrat (1) Oliana (1) Ordesa (1) Pedraforca (2) Rock Narieda (9) Pearls (1) Rock Ifach (2) First ascents (3) Riglos (1) Ripollès (2) Roc Necklaces (1) Climbing Wall (2) Rubies (1) Sant Llorens myanmar journal download del Munt (2) San Llorens Montgai (9) Sierra de San Juan (1) Solsona (2) Terradets (11) Tossal Feixa (2) Vilanova de Meia (26)
2 days ago
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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Walking back wall ready to withstand the wind and cold, now we are determined to raise and Joseph b

Today, already without the need to first climb of the year, we will look nice weather predictions connective tissue give meteoblue rainy morning in almost all the Catalan territory, so we need to be imaginative and inventive seek alternatives.
On Friday Joseph proposes to get us in Estartit to know the area and do some of the tracks of the Rock Maura. If Encarta, two door ready to have achieved the review online.
Leaving Olesa at 7, 45 and climb up the highway Girona connective tissue from there Estartit where we arrived at 10 am, as esmorzats. With the guidelines we have found, we do not take much to find parking and the beginning of road, now just need to decide connective tissue which path will first and falls on the route choice Poseidon as the first rush of contact connective tissue with the rock.
As we prepare some material falling raindrops and makes us doubt whether we chose it out, but we have not done many kilometers to return home empty, so we decided to raise badly rain. Theoretically today I played two rolls 6a me, but decided that Joseph and I will do the first two and the last one will touch everyone 6a and if we can not climb anything at least bring a tibadeta connective tissue each.
The first roll is graded higher than fifth and not detract the fact that there are two sections in the early and mid-roll to be looking at them carefully but roll is well secured and not suffer anything.
The second soft start but there is much more vertical plate where the rest should be taken long to get to the good, for me this is the key step of the way along with a flip of the last step, but I think this is harder and harder to chain. Josep has a meeting feixa.
The third up to me, is theoretically left flank ten meters connective tissue but there is a few meters meeting with two rings and a few meters away there are two studs without insert, without hesitation the first meeting I .
The fourth step begins with a delicate but soon you can ensure a safe passage is a step decision, then you need to follow a series of ledges to the foot of a vertical plate with three insurance where the central section is the hardest exceeded the stretch as easily follow up meeting connective tissue just below the summit.
At the top long wind but almost connective tissue to the wall or felt and this discourages a bit but back down the neck, the wind does not blow and we strongly encourage ourselves and decided to go for the second track "the punxadits" .
Walking back wall ready to withstand the wind and cold, now we are determined to raise and Joseph begins the first pitch, a 20m climbing a passage 6a, the rest quite smooth.
The second connective tissue has a higher ranking fifth but rather "matojera" I found a broken feixa meeting and I thought it had gone by the Taliban of his. I reinforced the meeting with Camelot, but it was not a meeting but this is about ten feet above and Joseph had to make a short-run to balance the situation, not because connective tissue you wanted to continue to change connective tissue wall and would be complicated connective tissue by the friction of the ropes.
The fourth pitch is the hardest route, despite being assured passages must be strengthened, in Joseph did not like much to some blogs that give the impression of being in precarious balance but I've gone to second, without danger of a strong connective tissue fall, if I like strength. The ranking is thrown connective tissue 6a is maintained.
Select Category Abella Basin (3) Ager (5) Andorra (3) Comiols Benavente (1) Bergen (1) Canalda (2) neck Nargo (3) Collegats (2) Doll (1) Garraf (2) Gelida (1) L'Estartit (1) Malanyeu (2) Mont Roig (4) Montserrat (60) Olesa Montserrat (1) Oliana connective tissue (1) Ordesa (1) Pedraforca (2) Rock Narieda (9) Pearls (1) Rock Ifach (2) First ascents (3) Riglos (1) Ripollès (2) Roc Necklaces (1) Climbing Wall (2) Rubies (1) Sant Llorens del Munt (2) San Llorens Montgai (9) Sierra de San Juan (1) Solsona (2) Terradets (11) Tossal Feixa (2) Vilanova de Meia (26)
2 days ago
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IEP .... The trick is to leave 6b bidit that is to the right and push it with your foot ...... is n

Continue the good prospects for scaling, they say that time will remain good for the rest of the week on Wednesday to take a break in Ruby, is a privileged place in warm weather kuhl and tough if winds.
The yard sale where we parked force but once the forest is no longer noticed no wind and the temperature rises rapidly. Initially her head to make way for the southern rock but we have no time does the sun and decided kuhl to go for the Erotic Festival kuhl (faces east and from there comes the morning sun) and to lengthen the day climbing.
The third transition is a bit shabby and rock, the difficulty does not exceed fifth grade but you have to look where the stones get caught. The major drawback is the uncomfortable kuhl meeting is to kill, especially if we do as a rope of three.
The fourth and final section begins with a very compact and small vertical where we danced on the rock reliefs in order to find the line of progression, after passing the section should go right to find another plate, the more lying, as to the meeting. The difficulty of the first section is 6th.
Once at the top we talked about doing another route and go to our first objective, but has made us lazy to go there and we decided to get in the way time machine that allows us to escape quickly if it is too sooner or later we complicate things (as it has been).
The first pitch is graded higher than fifth but the exposure I would give 6a as a house. The first policy is the ground kuhl (just to mark where it begins) and the second is under the roof but it will take a play castanyot of fifteen. I could put a microphone in the first tightened jumped.
The next section is flanking under the roof, is not very difficult but if you fall do not tell and do not have insurance to exceed the ceiling with a root juniper bow (not very reliable) and about four feet above there parabolt the last pitch, forcing you to overcome this stretch pull hard, then it is the easiest but you need to protect it.
The next pitch is the "pull" of the road, a wall of 6a and 6b graduate of continuity does not give you that break, we've been stranded in section 6b and we could not beat him by much singing and maillon leave with his tail between his legs, though in order to come back another day to try again.
I remember three years ago I made the road Doaigues David, which is right next to teammate Joseph Sanchez and not cost us so much to do, but on this particular pitch we found there twice this insurance and Graduation difference between kuhl one and the other is not much of 6a to 6b +.
Once all the feixa we escaped the wall right until down the road and although we have not won all the beer, we skip the norm and celebrate the activity kuhl bar and Santa Maria de Meia order command set as the guns. J. ESTRUCH
HELLO WE MAJO we did and the second LONG 6B does not have ANYTHING WE SAY ONE AS A HOUSE AND 6C tight ass. THE POSIVILITATS are reduced and to put SOMETHING ALWAYS DOING IT FORCE GALLDARAN Delete Reply
IEP .... The trick is to leave 6b bidit that is to the right and push it with your foot ...... is not explosive and very well said ... but then come out .. . bueno .. I hope you have better luck next time .. good bird climbs Delete Reply
Hello mates, next time think about the bidit sure. But besides this stretch as I found explossiu roll and insurance mantiguda very hard air between them. A challenge. Congratulations on the rise. The next time you try to scale Rubies kuhl give another touch. J. ESTRUCH Delete Reply
Select Category Abella Basin (3) Ager (5) Andorra (3) Comiols Benavente (1) Bergen (1) Canalda (2) neck Nargo (3) Collegats (2) Doll (1) Garraf (2) Gelida (1) L'Estartit (1) Malanyeu (2) Mont Roig (4) Montserrat (60) Olesa Montserrat (1) Oliana (1) Ordesa (1) Pedraforca (2) Rock Narieda (9) Pearls (1) Rock Ifach (2) First ascents (3) Riglos (1) Ripolles (2) Roc Necklaces kuhl (1) Climbing Wall (2) Rubies (1) Sant Llorens del Munt (2) San Llorens Montgai (9) Sierra de San Juan (1) Solsona (2) Terradets (11) Tossal kuhl Feixa (2) Vilanova de Meia (26)
Climbing in Oman - Part V - Al Hamra Towers - Via Attendant In Lenses.
1 week ago

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

We left at 7 and 8 Esparraguera 30 Cal Cherry are still cold but the sky without a cloud in the say

I spent a few weeks with the company "missing" because of the lower ribs he suffered in the Ferrata "Cagate Lorito" Today we climb together, reclaiming old traditions, petri beginning with recurring re-scaled to Meià Vilanova, Josep is a true love of the place.
A long time ago we have in order to make all avenues of Wall Arches that are within our means and we will gradually reaching, but still remain, and now try to make another, our goal is track "Four."
We left at 7 and 8 Esparraguera 30 Cal Cherry are still cold but the sky without a cloud in the saying that if we can not give the excuse of bad weather, it appears we could even happen heat to the wall.
The first pitch starts with a diagonal crack on the left continue until the intersection with another petri that was in the opposite direction, from left to right and that will take us to the meeting. The hardest part is just before the crossing, the passage is protected by a parabolt there but we have put a microphone shortly before arriving there. Just crossing the cracks there is a python where to put a cord but it is very difficult to spin it and we have put a hook through the hole. This section is a graduate of 6b and the remaining fifth.
I leave the meeting diagonally right to a land not very nice to look at though is quite healthy, two bolts in a dihedral leave you with a good crack but very slippery, here I put a microphone to make the move get another parabolt beneath the fissure that form the dihedral and ceiling. Needed to reach the next parabolt flank below the ceiling by a sliding plate where I could put a very small Camelot to crack the ceiling, but was afraid, because one of the stones is jumping, but not falling and within Camelot with the press. Once the tip of the roof a step along a ridge that is left, or outside of the roof and climb a dihedral secured by two bolts although these are quite higher, after having overcome difficult sections . On leaving the roof I put a microphone.
The entrance to the meeting is very easy but spectacular, this meeting reminds me of the second meeting of the track "Girls." Roll for whoever can make it clean is a graduate of (6c +), for us mortals, I think we did putting it a step 6a Ae.
The third seems easier is graduated fifth top but the greatest difficulty is the "coconut", there are very few safe and as input will play a fall movie, go hard to the right to pass a there bacon on the meeting to return to the vertical once surpassed, in this section there is no insurance, then we have found a python that shows us the way forward, meeting petri the way we did with the neighboring the "Martini Girl"
The fourth meeting again to share (if you want to be comfortable and well protected) with "Martini Girl" petri but instead of following the same route that, straight as a gun barrel, follows a more natural course, goes diagonally left to overcome the vertical wall section for a shorter and into a dihedral feixa to the meeting where once there follows petri the feixa towards the right meeting. Half roll, there is a point where two chisels for meeting petri and once a feixa too, but three meters to the right is the meeting of the "Martini Girl" more complete worthwhile advantage.
The difficulty of 6a + is concentrated along the vertical wall section, there is a parabolt and can be reinforced with Camelot in a hole that helps you step out on the pitch required, (you set foot on Grass does not give anything up.)
The fifth atragantat we are the first and the third section is better not fall, then find a python and a chisel without insert at this point necessary to make a coconut, petri you have two meters to the right of bolts via neighboring thee and go left to find some blogs that seem to float over the plate, we have not dared to go there and we made out of cowards, seeking petri safety parabolt petri believe that Here the difficulty is much higher but you can rest assured that you can fall without suffering for insurance that protects you.
The sixth is a typical flip navigation Vilanova, no insurance or at least I have not found a difficulty in fourth grade I climbed the last meeting of the track "The S

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

We reached the top in 15 hours with a cloud at your feet, in fact sometime fog engulfed us but the

A sea fog has invaded almost all of Catalonia, mainly lowland areas, in fact in the way you can check it, we do not see anything in the whole journey and thankfully the fog in some places is not consistent we can move pretty well with the car.
At 9, 30 Cal Cherry we are facing a good breakfast but a fly in my ear because even here the fog is very thick pixanera. At 10 we decided that enough is enough and decided to do ronsu climb the wall, where we believe that there will be fog.
Josep input has to deal with the hardest pitch of the road, graded 6c. A fierce struggle of 45 m. leave it to the first meeting, now my turn to suffer, the first section 6a is left to do, it is escalating with water drops and passages of balance but the second part is different now, the rock becomes crusty and rounded passages even need to hold the teeth make Ao hard, do not know how staff can go out there doing it all in free machines.
Second, according to the review easier, though, according to the review. The first meters up under a small roof easily pass the ceiling stretched Ao and the first step of the plate can be done well, the rest is something else, here is the step called "morphological" I would rather say "Bionic." I've tried anyway and I made it through until the end I used a resource pillastre a dulfer left to go to the passengers via the wind (I've already done and is a few meters to the left) is easier. Once the difficult section I return to the road just above the passage "bionic." The other roll is much smoother path to meeting the passengers from the wind.
The third is a graduate of 7a, but not smell it first needed four artificial steps we have made with long loops (do not wear stirrups) to a key, there must be a pair of free movement in the left to take a different line to the parabola meeting, a total of about 15/20 meter roll.
The fourth pitch is softer (6a +) but I was last seen in the second I fly behind the ear and start the roll with a little anxiety, very nice the first few meters, vertical molality handle and an insurance little away until a bridge molality of rock, here a difficulty molality (V + O 6a). Exit bridge already costs a little more rock and leave you a super smooth plate making hand but nothing feet, leaving the parable are half board to do it resolutely, so the following insurance molality is quite far and the terrain is steep, passed this section there are two more insurance to the meeting but land most feasible.
The fifth pitch is equally difficult, according to the review, but to me it side, the rock has changed again and again being rounded and crusty, insurance and a cheerful way to do it for you ".. ..... "Fortunately he has had to put well that takes Visa.
The sixth is admissible or not out of the wall, there are three insurance mostly to signal path and a maximum of five difficulty, but the rock is not good and you have to climb in mind, especially in your final section.
We reached the top in 15 hours with a cloud at your feet, in fact sometime fog engulfed us but the sun has been more. Now just rest down the car and make the beer that we have earned.
PASSENGERS WIND Vilanova de Meia
Select Category Abella Basin (3) Ager (5) Andorra (3) Comiols Benavente (1) Bergen (1) Canalda (2) neck Nargo (3) Collegats (2) Doll (1) Garraf (2) Gelida (1) L'Estartit (1) Malanyeu (2) Mont Roig (4) Montserrat (60) Olesa Montserrat (1) Oliana (1) Ordesa (1) Pedraforca (2) Rock Narieda (9) Pearls (1) Rock Ifach (2) First ascents (3) Riglos (1) Ripollès molality (2) Roc Necklaces (1) Climbing Wall (2) Rubies molality (1) Sant Llorens del Munt (2) San Llorens Montgai (9) Sierra de San Juan (1) Solsona (2) Terradets (11) Tossal Feixa (2) Vilanova de Meia (26)
21 hours ago
Jaumegrimp 2
Torrent Torrent Source Fund and dry

Monday, April 14, 2014

The fifth is short, about ten feet and begins with a fixed rope that is used to protect the entranc

So as we see on the road of Alt Urgell to get into that sea of monolithic quantum stone is the rock of necklaces. Of the three routes that are within our means both are on the left bank and right bank and as we finally four, we decided to go to the left side and diversify ourselves. Xavi and Cristina want to do the way we Alfonso Baron Lluis and I'll track Dionysus (a little easier).
Lluis begins with the first pitch of the fifth degree than makes warms quickly. The limestone in the first meters is super abrasive and lets his fingers quantum in broth, then roll straightening force to enter the meeting.
The third transition is long, in fact, begins with a fixed rope that serves as a guide to abseil down if done with a single rope 60 meters. These first meters are inside a forest and the other plates lying down. The meeting is done in a tree at the foot of a dihedral.
The fifth is short, about ten feet and begins with a fixed rope that is used to protect the entrance to the meeting quantum in the fall with a single rope, then crossed a small forest to the foot of the last wall.
Since we have no news of colleagues to walk the track and still get to see them making the sixth pitch, quantum so we have time to do something else and decided to get to a road that crosses the and has Three runs the securely but we do not have the name or specific references, only remember that the book says rock walls and spiers of Alt Urgell M. White, citing and review.
The tensioners are mounted and two to be back on the floor, but we have had to wait a while for us to reunite with classmates decided to go down to do the channel that is just to the left of buttress and even ready to go down has cost so much dirty as it was.
Hello James how everything? To the left of Dioni we had a way of sports and now there are two, one with a rope hanging off the forest seems want to continue and the right is a colorful rope in an area not known any way. How do you say good, very good area, you have to walk quite a shame to go there, but well worth it. Good escaldes J. ESTRUCH Delete Reply
Select Category Abella Basin (3) Ager (5) Andorra (3) Comiols Benavente (1) Bergen (1) Canalda (2) neck Nargo (3) Collegats (2) Doll (1) Garraf (2) Gelida (1) L'Estartit (1) Malanyeu (2) Mont Roig (4) Montserrat (60) Olesa Montserrat (1) Oliana (1) Ordesa (1) Pedraforca (2) Rock Narieda (9) Pearls (1) Rock Ifach (2) First ascents (3) Riglos (1) Ripolles (2) Roc Necklaces (1) Climbing Wall (2) Rubies (1) Sant Llorens del Munt (2) San Llorens Montgai (9) Sierra quantum de San Juan (1) Solsona (2) Terradets (11) Tossal Feixa (2) Vilanova de Meia (26)
20 hours ago
Jaumegrimp quantum 2
Torrent Torrent Source Fund and dry

Sunday, April 13, 2014

I go up to the roof and try to put a Camelot, but the first jolt checking break the rock and desist

Leaving Esparraguera at 7, 30 and we're back where there must Cherry climbers, only a handful of hunters. We left the bar to go to the meadow where we parked the car, the track is on the left side of the wall so we better leave the car in the area.
We target a very determined, although it is a bit risky, we are in time with fewer hours of daylight and the sun disappears over the wall 5. Therefore organism will not entertain us unless we happen to be cold ' s night match on the wall.
At 10, we are 30 foot wall but it is clear where it begins, and that the more we look, luckily some friends who Montse Pueyo guide us (we are under the Bambolim, one of our next objectives) and we need to flank about 100 yards to the right.
Finally at eleven we walk via Visa and starts organism climbing, but not before giving me a fright. organism Has left the insurer and we are in a slip stop climbing for another day, but as we have more moral than alcoyano, we decided to go up and be what God wants, to make sure the first with my "alpine up" and the second with a prússic. Hopefully we do not need to give up because doing so can become a problem.
The first pitch is rock fucking ugly, luckily there are four parables give us moral (we do not find anything modern organism material) beginning with fifth grade and then we need to do three steps Ao. Admission to the meeting is a feixa. The roll is 35 meters.
The second in what refers to the rock remains the same but the difficulty of entry is lower, about five feet above the meeting there is one other that I go and jump diagonally upward to the right of the bottom one dihedral. Here I need to put a microphone, as there is nothing to roll and the following section is sensitive (such as marble slips). There is a point where people are crushed with a rock hammer to make it rough but still keeps sliding. At the bottom there is a dihedral python fail to make a dulfer and reach the first expansion of artificial three steps and I'm at the meeting.
Third it is up to Joseph, this roll there is a showcase of all the utensils that were used to open the roads, there are pythons, seers and some of chisel Espit glad to see the view. Josep has made meeting the first match, this meeting is part of the way "last alternative" but has done well because I've seen to make the next meeting and hoped that ten not do, fear that had past, there are only two chisels and is completely hung. The pitch worked and is uncomfortable to do and must try hard. Josep resolved organism without roll pin, even with his art to put hooks and his ability to make free trips, including insurance and insurance.
The fourth up to me and I was tempted to tell him if he wanted to do it, but luck is luck and if I touched myself, who will - to Pring!. I do the first 4 or 5 steps that artificially made it up the meeting and now I feel the bone of the road, I go to the left horizontally to go to find a python that just scares view (middle left, old and twisted towards the valley, as if it held a lot of sacks) to get there I put a Camelot that has been fine. The rock has changed, I'm in an area with water drops and progression is good until another key is now when the kill, nothing until a dihedral located 10 meters to the left, middle, organism a very gloomy to be skirt ceiling below and with few possibilities to protect it.
I go up to the roof and try to put a Camelot, but the first jolt checking break the rock and desist. Instead a lake thyme, more moral than to safety and begin the journey that brings me up with a dihedral burin savior overcome this step Camelot organism gives me a moral to the last ten meters to the meeting that has the feixa. Run very committed and do the work "coconut" is very difficult to 6th maintained.
It seems that according to the review organism here just great difficulties, but that, nothing, organism the next flip graduated fifth higher vertical organism force and begins the first chisel is 6 or 7 feet above the ground, organism luckily there is a lot good decision. Then you follow the right wall of a vertical dihedral very few insurance, two pythons, but one of them to touch the Joseph decides to flee and now there is only one and Joseph suffered a scare in found him in the hands without having any force.
This despite being thrown graduated fifth top head would not

Select Category Abella Basin (3) Ager (5) Andorra (3) Comiols Benavente (1) Bergen (1) Canalda (2)

This week it seems that time gives us a breather before quantum numbers it returns to worsen again over the weekend, initially wanted to go to climb three companions but a small domestic incident that Visa has entered new shipyard for repairs their physical structures, the temporadeta have a rest. Company I send from here a message quantum numbers of encouragement and good vibes. RECUPERA'T soon COMPANY!.
With all these changes, we decided to do something and we opted for softer zone Camarasa (closer to the Pyrenees, coarse paint). Choose not to walk too socket Mont-Roig, although quantum numbers it is an area where I have only been once and did not get out very happy.
The first pitch is very nice, especially after the first ten meters that are a little broken, once the rest of the stones clean bouncy (although there is a new path to) be fun, the difficulty the found slightly lower than the review says, but this topic is very subjective (I put the review grades that we have done).
The third follows the same thread, graduate entry step 6a and well protected to save you a barbecue plundering excitement in this passage taken from left to right is not that difficult and then it easier to located the last meeting uploaded a small forest.
The fourth begins very nice, still a very strong dihedral fun and then go through a feixa the edge and get to the meeting, the difficulty of the first section is fifth higher difficulty gradually go down until you reach the meeting where walking.
The villa has a small wall of 10/15 meters higher than fifth, vertical, well-insured, then crossed to the foot of a feixa next wall, but there is clearly meeting where needed because it is the foot of a chimney marked.
The sixth pitch goes into the chimney to a python, this stretch is best done with a technique socket hanging backpack and carry if we carry, we can pull other with technical progress dihedral quietly graduation is higher than fifth overall and the first section is a bit difficult to make but we could put a little Camelot at first.
The seventh person is the most complete flip of the track, input must be protected almost all (there are only a half roll python). The first section is powerful and the rock is regular but it was quite good, we have three Camelots the beginning and two at the end of the roll.
The difficulty proposed by the openness here I quite wise, the meeting is at the end of the spur but touching the wall below, I preferred to extend it until the end of esperonet to see the companion in its progression.
The idea was first down the rappel who has installed the first channel but I have not been able to find the download quantum numbers approach and we had to drop down the channel beneath the far wall.
The way we liked and I was quite taken the bitter aftertaste of the last activity on the wall, surely there again, especially to see the possibilities that lines the wall and you're working the rock.
Rabada Navarre Fire
Select Category Abella Basin (3) Ager (5) Andorra (3) Comiols Benavente (1) Bergen (1) Canalda (2) neck Nargo (3) Collegats (2) Doll (1) Garraf (2) Gelida (1) L'Estartit (1) Malanyeu (2) Mont Roig (4) Montserrat (60) Olesa Montserrat (1) Oliana (1) Ordesa (1) Pedraforca (2) Rock Narieda (9) Pearls quantum numbers (1) Rock Ifach (2) First ascents (3) Riglos (1) Ripolles (2) Roc Necklaces (1) Climbing Wall (2) Rubies (1) Sant Llorens quantum numbers del Munt (2) San Llorens Montgai (9) Sierra quantum numbers de San Juan (1) Solsona (2) Terradets (11) Tossal Feixa (2) Vilanova de Meia (26)
Manel & Ita
Cambre d'Aze western hill. 2,718 m.
1 year ago

Saturday, April 12, 2014

THE photometry photometry camera exposure modes, the need to measure the light emerges at the begin

Home Page Photo Philosophy: "I say, miento photographed" Large Format and descentraments (taken from Aulafoto) Lessons Aulafoto (summary of contents photographic technique) Images selected. student work (Mafa technical file photo) Interpretation of lighting and compositions of painting and illustration (work coordinated by the Mafa dawn Serra Bee EASD) approach and texture. Aging and rejuvenation Digital (work coordinated by Mafa dawn) superheroes Photographic stereoscopic (anaglifos by Mafa dawn and students) Optical Photo Photographic Technique (summary of theoretical)
THE photometry photometry camera exposure modes, the need to measure the light emerges at the beginning of s. Until the twentieth then determined empirically by observing the results of the tests as a consequence of the characteristics of the scenes and photosensitive materials used. MODE is done holding the film: - ORTOCROMÀTIQUES were (only sensitive to the ultraviolet range of the view) red light could be revealed security in the same way that today we can reveal the role balnc and black. you could see literally will be revealed (blackening) IMAGE so, to reach the degree of blackening wish they could disrupt the development process. - Had very low sensitivity long exposure time (minutes) errors as not a failure irreparable (and could be corrected for the developer). - In calculating exposure predominant experience of the photographer. - There are not instruments that measure LIGHT Except the only attempt performed: The ACTINÒMETRE (1888: Hurt & Driffield) The measuring device consisted of a few tables and a rotating cylinder graduated calculation based on a number of variables such as: a) geographic latitude b) time of the year c) The time of day) Etc ... 1932 effectively developed first instruments to measure PRECISION LIGHT. MADE WITH CELL selenium produced a certain amount of electircitat when light is incident. In this mode, a system of pins and graduates could find was what you require plant cell diagram for the correct exposure for a given sensitivity of film THE NEED OF A PRECISION INSTRUMENT FOR MEASURING THE LIGHT OF GIVEN SCENE CAME FOR THE EVOLUTION AND CONSEQUENTIAL perfecting photographic films. These were more sensitive, to also extend the sensitivity to colors, UP RED FILMS panchromatic .) Shorter and more time is needed PRECISSOS.) Could not be revealed LIGHT SEGURTAT, plant cell diagram but TANKS airtight TIME PREVIOUSLY CALCULATED currently plant cell diagram have sophisticated measuring systems built into our cameras allow us to expose properly. But even the most sophisticated are unable to perform well under certain conditions with. THE photometers operate remain the same, then follow plant cell diagram calibrated the same way that 70 years ago: All "SEE" a certain plant cell diagram kind of scene that corresponds to a type of callers GREY GREY MEDIUM. Measured with the camera plant cell diagram should be noted that the reflected light photometer built our camera always shows the same, ie; the same kind of scenes for which has been calibrated: Those that reflect 18% of light impinging. This results in a gray half of it when we leave the same type of such scenes (roughly plant cell diagram 80%) all photometers "fail." MEASUREMENT OPTIONS: 1) with central prepoderància 2) timely 3) matrix (evaluative or segments) 1) measured preponderance CENTRAL: Emphasized the center of the frame. Show errors or problems: a) if the main subject is not the center of the image b) landscapes, because the light from the sky is more intense than reflecting terre are recommended exposure and modify the frame. 2) Metering: Similar to the above, but in a narrower angle (corresponding to the innermost concentric circle in the viewfinder) In expert hands is useful for evaluating the resistance and take measures and independent and you require to: - umes - shadows - midtone 3) MEASURE plant cell diagram MATRIX: The cameras more advanced and generally, the SLRD consists plant cell diagram of dividing the frame into a number of segments (from 6'21 to 1005 NIKON areas that matter) in which are individual measures will be evaluated and processed by the system to give a proper exposure.
OBJECTIVES photographs